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  • #1020976

    don’t have a problem with court  having  to rule. after all its  basis of our laws.  I do note that she  has openly said it  will be retorts for her. Like richard branson and T blair ,  putting up money and pushing to  drop brexit. ( very anti democratic)  while remainers may see her as  triumphant heroine .  note peter mandelson whom has a rather suspect past here ( can’t make allegations ) has bene awarded legion  De Honor  from France.  for services to EU.       we all have  different  views of leaving or  staying. latest  news is that  it will no be a gradual  leaving with EU laws etc  taking precedence  for at least 5 years  after we technically leave(  or  are we in fact staying but just saying we left?)   given  rest of EU  has  stated  we will be heavily punished for daring to leave and  face 50-60 billion  euro bill for doing so.   we have to look at  long term. most banks  . politicians etc  were saying UK  would  be on knees  and  tend of thousands of jobs  lost. currently even bank of England is having to eat humble pie.   some  media sources  are  know as pro EU  so biased  reporting.   stop attacking each other as we live here and need to work with each other t make UK a success. it is  after in in our  own interests to do so.  lets hope we  get past the back stabbing stage and  can work  with other  countries to pursue a meaningful and worthy future  with each other.  last point .  main thrust of leaving was to regain  sovereig rule over  selves and  stop mass immigration . already we have agreed to allow hundred of thousands of immigrants in over next  5 years.  so  remainers  are effectively winning it seems.



      you will find  in any chat room a few  whom get  nasty to others .often without reason.  this is same as bullies  do .picking on somebody to reinforce  selves but well known in psychology as over compensation. in short in real world they are nothing and get ignored so get angry and lash out etc at others   to be ‘noticed’             bit like graffiti artists , needing to be noticed. more you feed them  or react then more they feel  empowered and carry on  . often desperate  to upset a person to get a reaction.  better to ignore  and eventually evene the most  stupid and stubborn one  gets bored and wanders off. :unsure:

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     welocme to site. do enjoy . though men  will be annoying in pm’s try and ignore them. many here are great .

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    concrete bollards  would not stop a juggernaut nor would stingers though they would slow it down.  there are metal  bollards  designed to  stop  virtually a tank .they rise up from ground.  they already use these around world and  can definitely stop a 40 ton loaded lorry  at 60mph. true it writes off bollard but  vehicle itself is  reduced to scrap within 15-20 feet.

    no easy answer to  terrorists as its  a religious thing. sadly here in UK  this  actual religion is treated  with kid gloves as fear of escalation and violence  etc from them.  with  Islam dedicated to world domination  one religion and  reward  here or in heaven  ..we  have as about as much chance of getting full integration as  UK landing on moon.  shame as Islam  name itself  means ‘peace’ but every example seem sot  be exact opposite.  we need more muslims to speak out against the perverted ones whom seek  to bring us into direct  conflict with Islam ( the main goal as always ) with  extremely poor immigration controls and as much effect on small  ports and airfield s as sieve we are wide open  for abuse. :scratch:


    shame such political correctness is  failing to address they  actual concept  by  setting aside tradition and culture that may cause offence . the ideas behind such actions can be  from well meaning and worthy desires to  allow all to  live  happily side by side in a ‘perfect world’ .sadly they  do not allow all inclusiveness they they are trying to achieve as they sideline they very  citizens they want to integrate with the  incoming newcomers etc.     I  and many I know are offended by the full face covering with just eye  slits but our feelings are considered racist and xenophobic etc  as brushed aside. no comment or views allowed without penalty etc . its not  majority of voters joining our  country or community that are all not integrating but the natural  state  of play where  all enclaves the attract  more of same ilk are when at a strong local stage ( even national)  getting organised to push own  culture and agenda.  this gets  political  backing  past point of logic  and reason by overriding such  traditions and culture as exist.  I can fully understand why some things   are  now considered to cause offence and outlawed etc  ( Golliwogs  for example)  as they do cause offence and we can see both sides of  viewpoints.  however we see increasing  case of  british values being set aside  to accommodate   others whom hold little or no regard  for the very  country they are fortunate enough to reside in.  Sharia law  areas have been set up .  Police have to refer offenders to these and not our local  courts etc   mandatory consolations with ‘community leaders’.   a polite word for immigrant  enclaves .  there is not enough balance  and open discussion  with  such groups  so integration is  and will fail.  Islam  for example  is supposed to mean ‘peace; but it can be hard to get a single example of this but many many example of opposite . we  respect females here but others treat them as objects.  for example Uk  allows  others to have more than one wife  as its  religion and tradition ( even though not ours and we  find that offensive) . we even PAY benefits to  ALL the wives.  yet they  in many case despise our  attitudes and  religions. the world is going to change in next decade or so and  it won’t  be for benefit of   residents  whom were brought up  to encompass  all walks of life and all cultures when one  group is not willing to do so and is getting premium treatment above residents wishes.aspirations etc . even this mailing will be subject  review  and removal if it causes ‘offence;. :unsure:    :wacko:


    procrastination is a habit as well as detrimental  to our lives.  now if only I had done what I set out to do the other week..

    try  setting oneself a task when  we aware we putting things off. then the task being to do  that and one other chore before relaxing.  with practise we can break the chain and begin to do things a they  become due rather than putting them aside until..


    and  flagged it down


     there is  some  confusion generally, for example  T Blair didn’t check with parliament  before taking us into a war.   there is much pressure  to reverse the referendum  and that ought to be  not allowed to occur.  right or wrong whichever way you see it it was a vote and vote was clear.  after all when we vote   and MP in we don’t  have a second go at  voting in case we got it wrong!    yes  consequences  economically will occur as EU has  openly stated Uk must be punished for leaving.   this is a pain we must suffer in order to have a democracy.  all hinges around it seems ‘open borders’.  EU hinted  if we  carry on  paying for membership benefits ( increasing year on year)  and allow unrestricted  movement of people  we can have free trade  ( in short we never leave) . since  the main thrust of UK  would appear to be wanting  immigration controlled ( not stopped)   this is simply at odds with EU and is  unreasonable though  attempts are being mad dot fudge it e.g.  restricting numbers to several hundred thousand a year instead of unrestricted etc  sort of a way of saying you did leave  but in fact  didn’t .  democracy itself now hinges on one  pivot point. if  we do leave as Uk voted then  it wins, if we fudge it or run another referendum  there isn’t a democracy.


    cant beat a nice looking pussy :yahoo:


    :scratch: traffic road works and other drivers but that normal. on the blow torch comment. very doubtful assistant would know working temperature of torch and to a degree will depend on air oxygen mix .gas type used and flow rates etc.
    300 degress celsius would seem about right ball park though. enough to easily melt solder. burn off paint and blister skin etc not careful. :bye:

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