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  • #1079078

    OMG – I stand corrected… You do have children… Yet still you firmly stand by your hurtful words.  I don’t get you, at all!  You think children, no matter how young, should have to fend for themselves.

    YOU:  “They will never become adults if you try to solve all their problems for them. People who have never had to solve a problem in their life can never be ’emotionally solid’, they don’t even know what it means.”

    You’re wrong!  As parents, we teach them, we guide them, we support them, and when needed, we stand by them in fighting such battles.  My daughter was bullied at school BY A TEACHER.  I knew something was wrong… It took me 2 days to finally get it out of her because she was afraid of the backlash she would endure at his hands if she told me.  In as much as we have taught her how to deal with bullies/bullying, this was something she couldn’t handle on her own.  Nor should she have to, at 13!  We stepped in, had her immediately removed from his class, and he was terminated, accordingly.   There are some things we as parents must do with/for our children.  It does not mean they won’t be able to resolve most things on their own if we step in, as needed.   You have the audacity to say his weren’t good parents… But, you have no clue as to whether or not Daniel’s parents warned him about this sort of thing, and/or tried to teach him how to deal with bullying and life, in general.  You don’t know a damned thing about them, so you cannot and should not pass such judgment!  In the end, sadly it was clearly too much for Daniel to handle… too much for any child to have to handle.

    So, when your children someday find themselves in a situation they are utterly overwhelmed by, and [as most children do], find a way to keep their inner sufferings from you, remember to categorize yourself in the same unfair way you’ve categorized Daniel’s parents.

    That’s it.  I’ve nothing more to say to you.


    Why???  Because some of us are seeing your post for the very first time, now, and [we] are deeply saddened, troubled, and angered by your insensitive remarks… and, highly offended on behalf of Daniel, his parents, his family, and close friends.  You callously blamed a little boy for “allowing himself to be bullied” into ending his life!  To add insult to [fatal] injury, you labeled this child weak and  “mentally ill” for having succumbed to the relentless bullying he’d been enduring for God knows how long!… You publicly blamed his parents for not knowing and thereby not stepping in to save him – as if they weren’t suffering enough, dealing with the loss of their precious son…  You generalized all those who have committed or attempted suicide as being “mentally ill”, without any semblance of evidence… You essentially absolved Daniel’s bullies from any significant part in his death…  And in all this, even after being called out on how very wrong you were to write such a cold, unfeeling post,  not once did you show any remorse for your hurtful words, nor did you even think to offer condolences, even in the slightest degree.  You make no apologies.  You’ve no conscience.  I mean, really… what sort of person does [all] that?!!  And, that is precisely why people are still replying to that vile post you scripted! Perhaps some day when you have a child of your own, and he/she is being bullied vehemently,  you’ll then realize the harmful words you chose to put out there, regarding Daniel, were oh so very wrong!

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    Draculina – The rather insensitive comments you’ve made about Daniel’s suicide being a result of his own psychological state – his not being strong enough to just ignore the cruel things being said to him – moreso than that of the horrible being who encouraged him to commit such a tragic act, MIGHT hold water ONLY IF Daniel had been an ADULT.  And even then, an adult does NOT have to be deemed “mentally ill” to commit suicide.  Suicide is a result of reaching a point in one’s life where hopelessness and desperation is far too overwhelming and there doesn’t SEEM to be any other solution.  A CHILD usually doesn’t have the common sense NOT to take bullying to heart.  His parents obviously and sadly didn’t have a clue, but I think that might have more to do with parenting these days which encourages [them] to allow their children to have privacy – too much privacy – supposedly to support self expression and independence and so forth.  Flawed thinking/theory!  Parents, in my opinion, should always be involved as much as possible, to make sure their child/children are always protected from this disgusting sort of thing… until such time that they are “adult” and emotionally sound/solid enough to handle such matters on their own.  The monster who bullied Daniel into ending his life IS very much at fault…  And, if you feel the need to  blame a portion thereof on his parents, then also blame the bully’s parents for not being present and allowing their child to be a bully!.. I mean, by your theory, parents should know, and thereby they should have immediately put a stop to their child’s harmful actions towards others.  I’ve a feeling you aren’t a parent, and therefore your thought process doesn’t allow you to empathize and see it from the perspective of a hurting child… from the perspective of Daniel.  RIP, Daniel… & [my] deepest sympathies to his parents.

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    Teachers ARE essential in so far as learning proper grammar, and so forth. To learn any language other than your own, if at all possible, immerse yourself in watching TV and films that are in that particular language [with subtitles], as well as listening to music and/or learning the lyrics to a song. It will speed up your [formal] learning process. Additionally, pick up a few pre-schoolers’ books in French, and read them phonetically as best as possible, on a daily basis. Soon the words will start to make sense. Good luck! :)

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