jelly tot replied to the topic Polish residents take English jobs in the board Getting serious 18 years ago
Emma, go to any job centre and see the lying, cheating layabouts with their hands out and tell me they earned a right to a cozy life.
They’re an embarresment to this country, with all the jobs about there is not one reason for any person to be unemployed, but they choose the easy option.
Your wrong about the immigrants in the 50’s, they were invi…[Read more]
jelly tot replied to the topic Asylum perv left to attack girl in the board Getting serious 18 years ago
@(f)BB46 wrote:
On my life i have never been racist :? but i find myself becoming that way
and i blame the Government for it.
Oh so it would be ok if he was white and raped her then.
Get a grip, and don’t listen to Emma, it doesn’t matter what creed or colour the guy is a child molester is a child molester.
Just because he’s black doesn’t…[
jelly tot replied to the topic Young, British Muslims ‘getting more radical’ in the board Getting Serious 18 years ago
Don’t you dare try and muddy the waters Emma, cultural clashes are not always racial.
The asians who want sharia law should go to a country that has it, the reason they don’t is because all the countries that do are third world sh*t holes.
Cultures can mix, it depends on which ones, unfortunately the muslim religion is arrogant which teaches…[Read more]
jelly tot replied to the topic Polish residents take English jobs in the board Getting serious 18 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
@jelly tot wrote:
the British government in the 50’s and 60’s asked people from Jamaica to come over here to work so according to your theory regarding the Brit Builders of the 80’s that’s o.k.
What has something that occured 50 and 25 years ago, got to do with 2007? Were talking about people working in England, not a foreign…
jelly tot replied to the topic Smoking or non smoking? in the board Getting serious 18 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
@Slayer wrote:
Banning smoking in a public place is right and proper
No its not, who are you to say a public house should ban smoking?
You just dont believe in individual choice, you are a communistic dictator who believes we should all walk the same steps as the person infront.
It’s got nothing to do with being a dictator, I…[Read more]
jelly tot replied to the topic Asylum perv left to attack girl in the board Getting serious 18 years ago
I find it very difficult to understand why after someone is refused asylum they aren’t taken to the nearest airport and escorted onto the first flight back to their country of origin.
They have no rights as they’ve been proven unworthy to remain in our country and the home nation should pick up the airfare as they shouldn’t of let them leave in…[Read more]
jelly tot replied to the topic Super Casino Winner – 16/1 in the board Getting serious 18 years ago
Southern nancy boy and proud of it, at least I live in a part of the country that doesn’t have a stupid accent. :lol:
As for becoming an independant, maybe you got something Emma, there’s always some sucker willing to throw their money away.
jelly tot replied to the topic Smoking or non smoking? in the board Getting serious 18 years ago
@Geoff wrote:
@jelly tot wrote:
Anyone who wants to smoke should give up the right to NHS treatment same goes for fat basta*ds. If you want to kill yourself then fine but don’t expect me to pay for it.
Dumb arse, without smokers you would have two scenarios;
1) The NHS collapses through the loss of revenue gained through smokers.
2) Non smokers…
jelly tot replied to the topic Super Casino Winner – 16/1 in the board Getting serious 18 years ago
@emmalush wrote:
You could’ve got 16/1 on Manchester being “awarded” the chance to build a super casino.
According to a YouGov survey, conducted last week, 30 per cent of those questioned believed the new casinos were a “good idea”, helping to regenerate run-down areas and bring additional tax revenues to the Treasury.
A majority of people in all…
jelly tot replied to the topic Smoking or non smoking? in the board Getting serious 18 years ago
@ugo wrote:
I say NO Ban it from everywhere I`d say make it illiegal to even smoke in your own house too
I can’t believe it but I’m going to have to agree with Ugo, all smoking should be banned.
Anyone who wants to smoke should give up the right to NHS treatment same goes for fat basta*ds. If you want to kill yourself…[Read more]
jelly tot replied to the topic Polish residents take English jobs in the board Getting serious 18 years, 1 month ago
@ugo wrote:
@jelly tot wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
@jelly tot wrote:
Ever watch “Auf Wiedersein Pet”…………. comedy drama written about the hoardes of English builders that invaded Europe in the 80’s.
:roll: You obviously havn’t read what i wrote.
The English back then were asked by foreigners to work for them. What they back then have to do with…
jelly tot replied to the topic Polish residents take English jobs in the board Getting serious 18 years, 1 month ago
@emmalush wrote:
@jelly tot wrote:
Ever watch “Auf Wiedersein Pet”…………. comedy drama written about the hoardes of English builders that invaded Europe in the 80’s.
:roll: You obviously havn’t read what i wrote.
The English back then were asked by foreigners to work for them. What they back then have to do with foreigners working here…
jelly tot replied to the topic Polish residents take English jobs in the board Getting serious 18 years, 1 month ago
@emmalush wrote:
From the BNP website:
WHEN German company Lentjes GmbH won the contract to construct a flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) plant at Ferrybridge power station it gave a written commitment to the local community that it would use and train the local workforce to be involved in the project.
But that hasn’t been the case with Lentjes…
jelly tot replied to the topic Adults dating teenagers: Right or wrong? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 1 month ago
@Smiley wrote:
That’s the communist point of view, sure.
But I’m a civilized person, not a communist.
The government has the right to set morals & standards. Including what constitutes as a reasonable age gap!
Christ Smiley do you really need the government to tell you how to do everything in your life?
If you do you should have…[Read more]
jelly tot replied to the topic THe Racist Card has been played on in the board Getting serious 18 years, 1 month ago
Does my signature bother you ugo?………. I hope so. :lol:
The only way it would be a third world country is if it was populated fully by people like yourself and Emma.
You say your a truck driver, maybe you name shouldn’t be ugo but should be Yugo, just like the cars………..small and full of cra*. :twisted:
Sit back down and wind another…[Read more]
jelly tot replied to the topic is this really in the board Getting serious 18 years, 1 month ago
Well Emma has to have someone to spout off to, as she can’t let this out at work, or she’ll get the sack, and I doubt whether the bnp could organise more than one meeting per month. :twisted:
jelly tot replied to the topic THe Racist Card has been played on in the board Getting serious 18 years, 1 month ago
@ugo wrote:
@PATS wrote:
the live audience has been cancelled for tonights eviction for fear jade will get ripped apart. lol.
Noooooooooooooooooooo way i think she`s ace , good looking ( for a half breed ) :lol:
As for racist whats racism anyway ???? :? :? :?
:roll: :roll: :roll:Ugo, are you deliberately trying to offend or are you just…[Read more]
jelly tot replied to the topic Should continuous post about politics be removed? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 1 month ago
Emma, if you’d worked harder at school you could of got a job that paid a decent wage, then you could of bought your own island and invited only those who meet your exacting standards.
An island for one then. :lol:
jelly tot replied to the topic THe Racist Card has been played on in the board Getting serious 18 years, 1 month ago
I watched the incident happen, and apart from laughing I saw nothing racist.
It’s true, the sappy tart can’t cook a chicken how pathetic, she should be ashamed of herself, and if someone I didn’t know well, put their fingers in my dinner I’d tell them to pi*s off.
It’s a tricky situation, they were having a private conversation and weren’t…[Read more]
jelly tot replied to the topic Should continuous post about politics be removed? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 1 month ago
I don’t agree with Emma at all, she’s a racist through and through but it is a”Current Affairs And Politics” board.
I content myself when I think how much it must pi*s her off to know that she has black dna in her system.
Yes Emma, just like the rest of humanity you originally came from Africa, the cradle of life.
So when a black woman calls…[Read more]
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