• @kent f OBE wrote:

    Like you I’m hard up too and looking for an internet realationship. So this is me.

  • @Annette-Curtain wrote:

    @rogue trader wrote:

    im not a big fan of sin tbh
    I never have been,very sly
    but on a brighter note,i quite like auld netty
    but don’t tell her ssshhh.

    Funny you should say that Cosy .. I always thought Tainted Halo ( Kev London) was a pleasant enough chatter.. until I realised recently he has a thousand other names he comes…

    [Read more]

  • @rubyred wrote:

    esme died. just thought it fair to let folks know on here. She contributed here mainly on arts and political threads. She had been ill for a while..

    my wee Hurtid doo… quiet noo.

    will never forget ye my wee flower xx

    I only knew her as a nasty piece of work, I’d forgotten about her until now ……

  • @toybulldog wrote:

    @LucyLocket wrote:

    A place to share your thoughts,poems,stories etc for those we have loved and lost…………this is one i saw on fb

    Dear Santa,
    I’m writing you this letter as I’m feeling a little blue, so I hope you don’t think I am asking too much of you. You visit every year and leave everyone such wonderful things, but I’m…

    [Read more]

  • So she made a t!t of herself, she ain’t the first and she won’t be the last. If she has the balls she professes to have she will post again and soon.

    Lick your wounds luv, get over it and move on.

    Remember, drinking whilst posting is never a good idea.

    ‘Pours a Stella’

  • @Chameleon wrote:

    @jen_jen wrote:

    @Wordsworth60 wrote:

    @Chameleon wrote:

    Wait till Kenty puts my picture up then you will all change your minds. 8)

    Was I the only one to feel a little sick in the back of my throat when I read this?

    I don’t know how you do it Chameleon, but you turn a mere board entry into something revolting and I’m not even sure…

    [Read more]

  • Janus replied to the topic TIPS AND TRICKS in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years ago

    @a certain sadness wrote:

    Leave fresh meat out in the garden, it will keep the crocodiles away from the house.

    A conker in the corner of every room keeps out arachnids too so I hear.

  • Janus replied to the topic Regrets in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years ago

    I regret buying a computer :(

  • Janus replied to the topic A joke in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years ago

    @kent f OBE wrote:

    Apologies in advance :lol:

    Woman and baby go to the doctors. Doc is concerned about the baby’s weight. “Is he bottle or breast fed?” he asks. “Breast fed” says the woman.
    The doctor asks her to strip to the waist, he pinches and sucks her niples and rubs both tits for a while. “No wonder the baby is under weight, you’ve no…

    [Read more]

  • Janus replied to the topic Word of the day? in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years ago


  • @duwpin wrote:

    @Irish_Lucy wrote:

    who were actually banned?

    Grinch/Anita/feck knows what else lol

    and who?
    Surely theres more it couldn’t have them 3 been keeping this place alive – was it?

    Wheres Annette gone? was she banned too?

    And yes I know thats a lot of question marks.

    I think Joker was banned also.

    And did anyone care?

  • @boojangle wrote:

    To be honest ….

    I’m a little confused as to why those who whinged about certain chatters making this place unbearable ……. haven’t posted while its been quieter ..


    Give them time they will be back. It’s like those who profess to leave chat for ever, often they need time out but they are drawn back sooner or later :)

  • @kent f OBE wrote:

    I was a goody two shoes at school (nothing changes huh :lol: ) so never got into any trouble…..I do remember once when a teacher asked where Linda Parker was…I put my hand up and said “Miss she was in the previous class”….needless to say I got a punch in the stomach later on in the day :lol:
    My brother was always getting…

    [Read more]

  • @anc wrote:

    That made me laugh! :lol:

    I bet your’e often tickled :)

  • @coathanger wrote:

    Ohh Toy don’t be a party pooper :D

    Toy is just HIGH on life! :wink:

  • Janus replied to the topic Regrets in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 1 month ago

    Thinking tonight would be a good time to stay in.

  • @boojangle wrote:

    @panda12 wrote:

    are the boards nearly dead
    hadly any posting going on
    and nothing new at all

    Well there isn’t anything new. Just the same old and same old. Chat is rubbish because it is dominated by Claire aka Minnie Mouse and Blonde.

    No matter, you all dance to her tune. So hard done by, isn’t she? Poor, little Minnie.

    [Read more]

  • @panda12 wrote:

    Whether you loved it or hated it, we all went to school.

    What are the (good, bad or funny) moments from those days that you still remember now?

    Mine was inadvertently squirting water in the deputy head’s face during an end of term water fight. Then there was getting drunk on a school skiing trip aged 13 with the teachers trying to…

    [Read more]

  • @..Joker.. wrote:

    @coathanger wrote:

    Ungrit your dentures old man and dry your tears, you look like the fool that you are :D

    Ungritted, tears dried up and still you can’t get to me I’m so disappointed you being my favoutite Puppet and all !!!!!

    Maybe when you grow some balls and pop out of the closet Scrotey I’ll pay you some attention as…

    [Read more]

  • Janus replied to the topic Babys in the board Chat forum two boards 13 years, 1 month ago

    @Mystery wrote:

    Boxing day i went around my some relatives and my cousin handed me her 6 month old for the first time, i started getting bad ideas of having my own one, am i going mad!

    don’t do it they stink !

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