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  • #371060

    No, I have Setanta :lol:


    I’ve often wondered that myself, and you got me thinking again, but you don’t actually find out from the video. But I did find this:;_ylt=AgKaS1k94y.8UKfAGJccIMUjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20061121094555AA6d0xu

    So it appears that, while we’ll probably never really know, you’re both wrong.


    Just wondering, how did you make decisions before JC came along? Or have you just been storing all your quandries for our benifit? :lol:


    @sharongooner wrote:

    me neither… gonna die innit.

    all the great ones do. :cry:

    How does that affect Amy? :lol:


    I’m just glad it’s finished – not a moment too soon.


    Who needs an official national anthem anyway? I only care about Flower Of Scotland when it’s part of an international fixture, and I’d rather they skipped it and got on with the feckin game, the rest of the time I’m not fussed to be honest. A song doesn’t make me proud to be Scottish. A song doesn’t make me proud of who I am. I’m perfectly capable of doing that myself.

    David Lee Roth sang ‘This is the national anthem’ in Yankee Rose, so let’s all take a leaf out of his book.


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    @johnboy25 wrote:

    I never heard much of Kat’s interview, watched most of it with the volume down. What I did hear I didn’t understand, could’ve slapped Davina for encouraging her! A 30 year old who acts like a four year old shouldn’t be applauded.

    ..Rachel is a bigger culprit..all that disney shyte, makes me wanna puke, shes a grown woman ffs and a teacher!! Dont vote for her to win people!

    And that’s why we need Rex – nobody else would dare say anything. Even Mikey, who claims to tell it like it is but obviously that rule only applies to Rex. Unless that wasn’t him talking to Darnel about Kat.


    I never heard much of Kat’s interview, watched most of it with the volume down. What I did hear I didn’t understand, could’ve slapped Davina for encouraging her! A 30 year old who acts like a four year old shouldn’t be applauded.


    @woohoo wrote:

    @johnboy25 wrote:

    Dropped my phone down the lavvy pan this morning, thankfully I took out the monthly insurance (should also point out, thankfully it was funkin flushed before I dropped it!) so I’m getting a new one delivered tomorrow. Still gonna cost another £25 though :evil:

    Like an idiot, two weeks ago, i left mone out on the garden wall.. And then it p.issed down.. :lol:

    They don’t like getting wet, do they? Mine sounded like it was getting ready for take off :lol:


    So he hasn’t left but he didn’t take training again today and the club aren’t telling the fans anything? I take it that this is supposed to appease them.

    As for the Barton thing, I’m in two minds over that. I do admire Keegan for standing by someone, despite the protests, who admits they need help when others may have taken the easy option and washed their hands of the situation. But at the same time, it’s not as if Barton hasn’t had his warnings.

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