Couple of good points on this thread…
Rude asks why it matters its a woman being abused. Gender shouldnt come into it.
Arty questions why a thread was made about someone who cant respond.
Not all of us will agree, or get along, but seriously, is it really so hard?
When things get discussed here, when people debate rather than just scrap, it presents some real nuggets to think about. I actually like exploring ideas with people who hold differing opinions and think its a good thing.
I dident start this thread lolWish i had though because its to cosy and cosy alone.I knew he couldent reply and was glad he couldent.He just abused me with the same thing once to often.Remembering i have sufferd it for years all the while sticking up for him and forgiving him because he has problems.I dident need all the stuff he sed,he had no need to do it.I wont opologise for it.