always going to be an argumentative subject a s seem two clear divides. those that want stay as a satellite. state of EU .( nearly half it seems) and rest whom want to become a self governing country again.
bearing in mind how many countries have fought for such freedoms such as India.USA etc it seems odd in way that since this is not a war but an economic and political issue that there is not straight forward common sense. resolution. however EU. to be fair did state that they need to make an example of anybody leaving EU so to put off any others considering ( such as Italy .greece) so in reality. we will get no concessions at all. hence May’s attitude to try and. not actually ‘leave’ except under ra label of leaving .. if you examine the white paper etc we can see that not much will change. fixing. grounds belong to UK remain under EU jurisdiction as does law making financial. rules. immigration and so on, in essence. we are not actually leaving other than minor surface changes such as having to get a visa ( which we did before joining and is no worry). not worth worrying about as leavers are going to get shortchanged anyway and retainers will in fact be remaining except technically for years and years..a steely try and overturn the referendum at a later date( all parties have admitted to wanting that as politics is. far more important than democracy after all)
prefer not to be talking balls..cotton or otherwise .. aware. bumble bees do not seem to obey our calculations for flight/weight /wing span etc . however we don not know everything and nature often surprises us. wasn’t that long ago we found boson particle and an energy wave that can change state without reason! being either one thing or another at random. only thing I think that bothers many of us is work phobia.. hence many avoid it at all costs!
like food or drink. everybody ha sown likes .dislikes and ideas. so a bit of. an impossible. answer ? or not?
basics are clear. entertaining. engrossing. storyline or action that draws spectator into it and forget life in real world . finally when we come away after it ends. memories we want to share with others . feeling glad we saw it .
a few rather simple looks at the situation. in reality it is becoming clear that we will stay in EU economic zone ( having to pay dearly to do so) but have no voting rights or say in how it’s run etc sort on no win situation but essentially remainers winning in a way but will still whinge as when having no say etc blaming. Brexit folks. actually irrelevant the details as all parties are agreed on a fudge .sort of paying lip service to democracy ( voted to leave) whilst in reality. staying under a different label.
MP’s in etc main enjoy EU benefits and are also responding to business demands to stay ( cheap labour .more profits etc) media also biased. Cameron and others were so far out of touch with electorate they only held referendum as they thought it would be a resounding yes! ( he has admitted that) and despite promising to ‘lead’ Uk whichever way it went . almost instantly resigned when he didn’t get result he wanted. only good thing so far is no further referendums ! ( Ireland had to vote 3 times before it voted ‘correctly’ ) as to soem MP’s still arguing there constituents voted to remains so will fight to overturn referendum.. thats as they want to stay elected as MP’s and NOT to represent. democracy ( most of those are in areas where very high immigration is and will of course be reflected views of a smaller section of society with a vested interest in staying under EU .human immigration number limits etc) anyway. we all had. a say for once ..government has made it clear NO more referendums will be allowed ( democracy frightens them) and house of Lords has made it clear it wants a soft Brexit soft we actually just change label on door from member to associate .( as before. we still pay .obey but no say)
clacton on sea and surrounds ..just had Englands first public rally car stages run on public roads. cars set off from clacton driving ordinary roads before entering closed off sections for real. rally racing. an small old sea side town with decent beaches. especially further along.
annual airshow normally with red arrows . this year tornado fighter ( the euro jet) taking part. free too. town itself is old as expected with just a handful of the penny arcades and the normal restaurants/pub stuff.
We have bene to black pool twice and will go a third time to dance in its ballroom with friends hopefully next year. found that town ok but tired bleak and nothing exciting ( did see the. lights too) though the tower is def Wirth seeing. I even helped. two old ladies over the glass panel in observation deck ..
back to the area here. near or many other areas. wishing an hour or so drive including Harwich ferry ( booked already for my dutch trip) folk are generally. more friendly and pace of life a tad slower than London. countryside an d villages full of decent scenery and nice village pubs etc overall can compare favourably with many other places .
if an alien species has capability for intergalactic travel. it will so advanced it will either see us as a savage over breeding and destructive but possibly interesting animal or simply see us as something to get rid of if they want planet or resources. much like when we went to foreign lands and viewed local tribes as ‘savages’ and simply needing eradicating.
wife tried this, was a bit painful for 24 hours. effects don’t last. now shelled out for veneers .pricey but effective . so white smile to match her blue sparkling eyes. may be worth a try but if you check with dentists its not long lasting and isn’t actually good for teeth if i recall correctly.
Clacton area is often sunny and dry when other parts are wet and grey. we have clear shows . august bang holiday. a food fest weekend in Thorpe le Soken and an air show just before bank holiday end of august. decent beaches .especially going up into Frinton. most are friendly and even strangers have been known to say good morning in passing. even at the much maligned in media area of Jaywick ( actually made up of three areas .two are perfectly normal housing areas and only one small part is the area focused on by TV crews whom supply beer and smokes to locals to get effect for the shows ) .this area actually has nice curved beach area of gently sloping sands ( yes sand!) So though not in first place in many peoples books as place at top of a want to see list. The area does have its own interesting points with martello towers and high tower at the Naze .
maybe its a line we need to cross? if it gets results . has these men worried that anybody may sell them out etc.. then an investment in young kids futures and though one may argue finer political points and niceties. real world is full of nasty folk and its the innocents whom get hurt. we need many more that can point fingers and put nasty people away and frightened to abuse others etc.
not using my bike much these days . knees don’t help but thats not reason enough. just too much going on and if honest cycling isn’t at top of agenda at moment. see lots of cyclists on roads around here.mostly in lycra with helmets and gloves going at fair rate. other are kid son bikes mainly on pavements and often doing the modern craze of ‘wheelies’. wife nearly getting knocked dover by one coming out of boots chemists. cycling on pavements technically illegal but isn’t enforced here in clacton and surrounds . neither is parking on grass verges come to that lol. cycling is good for health ( unless you get hit by one!) and many do it for charity too. though last cycle group here was about road safety and environment issues called ‘naked bikers’ seems its held annually . first time we found out when was we came out of a turning an found ourselves following naked.apart from shoes and back packs , bikers . wife noted only one female .rest all male lol