just H replied to the topic Wel said, 90 year old lady in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 11 months ago
still an issue . we have made a democratic decision and we will be made to suffer for it ( EU has openly said so ) however already we have back peddling by government e.g. immigration not to be restricted for at least 5 years. all ongoing EU rules etc to be adopted and so on. we have to start wondering if with new government in f…[Read more]
just H replied to the topic RIP xx in the forum Chat forum two boards 7 years, 11 months ago
dogs can become part of family to a surprising degree. we lost ours and there is a huge vacuum at first. many pictures that show her enjoying life . we keep her in our memories and hearts. sorry for your loss. those whom do not have loving pets will not understand. its a bit like not understanding relationship and affection if not a par…[Read more]
just H changed their profile picture 7 years, 11 months ago
just H replied to the topic Health tourists …. in the forum Getting serious 8 years, 1 month ago
this is an emotional issue as well as an economic one. I know many people whom work in NHS. well aware of scams to get free treatment and fast tracking ( yes it goes on but is hidden and denied at all stages with collusion of those working in service) UK always has and would never refuse to treat an emergency regardless of country of…[Read more]
just H replied to the topic A Brave Woman in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 1 month ago
don’t have a problem with court having to rule. after all its basis of our laws. I do note that she has openly said it will be retorts for her. Like richard branson and T blair , putting up money and pushing to drop brexit. ( very anti democratic) while remainers may see her as triumphant heroine . note peter mandelson whom has a rath…[Read more]
just H replied to the topic some ppl need stay out of others life in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 1 month ago
you will find in any chat room a few whom get nasty to others .often without reason. this is same as bullies do .picking on somebody to reinforce selves but well known in psychology as over compensation. in short in real world they are nothing and get ignored so get angry and lash out etc at others to be ‘noticed’ bit like g…[Read more]
just H replied to the topic Hello, my name is Laura and I'm from Spain in the forum Say hello! 8 years, 1 month ago
welocme to site. do enjoy . though men will be annoying in pm’s try and ignore them. many here are great .
just H replied to the topic Berlin in the forum Getting serious 8 years, 2 months ago
concrete bollards would not stop a juggernaut nor would stingers though they would slow it down. there are metal bollards designed to stop virtually a tank .they rise up from ground. they already use these around world and can definitely stop a 40 ton loaded lorry at 60mph. true it writes off bollard but vehicle itself is reduced…[Read more]
just H replied to the topic Muslims must integrate more in the forum Getting serious 8 years, 3 months ago
shame such political correctness is failing to address they actual concept by setting aside tradition and culture that may cause offence . the ideas behind such actions can be from well meaning and worthy desires to allow all to live happily side by side in a ‘perfect world’ .sadly they do not allow all inclusiveness they they are tryi…[Read more]
just H replied to the topic Procrastination in the forum Off topic chat 8 years, 3 months ago
procrastination is a habit as well as detrimental to our lives. now if only I had done what I set out to do the other week..
try setting oneself a task when we aware we putting things off. then the task being to do that and one other chore before relaxing. with practise we can break the chain and begin to do things a they become due rather…[Read more]
just H replied to the topic The NeverEnding Story in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 3 months ago
and flagged it down
just H replied to the topic Are we becoming like Zimbabwe? in the forum Chat forum three boards 8 years, 4 months ago
there is some confusion generally, for example T Blair didn’t check with parliament before taking us into a war. there is much pressure to reverse the referendum and that ought to be not allowed to occur. right or wrong whichever way you see it it was a vote and vote was clear. after all when we vote and MP in we don’t have a sec…[Read more]
just H replied to the topic Funny Pics in the board Jokes and humourous links 8 years, 7 months ago
cant beat a nice looking pussy
just H replied to the topic What Pissed You Off Today? in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 7 months ago
traffic road works and other drivers but that normal. on the blow torch comment. very doubtful assistant would know working temperature of torch and to a degree will depend on air oxygen mix .gas type used and flow rates etc.
300 degress celsius would seem about right ball park though. enough to easily melt solder. burn off…[Read more] -
just H replied to the topic What Pissed You Off Today? in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 7 months ago
traffic road works and other drivers but that normal. on the blow torch comment. very doubtful assistant would know working temperature of torch and to a degree will depend on air ox.gas type used and flow rates etc.
300 degress celsius would seem about right ball park though. enough to easily melt solder. burn off paint and…[Read more] -
just H replied to the topic Jo Cox 1974-2016 RIP in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 8 months ago
bit early to sound off about it all. he may have been on drugs? mentally unstable? care in community not taking medication etc.
the politics is irrelevant. could have been supporting tree huggers or objecting to more night flights. unless linked to a group such as terrorists ? its not like the soldier who’s head was…[Read more] -
just H replied to the topic Doctors Appts in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 1 month ago
increasing patient list and lack of doctors means in populated areas many have difficulty seeing a doctor. added paperwork for them isn’t helping plus a 9-5 5 day week attitude from many doctors. we have to realise all NHS doctors are self employed and work to a contract with health authorities. thus like anybody they do not want to be…[Read more]