JennaMarie38 replied to the topic RIP Daniel – Why Bullying Sucks in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 3 months ago
OMG – I stand corrected… You do have children… Yet still you firmly stand by your hurtful words. I don’t get you, at all! You think children, no matter how young, should have to fend for themselves.
YOU: “They will never become adults if you try to solve all their problems for them. People who have never had to solve a problem in their lif…[Read more]
JennaMarie38 replied to the topic RIP Daniel – Why Bullying Sucks in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 3 months ago
Why??? Because some of us are seeing your post for the very first time, now, and [we] are deeply saddened, troubled, and angered by your insensitive remarks… and, highly offended on behalf of Daniel, his parents, his family, and close friends. You callously blamed a little boy for “allowing himself to be bullied” into ending his life! To ad…[Read more]
JennaMarie38 replied to the topic RIP Daniel – Why Bullying Sucks in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 3 months ago
Draculina – The rather insensitive comments you’ve made about Daniel’s suicide being a result of his own psychological state – his not being strong enough to just ignore the cruel things being said to him – moreso than that of the horrible being who encouraged him to commit such a tragic act, MIGHT hold water ONLY IF Daniel had been an ADULT.…[Read more]
JennaMarie38 replied to the topic Foreign language learning in the board Off topic chat 8 years, 10 months ago
Teachers ARE essential in so far as learning proper grammar, and so forth. To learn any language other than your own, if at all possible, immerse yourself in watching TV and films that are in that particular language [with subtitles], as well as listening to music and/or learning the lyrics to a song. It will speed up your [formal] learning…[Read more]
JennaMarie38 started the topic Hello From Across The Pond… & 3K Miles Further ;) in the board Say hello! 8 years, 10 months ago
Hi. I’m Jenna. I am relatively new to this, so please forgive me if I’m lacking in some way. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to write here… So for now, just a simple “Hello” and “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” :)
JennaMarie38‘s profile was updated 8 years, 10 months ago
JennaMarie38 changed their profile picture 8 years, 10 months ago