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  • #1045955

    cant answer for my brother whom owns a harley ‘fatboy’  . he wears  crash helmet . decent riding boots and  leather jacket. jeans  are some sort of  woven material  also used  in racing cars . carbon fibre based I think?   as  an ex  police motorcyclist  an traffic officer he has seen  many  incidents  cars. bikes and pedestrians.  not  aware w get 40 C here in UK but have seen him in all his gear  at 29 C .and yes he was hot and sweaty .. not a good look.   I  have commented  about  motor cyclists  and he  says two sides  to a coin as card drivers  do not look for them etc however he also admitted  a lot of bikers  do  exceed limits and drive as though road rules do not apply.   one stretch of road along old A13 in essex  had numerous bikers  getting hurt until  highways  had dozen or so  keep left bollards  installed and  herring bones .no overtaking double lines etc  and accident rate dropped to ‘zilch’    as an ex biker myself i am aware drivers  do not look for  bikers  but  bikers them selves are biggest influence in  reducing accident to selves . :unsure:


    everybody will have own views on  politics.  nations are defined by the people within.  comment on Powell is point of view. he was probably before his time. even his ‘racist’  comment on rivers of blood over immigration proved  almost prophetic ( policemans head almost severed to be used as a  football etc)   freedom to move  is not a right as such.  all areas in world are ‘owned’ by somebody or a collection of  people ( called governments)  though  one may in an idealistic  world think one ought to be able to wander  anywhere around globe doing as we wish. reality is  different due to rules we adhere to (  well most of us) .  one has no more right  pitch up a tent in somebodies garden than one does to move into  another country to suit oneself in most cases .  current world trends  are  altering this at moment  with EU seemingly intent of removing any ‘ownership’  rights and  saying  all must share etc.  community ? socialism? etc  even communism has point of view one may or may not agree with but all things change given time.  It may even seem at odds that such ideas as nation are being set aside to  get a ‘bigger’  ( nation?)  community of  countries.  economics of  each area (or country) can be destroyed or raised by  ‘free’ movement of  people.  such are the difficulties of modern world.  conflict occurring as normal where  different ideals. religions etc meet  and have opposing views.   high population levels as always being base for most  issues but no  real way of  checking  growth or dealing with it  has arisen as  nearly all modern  world economics is based on such. ( called growth)   :unsure: can we but hope that in time a more suitable way forward can be arrived at that  meets say halfway .  compromise often being resolution of  many issues.


    :unsure: welcome to  site. many are nice and friendly but as in all chat room  we get a  number whom seek to annoy or cause issues.  you will get to know these given time.

    you probably feel unsure at moment as new and not chatted to anybody.  that will change as soon as you say hi in main room and throw in 2pence worth of comment  or just hello.

    it can take a while before you sort out  good form bad .  private messages  form men are often to  be expected sadly and  nearly  all are unwanted .. sure you can understand why.

    try and chat to  females in room  first. they   often know whom to  avoid and whom will chat  freely and  nicely. good luck .do hope you enjoy it. failing that get back to me and i  will suggest another chat  site. :mail:


    dont recall seeing  you in chat room?  so  can’t think what to ask other than ..why not..most  are ok and  nobody bites ..well so far . :mail:


    with the Cuba crisis Russia won that power play though media etc were tall it had backed down. Russia and USA  made a deal. ( only just coming to light ) so USA could save face.

    while we  may have psychopath running N Korea. we  can’t compare with Trump. yes . he can act oddly and is  far more self centred and outspoken than  his former leaders. he  has a full range of level headed staff around him whom for example won’t simply sit back and allow him to ‘push’ a nuclear button on a whim.

    much of this is sabre rattling. the only worry here is if the Korean nutter fail to listen to China and russia giving direction and thinks  he can actually take on ( at the moment)  worlds leading  military  power and live!

    so rest easy, odds are very unlikey usa will cause  any heavy reaction even if its warships are attacked by Korea . probably a  dozen or so cruise missiles in return  to  let him know he can’t  throw his dummy into USA playground without rebuke.  on Koreas  part despite  what appears to be  full obedience to his every whim by his military .. there will be increasing worry for him that if he pushes too far  ..his own staff may take him out. thus nullifying risks to selves and families  etc. wonder if He has food tasters  in place as well as body guards ?


    still  an issue .  we have made a democratic  decision and  we will be made to suffer for it ( EU has openly said  so ) however already  we have  back peddling  by government  e.g.  immigration  not to be restricted for at least  5 years. all ongoing EU rules etc to be adopted  and so on.   we have to start  wondering if  with new government in few  years time . no real changes to immigration control etc  another referendum will be held .  having suffered badly by leaving  made to go cap in hand to EU asking to rejoin?         thus  allowing EU to say it was right all along and remainers  pushing  leaving  voters to  set aside  any thought of self  governance  or independence  as economic  needs outweigh  sovereignty  and desire for  freedom etc.   one   tries not  to be cynical  but wonder if  government  is quietly  paving way  for UK  ltd  to fail  after leaving  in order to do vote  right way?  after all didn’t we see Ireland having to vote again and again until it voted ‘ correctly’. :negative:


    dogs can become part of family to a surprising degree.  we lost ours and  there is a huge vacuum at first.  many pictures that show her enjoying life .  we keep her in our memories and hearts.   sorry for your loss.  those whom do not have loving pets  will not understand. its  a bit like not understanding  relationship and affection  if not a parent.   :unsure:


    this is an emotional issue as well as  an economic one.  I know  many people whom work in NHS.  well aware of scams  to get free treatment  and fast tracking ( yes it goes on but is  hidden and denied at  all stages  with collusion of those working in service)  UK always has and would never refuse to treat  an emergency regardless of country of origin.  disagree  those with higher incomes ought to have to pay as  already paying via  %  in taxes . unreasonable to pay twice.  many in NHS  do not want to get involved in checking funds  etc from users. we are at a critical stage where NHS is  virtually  bankrupt  and needs all the  funding it can get. Have had treatment abroad and so have many I know. In every case EU card.insuarnce etc was checked BEFORE  offering  even a sticking plaster. plus having to pay for drugs and other bits after leaving  the hospital or clinic.  So  we  are only in fact  trying to do as other countries do. sadly  our  generous ( and often stupid) way of throwing money at others like confetti is not helping those here whom  are paying for it all.   bottom line is  we need urgently to stop fraud  and  thus  added burden  on NHS.   those whom  disagree  are often well meaning  and charitable  ( as we can see  from billions we  give away every year overseas ) but  either naive or unaware  the staggering  level of abuse. even the minister  running it says the amount is a drop in  ocean against full  cost of  NHS .ignoring at highest level the fact that at least an estimated £50.000.000  a year  is being  spent and unrecovered. simple checks  and  costs  for illegal  or non payment of treatment  ought to be levelled as  a  tax on incoming tourists  e.g. £1  for every visitor.  tax   to be paid  before entering UK . if you think thats unfair ..try leaving Thailand without paying the  leaving tax! ( yes you have to pay a fee to leave)  :mail: some countries are famous for non payment and even have classes  to tach you how to claim and get free treatment when arriving in UK . try visiting London  hospitals free emergency treatment for  toothache.  It looked ( I stand to be corrected) like I was the only UK resident person  there and yet everybody was getting ‘free’ treatment.  I think we need to  start  having to pay when we enter ( emergency  aside) and reclaim  costs. thus ensuring NHS   gets cash in tills.


    don’t have a problem with court  having  to rule. after all its  basis of our laws.  I do note that she  has openly said it  will be retorts for her. Like richard branson and T blair ,  putting up money and pushing to  drop brexit. ( very anti democratic)  while remainers may see her as  triumphant heroine .  note peter mandelson whom has a rather suspect past here ( can’t make allegations ) has bene awarded legion  De Honor  from France.  for services to EU.       we all have  different  views of leaving or  staying. latest  news is that  it will no be a gradual  leaving with EU laws etc  taking precedence  for at least 5 years  after we technically leave(  or  are we in fact staying but just saying we left?)   given  rest of EU  has  stated  we will be heavily punished for daring to leave and  face 50-60 billion  euro bill for doing so.   we have to look at  long term. most banks  . politicians etc  were saying UK  would  be on knees  and  tend of thousands of jobs  lost. currently even bank of England is having to eat humble pie.   some  media sources  are  know as pro EU  so biased  reporting.   stop attacking each other as we live here and need to work with each other t make UK a success. it is  after in in our  own interests to do so.  lets hope we  get past the back stabbing stage and  can work  with other  countries to pursue a meaningful and worthy future  with each other.  last point .  main thrust of leaving was to regain  sovereig rule over  selves and  stop mass immigration . already we have agreed to allow hundred of thousands of immigrants in over next  5 years.  so  remainers  are effectively winning it seems.



      you will find  in any chat room a few  whom get  nasty to others .often without reason.  this is same as bullies  do .picking on somebody to reinforce  selves but well known in psychology as over compensation. in short in real world they are nothing and get ignored so get angry and lash out etc at others   to be ‘noticed’             bit like graffiti artists , needing to be noticed. more you feed them  or react then more they feel  empowered and carry on  . often desperate  to upset a person to get a reaction.  better to ignore  and eventually evene the most  stupid and stubborn one  gets bored and wanders off. :unsure:

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