Well miss Marple, you are very hot headed and quick to judge, espically after you got chuncked off a forum you were a part of for badbehaviour etc, you have talked about that in your forum, so haven’t been spying on you.
So please leave UGO along, and believe we are not the same person, thses peope know that we are not and just having a laugh on here. Hence I reconnemed this forum for you to check out and get some ideas for your forum, guys on here, I’n sorry I landed you with a really sad person, who jumps in without thinking before she speaks, doesn’t make a very good host for a forum. All I did was send her here, I didn’t dislead her in any way, or didn’t cover my trackes very well as I had no trackes to cover as I was well open in the air and even asked her if she had visiited this forum, so how that is hiding my tracks and not doing it very well is very beyound me! Thank you for chucking me off your forum for no good reason, last time i shall try and help anyone out on a forum agaiin. She never even gave me chance to read what she replied to my post i posted for her! How small minded is that?
Anyway Pink Kitten, please put me back on your forum , I can always rejoin with a different e mail address and a different name, as you don’t have to have the same naame etc on every forum that you join, so I’m sure you would rather know that it was me Jenny reading your posts, you sdaid to me I had better watch my back! Well my dear you had better watch yours, and as for hosting your own forum you ought to be more careful about waht you say about your fellow posters. Lots of people only share one e mail address!!