I’ve not commented on this thread so far because to be honest, despite the amount of time I’ve chatting and the kinds of things I’ve seen being said in the past, I really couldn’t believe what I was seeing expressed here.
PB, I do believe it’s real, she is showing all the same reactions as normal people placed in such a position, and whilst she’s never shied away from making money along the course of her life, quite frankly I don’t think she’s that good an actress.
My heart goes out to her and all who suffer from this awful disease, it is a totally indiscriminate disease that is no respector of fame, fortune, status, whether children will be left behind etc. It is easy to be cynical, and to ask why famous people are getting so much air-time when so many “ordinary” people also suffer, but the good side of this is that people take heed from seeing all the publicity. 5 of my friends have admitted they haven’t had a smear test in years and have now booked one, and I wonder how many more women have done the same across the country. The same happened with women checking their breasts etc. after Kylie was diagnosed – I doubt that any paid-for advertising campaign could achieve the same kind of results.