Catz replied to the topic Where in Scotland…?? in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 5 months ago
@Jigsy wrote:
@Jigsy wrote:
@sweetass wrote:
@*Sian wrote:
@sweetass wrote:
Just wanna say Sian ..I dont know you from Adam … But shake hands with the ppl who bring you down cos its usually sad gits who feel the need to air their dirty laundry on the internet :wink: I am big enough and ugly enough to make my own decisions ..and slightly drunk so…
PATS replied to the topic Quiet…. in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 9 months ago
ForumHostPB replied to the topic Duh – I’ve just realised in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 9 months ago
@Jigsy wrote:
@ForumHostPB wrote:
Hey Owen, I’ve been trying to find a site where I can download (and pay for of course) the track from the movie Deliverance called ”Duelling Banjos” (also known as ”Feudin’ Banjos”).
MSN music has it but insists that I have to be in the USA (which I’m not). Tesco Music doesn’t have it. Any ideas???
Well PB, I…
Own Kah replied to the topic Duh – I’ve just realised in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 9 months ago
PATS replied to the topic Family in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 12 months ago
@Jigsy wrote:
I voted other.
I dont have family online, apart from my dear ole gran PATSY ofcourse :wink:
However, I do have two very good friends, one I argue with frequently, we speak our minds to each other, and in a day or two it passes, we dont judge each other, and stay angry, I trust him with my life, I can count on him for support any…
Squeezy replied to the topic What Are You Wearing….. in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 12 months ago
@Jigsy wrote:
I also dont get all dressed up to sit at my computer all day, I love my combats, or sweats for days like today, comfort is what its all about after all.
Me neither 8)
Although I will have to make an effort and change before going to the leisure centre later…don’t want to look like a slob next to all those fit-looking people! :lol: :lol:
ugo replied to the topic BLACPOOL MEETING 25th-26th march in the board Chat forum three boards 19 years ago
@Jigsy wrote:
Ugo no offence ofcourse, but I cant imagine why anyone would want to go if your unpleasent presence is going to be there.
Awwww ffs jigsy im so dissapointed in your perseption of people jeeeeze after all weve been through tooo…..!!!
I have a feeling your nothing like the jigsy on the boards in real life …..&
after youve digested…[
James Belfast replied to the topic slut test in the board Jokes and humourous links 19 years ago
angel1 replied to the topic ONE THING in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@Jigsy wrote:
Hows Mr.Angel1 havnt seen him around in an awful long time.
Hope hes well and all that.
he is fine jigsy, i unlock him once a day to full fill his duties :D :D
SIMPLETON replied to the topic BRING IT IN HERE in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@Jigsy wrote:
@Jigsy wrote:
your egos and your so called erm is it “FLAMING”
No thanks , your board name says it all.
I have had enough of being nasty to simpletons, and its not very nice on my fart to be mean, to people who cant even spell sample words.
So keep waiting, im sure someone will be along soon…
SIMPLETON replied to the topic BRING IT IN HERE in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@Jigsy wrote:
your egos and your so called erm is it “FLAMING”
No thanks , your board name says it all.
I have had enough of being nasty to simpletons, and its not very nice on my part to be mean, to people who cant even spell simple words.
So keep waiting, im sure someone will be along soon enough.
ok jizzUM sorry i cant spell…[Read more]
SIMPLETON replied to the topic ONE FOR THE MUMS, there special ! in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@Jigsy wrote:
@James Belfast wrote:
For all the times you gently picked me up when i was down,
For all them times you traded me a warm smile for a frown,
For all the times you tied my shoe or tucked me gently into bed,
Or needed something for yourself, but put me first instead
For all everything we shared, the dreams, the…
SIMPLETON replied to the topic ONE FOR THE MUMS, there special ! in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@Jigsy wrote:
And here I didnt think you had it in you Simpleton.
Very nice, maybe this thread is a keeper. Dont be surprised if it gets moved though, after it is a kind of poem.
Since your new and all :wink: there is a specific thread for poems, just thought I would let you know. Im sweet like that.
why thank you :)
hmm guess you could be…[Read more]
ROBBO replied to the topic Fancy A Flame? in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@rubyred wrote:
@Jigsy wrote:
@Ow£n Ka$h wrote:
@*Peco wrote:
I’m getting desperate here. Go on…………Make My Day!
Fook yeh ya wee sweaty sock! Ya run oot ov ‘lectric soop or av the bailiffs
taken yer TV? :twisted:Owen are you drunk :?: :shock:
oh shut the feck up and stop stalking me ffs FFS
This thread wasn’t about you, retard…Yet…[Read more]
James Belfast replied to the topic Rate the person above you out of TEN ? in the board Chat forum three boards 19 years ago
@Jigsy wrote:
Sorry James, i’ll pass, you bore me.
I also can’t rate you, you fall below the scale :wink:
Feck, didn’t expect to lose in the first round! Goes off to huffy corner…
Own Kah replied to the topic Fancy A Flame? in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@Jigsy wrote:
Don’t cry no tears around me,
Don’t cry no tears around me;
‘Cause when all the water’s gone,
The feeling lingers on,
Old true love ain’t too hard to see;
Don’t cry no tears around me. :wink:(Words – Neil Young)
Own Kah replied to the topic Fancy A Flame? in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
PATS replied to the topic Your favourite siggy? in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@Jigsy wrote:
@James Belfast wrote:
Tut can’t change it now peco, have to save ‘funny’ for another day eh? Besides, people will think i am picking on him… and he’s in enough bother as it is :wink:
James you remind me of Racquel.
Dont try and play with the people who have a brain OK?
You will fail miserably.
Fastcars and PATSY are prime…
James Belfast replied to the topic Your favourite siggy? in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@Jigsy wrote:
@James Belfast wrote:
Tut can’t change it now peco, have to save ‘funny’ for another day eh? Besides, people will think i am picking on him… and he’s in enough bother as it is :wink:
James you remind me of Racquel.
Dont try and play with the people who have a brain OK?
You will fail miserably.
Fastcars and PATSY are prime…
fastcars replied to the topic UGO`S LAST POST in the board Chat forum three boards 19 years ago
@Jigsy wrote:
@fastcars wrote:
@Jigsy wrote:
@ugo wrote:
Why in the fu/ck couldnt that have been true.
God has failed us :evil:
U fell for that informant trick hook line and sinker didnt u…
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