• like food or drink. everybody ha sown likes .dislikes and ideas.   so a bit of. an impossible. answer ? or not?

    basics are clear.  entertaining.  engrossing.  storyline or action that draws spectator into it and forget life in real world . finally when we come away after it ends. memories  we want to share with others .  feeling glad we saw it . :yes:

  • just H replied to the topic Brexit Countdown in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 8 months ago

    a few rather simple looks at the situation. in reality  it is becoming clear that we will stay in EU economic zone ( having  to pay dearly to do so) but have no voting rights or say in how it’s run etc   sort on no win situation but essentially remainers winning in a way but will still whinge as when having no say etc blaming. Brexit folks.  a…[Read more]

  • just H changed their profile picture 6 years, 9 months ago

  • clacton on sea and surrounds  ..just had Englands first public  rally car  stages run on public roads. cars set off from clacton driving ordinary roads before entering closed off sections for real. rally  racing.  an small old  sea side town with decent beaches. especially further along.

    annual airshow normally with red arrows . this year torna…[Read more]

  • if  an alien species has capability for intergalactic  travel. it will so advanced it will either see us  as a savage  over breeding and  destructive  but possibly interesting animal or  simply see us as   something  to get rid of  if they want  planet or resources. much like when we went to foreign lands and viewed local tribes as  ‘savages’…[Read more]

  • :unsure: just  for my tow bobs worth.  I don’t have an issue with  names.numbers or pictures.  many have a sense of humour and  can display etc

    though unless its derogatory or clearly offensive .in which case  site admin ought to remove!

    e.g.  kill ( put in whomever you dislike) …..  .  or  maybe …a picture of  somebody  with limb ripped…[Read more]

  • wife tried this,  was  a bit painful for 24 hours. effects  don’t last. now shelled out for veneers .pricey but effective . so white smile  to match her blue  sparkling eyes.  may be worth a try but if you check with dentists its not long lasting and  isn’t actually  good for teeth if i recall correctly.

  • Clacton area  is often sunny and dry when other parts are wet and grey.  we have  clear shows  . august bang holiday. a food fest weekend in  Thorpe  le Soken and  an air show  just before  bank holiday end of august.  decent beaches .especially going up  into Frinton.   most are friendly and even strangers have been known to say  good morni…[Read more]

  • maybe its a line we need to cross? if it gets results . has these men  worried that anybody may sell them out  etc.. then an investment in young  kids futures and though one may argue finer political points and  niceties. real world is full of nasty folk and its the innocents whom get hurt.   we need many more  that can point  fingers and put  n…[Read more]

  • not using my bike much these days . knees don’t help but thats not reason enough.  just too much going on and if honest cycling isn’t at top of agenda at moment.     see lots of cyclists on roads around here.mostly in lycra with helmets and gloves going at fair rate. other are kid son bikes mainly on pavements  and often doing the modern craze of…[Read more]

  • just H‘s profile was updated 7 years, 7 months ago

  • hi.welcoem to site.most are friendly though sadly there a few whom cant stand each other and it can descend into a farce of insults. best  to leave and come back later .  nudity is best not mentioned as irrelevant here but each to own.  I am not allowed  to be nude as it frightens wife …lol :wacko:

  • just H changed their profile picture 7 years, 8 months ago

  • just H replied to the topic Hello am new here in the forum Say hello! 7 years, 8 months ago

    hi. welcome to chat room.  sceptical is  spot on. though some nice friendly folk use room it has a few   you may find best to avoid.   probably same in  other chat rooms too.  however do say hi  when around .  we don’t bite. well at least not  until dinner time..lol :yahoo:   :yahoo:

  • cant answer for my brother whom owns a harley ‘fatboy’  . he wears  crash helmet . decent riding boots and  leather jacket. jeans  are some sort of  woven material  also used  in racing cars . carbon fibre based I think?   as  an ex  police motorcyclist  an traffic officer he has seen  many  incidents  cars. bikes and pedestrians.  not  aware w…[Read more]

  • everybody will have own views on  politics.  nations are defined by the people within.  comment on Powell is point of view. he was probably before his time. even his ‘racist’  comment on rivers of blood over immigration proved  almost prophetic ( policemans head almost severed to be used as a  football etc)   freedom to move  is not a right a…[Read more]

  • :unsure: welcome to  site. many are nice and friendly but as in all chat room  we get a  number whom seek to annoy or cause issues.  you will get to know these given time.

    you probably feel unsure at moment as new and not chatted to anybody.  that will change as soon as you say hi in main room and throw in 2pence worth of comment  or just hello…[Read more]

  • just H replied to the topic Hello in the forum Say hello! 7 years, 9 months ago

    dont recall seeing  you in chat room?  so  can’t think what to ask other than ..why not..most  are ok and  nobody bites ..well so far . :mail:

  • with the Cuba crisis Russia won that power play though media etc were tall it had backed down. Russia and USA  made a deal. ( only just coming to light ) so USA could save face.

    while we  may have psychopath running N Korea. we  can’t compare with Trump. yes . he can act oddly and is  far more self centred and outspoken than  his former lead…[Read more]

  • still  an issue .  we have made a democratic  decision and  we will be made to suffer for it ( EU has openly said  so ) however already  we have  back peddling  by government  e.g.  immigration  not to be restricted for at least  5 years. all ongoing EU rules etc to be adopted  and so on.   we have to start  wondering if  with new government in f…[Read more]

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