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  • #1147590

    Ha ha lol trust you
    I thought that was a cringle or clinger or summat?


    Well im a dingle.


    Id do ivana tho


    Probably aye after the week ive had celebrating man citys treble i went to the parade last night totally blitzed luv it.


    Oh does it thanks
    Its just that its not a term i tend to use on a daily basis.


    I have no idea what cpr means or 1.2 so pass on that. Tell you what tho im a bit surprised that linda and cleared to land are now an item nowt as queer as folk is there?


    Hhm shaun couple of good points there.


    Er didnt know he did
    Ive been in the cells for 3 days
    Well lets see what he says if we win the treble the f kn dikslap


    Kiwi doesnt make me lol jane he makes me sick
    With his repetive nonsense wtf does he know about uk politics?
    No wonder kenty left and others
    Inc f poli etc
    No one wants to be a one on one with that clown
    Hence all the brbs
    Yet he has the temerity to block me calling me nasty and grumpy(that was a bad big mistake kiwi) ive got and met a lot more friends than you here.
    Ive met over 50 ppl from here wich is 50 more than you
    And nobody didnt like me
    Well apart from eve but thatz cos she was confused
    As for me foulmut3dl
    Foul mouthed no im not i only gratuitously swear to get my point across.
    You are alwayz going on about ex chatters pout etc
    You didnt know who echo/nemesis is
    I bet you dont even know who jane is
    You know all know fck all tw%t
    Which leads me to
    6 standing thea up when she flew 2ooo miles to meet you
    You barstard
    So dont slag me off and say you want me to go
    Ive got a better idea why dont you do the decent thing show some dignity and you leave nobody wants you here.


    Double kisses

Viewing 10 posts - 81 through 90 (of 806 total)