JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Rangers in the UEFA Cup in the board The locker room 16 years, 9 months ago
@*GG* wrote:
Let me guess!? he’s probably a mass murderer or major druggie, affiliated with the UDA’s Scottish brigade.
Wouldn’t go that far but you’re close enough. He had no need to get involved so f**k him. I hope it hurt and I hope he learned something from it.
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Rangers in the UEFA Cup in the board The locker room 16 years, 9 months ago
@kevin wrote:
@JohnBoy25 wrote:
How do you know it wasn’t? And if you were there, then that means that you were one and as such you should be the one to apologize.
typical hun
I wouldn’t know, you’re the one who has the obsession with the word.
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Rangers in the UEFA Cup in the board The locker room 16 years, 9 months ago
How do you know it wasn’t? And if you were there, then that means that you were one and as such you should be the one to apologize.
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Rangers in the UEFA Cup in the board The locker room 16 years, 9 months ago
F**k all point telling me that, I wasn’t there.
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Rangers in the UEFA Cup in the board The locker room 16 years, 9 months ago
No apology needed sweetheart
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Optical Illusions in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 9 months ago
@Pete wrote:
The strangest optical illusion of all is JC thread titles…. they end up having fuck all to do with the posts :lol:
I hope you can prove it, that’s a very serious accusation to make without any substance :lol:
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Rangers in the UEFA Cup in the board The locker room 16 years, 9 months ago
So it’s basically a term that the mindless neanderthals who are impressed by that sort of thing use to describe another set of mindless neanderthals who are equally impressed and entertained by their outdated and unwelcome ways of thinking while failing to see the irony? Thank you, you’ve both told me all I need to know.
There’s a lot to be said…[Read more]
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Optical Illusions in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 9 months ago
Doing my head in – enough of that!
Not really an illusion as such, but do you know the hole in the hand trick? Get an empty toilet roll holder, hold it up to your right eye (as if you were using it as a telescope – I’m not saying that’s what I was doing!) then slowly bring your left hand across the front of the teles-eh, toilet roll holder and it…[Read more]
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Rangers in the UEFA Cup in the board The locker room 16 years, 9 months ago
Have to say though, I watched the first half and I was livid so it’s probably just as well the screens did fail or it could have been a lot worse. Some people should show more gratitude :lol:
Can someone please tell me what the relevance of ‘hun’ is? Only I don’t buy into the name calling, I’m one of the apparently rare fans who only watches the…[Read more]
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Rangers in the UEFA Cup in the board The locker room 16 years, 9 months ago
Technically, they should have been out of the UEFA Cup ages ago. Anyone who says ‘the best team wins’ should be made to watch some of their performances :lol:
I have seen a lot of the footage sword, and as I’ve said before I work with CCTV and that’s the sort of thing you hope you never see. I’ve seen similar, not to the same extent, but it was…[Read more]
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Rangers in the UEFA Cup in the board The locker room 16 years, 9 months ago
No, because they were never in the Eufa Cup :lol:
In answer to your question sword, yes. I think there are those that are that ignorant and navie and make no bones about showing it.
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Another Government cover up on the way… in the board Getting serious 16 years, 9 months ago
It’s probably not that, it’s probably an after effect of all the ‘lights’ from the ‘UFO’ :lol:
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Rangers in the UEFA Cup in the board The locker room 16 years, 9 months ago
John, do you think anyone has progressed to believing one scum, all scum on this thread?
I suggest you look at kevin’s post and who knows how many others of their kind made by him/Dagger/ROTT.
It’s not me you should be asking.
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Rangers in the UEFA Cup in the board The locker room 16 years, 9 months ago
I’ve already stated that I feel the minority really let their club down and I’ve already made my feelings on that element clear, but that’s the key word ‘minority‘
All I’m saying is that it’s ignorant and naive to use that small mindless band to forge an opinion on us all. Some – infact many thousands, which was the point I was trying to get…[Read more]
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Rangers in the UEFA Cup in the board The locker room 16 years, 9 months ago
A couple of hundred out of a couple of hundred thousand? Or were you referring to the 40 odd that were arrested out of that couple of hundred thousand? Yep, they all behaved to type. Every single one of them.
Doubtless you’ll reply with some garbage in which you don’t even try to defend your point, only try to heighten it when actually the facts…[Read more]
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Misheard Lyrics in the board Jokes and humourous links 16 years, 9 months ago
I tried to learn ‘Scatman’ but even with the words in Smash Hits I couldn’t do it :lol:
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Misheard Lyrics in the board Jokes and humourous links 16 years, 9 months ago
:lol: :lol: We used to sing a ‘Vitalite’ version of that at school. Still remember it word for word as well! There was a skoda in our version.
Point blank refusing to look at the Nirvana/Green Day/Linkin Park ones out of sheer principle. Laughing at Fall Out Boy was shameful enough.
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Lyrics that remind you of JC in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 9 months ago
I think I’m Paranoid by Garbage seems like a poignant one today :lol:
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic What f00ked you off (part two ) in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 9 months ago
A conversation with my dad that came about after watching some of the footage from Manchester City Centre:
Dad: Look at that image though, only two of them are wearing Rangers shirts
Me: So?
Dad: They’re obviously casuals if they’re going to the game and not wearing one
Me: Lot’s of folk do
Dad: Aye, the casuals. 99% of real fans do
Me: Your mate…[
JohnBoy25 replied to the topic Why is it? in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 9 months ago
Ah crap i had a tenner on that romance. I don’t think you have an obsession but i do think she has to at least apologise for taking you in as well if she wishes to stick around. But ignore the people who offer those type of comments JB – its for a reaction.
I wouldn’t say she took me in. As I explained (unsuccesfully though, it got lost in the…[Read more]
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