even here where comments are invited to improve things I see argumentative attitudes and even a swear word used! lack of admin whom can ban or permanently stop an intruder whom creates mayhem might go a long way to helping things. at moment quiet a few seem to know each other and use descriptive. titles that bear no relation at times to person title listed. thsi my be nice to call somebody a nickname etc but will not allow followers in chat whom are not up to speed too know whom is chatting to whom. many get abuse within moments of entering room fo Ron reason at all. had a few attacks on myself too. this alone will have any new visitors never coming back. site will die unless its used . we need rules where politeness is expected and given. if somebody has. an attitude or wants to flame or abuse another person ? that needs to stopped. how about enabling a group ban ? so that ion more than 2 people have somebody on Iggy it comes up for a vote in room? vote to ban that number/name for 48 hours or allow to remain. aware not ideal as some abusers have ‘mates’ but without. admin such as LE whom can take direct action. this chatroom is not looking healthy . the other chat room I use has robots that auotmatically kick any abuse/swearing out.
fir first time in my life I will be going to a march in London .yes I am all for leaving EU .we were sold into it as a trading arrangement but has evolved to a federal superstate and Lisbon treaty etc will have us forever as a vassal state . stock exchange. going to be moved. gold reserves shipped out etc even major planning applications for your helicopter landing pad etc. will be via Paris . all came bout due to high levels of immigration and Uk inability to police its own borders or put numbers on migrants etc . aware EU offered many nice things but essentially UK being stripped of right to self govern and that is Not what we signed up for. sadly Democracy itself at stake here .hence my taking part in first ever public event . wonder if I will get arrested ?
stayed at MGM Grand .didnt see Elvis though. aware many countries have. marked contrast in rich rights next to dirt poor ( try Hong Kong) . this is nothing new and is increasing world over. part of problem is mass population expansion and finite resources .
at moment looking a though current leave. will be postponed for another 2 years. under guise of too bad for. country! what nobody political wise is saying is that democracy in Uk is at great risk by doing that!
was Not what was voted. on. was a simple stay or leave! leave therefore ought to occur on date agreed. ANY other deals can be negotiated during leaving period OR afterwards.
sadly media ( BBC included) are so biased against us leaving ( as are profit interests of businesses and many MP’s) that true democracy will likely be slain to keep these people happy! a sad. day for Uk and all those that fought and died fro democracy in past! wasn’t much point winning second world war it seems as we are surrendering without a shot being fired.
sorry to hear that Jamie. probably logged your IP address. though surprised as iv’e seen quiet a few arguments and abuse being ignored! I use the principal not to respond as it takes two to argue. Tempting as it may be especially if unwarranted but there are lots of people whom hurl abuse at innocent people deliberately. to get a response! been there .. bets to simply Iggy them and. not worry about what they say .it actually Irks them more you not acknowledging their presence !
no idea how long ban is .have we tried using other rooms ?