Over here none of the shops at all are aloud to display advertisment for sigs.
in fact, there is absaloutly no sig advertisment at all, not on bus shelters or bill boards etc.
as for the under the counter thing??
every shop in Ireland has the sigs in a vending maching directly behind the till’s.
no bending down or distraction required.
I have to say, when it first came into effect in Ireland, I honestly didnt think it would make any difference at all.
but you would be surprised.
Not having sig advertisment all over the place really makes you more aware that you are a smoker, and it does actually make you think twice wanting to smoke.
The ban on sig advertisment puts smokers into a thighter box.
Instead of it being somthing that makes you look “cool” …the ban actually makes you feel like the addicted that smokers are.
Im a smoker.. 40 a day, and with out me even noticing it to much, I find my self smoking differntly since the advertisment ban came in.
So from my experience,….. it wil make a difference :wink: