• @AbitofMary_J wrote:

    @Janey wrote:

    One in Bury St Edmunds….. its the smallest pub in the country!! (I think) and you can only get five people in it!!

    its must do a great trade then eh…!!

    its oor toon there’s too many to choose fae, Id reckon The Innshot under new name now but there has been 3 shooting in it..!! The Tartan Rose another dodgy…

    [Read more]

  • @Janey wrote:

    One in Bury St Edmunds….. its the smallest pub in the country!! (I think) and you can only get five people in it!!

    its must do a great trade then eh…!!

    its oor toon there’s too many to choose fae, Id reckon The Innshot under new name now but there has been 3 shooting in it..!! The Tartan Rose another dodgy one.

  • Catmanblue replied to the topic ebay in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years ago

    @Janey wrote:

    Last things i listed on ebay never sold!! SOB SOB!!!
    One was a cookery book to fed children on good food by lorriane Kelly and another was a book of guitar music for donovon songs!!!

    :lol: :lol: i wonder why they didnt sell :lol: :lol:

  • R.O.T.T replied to the topic leeds meet in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years ago

    @Bat wrote:

    @cath 55 wrote:

    @Janey wrote:

    Ok..was just asking…but understand if no one wants to bring up the bad bits etc.

    Hey Janey , the post was not meant to offend , just a couple of chatters at loggerheads, but to quote someone else on here……….. its only a board game…..;) wanders off to do the ironing :roll: :)

    Now come on Caff,…

    [Read more]

  • Bat replied to the topic leeds meet in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years ago

    @cath 55 wrote:

    @Janey wrote:

    Ok..was just asking…but understand if no one wants to bring up the bad bits etc.

    Hey Janey , the post was not meant to offend , just a couple of chatters at loggerheads, but to quote someone else on here……….. its only a board game…..;) wanders off to do the ironing :roll: :)

    Now come on Caff, don,t tell…[Read more]

  • toybulldog replied to the topic 6 weeks to go in the board Off topic chat 17 years ago

    @Janey wrote:

    You will be surpirised what i get up…one being chat line host..have you read about me here in another thread etc???!!!
    That someone who said that i was boring in Three boards is sooo wrong..my life is far from boring…………….

    they said that you have bored three boards ? now that’s no achievement at all.

    i’m just happy that…[Read more]

  • toybulldog replied to the topic Today I… in the board Tests, quizzes and games 17 years ago

    @Janey wrote:

    Took the children on a hike to the garden centre

    no janey today you : Garden-centered with the kids . . . . .

    yes thats better

  • Bat replied to the topic Oldest Chatter? in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years ago

    @Janey wrote:

    @Sgt Pepper wrote:

    After being quite a while here I do feel very old… yet I’m only 36 …

    What’s that in JC Years I wonder?



    Another question….. I know …. but I did warn you I’m not that bright on these things!!!! What does JC mean??

    Janey, JC =Just Chat. Welcome to the madhouse. :)

  • Pebbles replied to the topic S.C.A.T. in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years ago

    @Janey wrote:

    I work as a chat line host…scat callers are very good hold times!!


    chat line host?? You mean you talk dirty to men on the phone. I think you’ll fit in on JC very well…

  • @Janey wrote:

    I grew cues in my garden for the first time last year..went well so hoping to try and grow more this year!! Fingers crossed

    Do you do much exercise in your garden :D squats would be the best thing in a cucumber patch :-