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  • #391098

    hello from me too


    Well tell us then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (f)politics? wrote:
    She don’t sound worth wasting your time on Janey your better off out of there

    thanks…. I’m sure you are right, but i am a stubborn woman and i could have helped her and been a good friend to her…… her lost not mine… I have loads of other forums with friends in to post and chat with.


    While surfing forums etc, I’m NOT the only one that Miss Marple has thrown off her forum!!
    She has thrown off at least FOUR peole as she don’t like them or they have upset her!! NOT a good way to run a forum!!! What i think she wants is just her small band of merry men who are going to do what she wants , when she wants. If she can’t call the shots she ain’t interested!!! So why ask for help in making her forum better, beats me!!! That’s why she threw me off, not sure about these other girls. So if you join, be parepared to get thrown off as I think you all have too strong a minds here for her, unless you can beat her at her own game!!! well which ones of you can???


    You tell me Candy…. perhaps cos its deep down you really know that it isn’t crap. Go and look for some more crap with miss Marple, I shall be back on there at the weekend, either as Jenny as I joined or under a new name, so we could carry on chatting there as well, all good quauity crap!!!!


    You all ought to join and have a chat, see what its like to be a sex chat host, you don’t need to be one to join, just say you are , look on the web to find a company and then she’ll let you read everything on her forum, get back and let me know waht you think to it!


    (f) politictics…can’t find you to pm you, perhaps you would like to pm me

    Perhaps you ought to join Miss Marple’s forum and expalin all about ugo and bluebell etc.

    For you others Ruby’s message went up about the same time I posted my post about being a sex chat line host, if you are all seasoned forum posters etc as you claim to be you will know that posts hit the forum at the same time!!! And you call me thick!!! you had better look at yourself first before you start calling anyone else thick or saying people people are not who they are. you have cost me a good slot in a very good forum, so I think you all ought to go and join Pink Kittens forum, explain and get me back on there! You don’t know where else I chat so if I meet you in another forum I just might lower myself to your level!!! Or its easy to join here so I can always re join here and put the cat amongst the pigedons as loads of people keep joining this site!!!

    (f)politics? wrote:
    I wouldnt waste your breath on them janey, no matter who you are or are not its best to not worry about what they think they know, or know , u are the only one that knows whats what dont waste your time trying to convince anyone just ignore them and do your own thing, to many people dictate what others should do and not do and as i have probably said on many threads, advising someone on something is one thing being dictatorial busy bodies is another, its all down to personal choice if u aint hurting anyone with malicious or doing anything illegal people shouldnt judge. Opinions and debates are fine but not personal affronts for no good reason.

    And no this is not directed at any one person just a general comment about life in general not just on here.

    Thank you for your kindd words

    ~Pebbles~ wrote:
    “janey” its a simple case of put up or shut up – post the link to this site you keep going on about, or cut the bullcrap

    Ok…. you can talk to MissMarple/ Pink kitten at The chatline Operators forum…. there you have it, nothing wrong with giving the address out as it is an open forum and anyone can join
    Have fun


    PS, had to go to see to one one the children, but back now.

    Think Miss Marple needs to go back to marpling school as I don’t think she got ten out of ten for all her lessons, as she is way offcourse on this.

    Thanks people on here for the PM’s on this, glad to know that you are all behind me! Just think if she decides not to let me back on her forum I could give you the address of the forum and we could carry on the party over with Pink Kitten!!! do you fancy that? I’m sure she would love to have you all on her forum

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