I know what you mean Laine and i do feel guilty.I know that i caused a lot of trouble in that room.I did let people get to me.I sed i would take time out and sort myself out and i did.Not because of some people in jc but despite them.
However much trouble i did cause though,i could never have done it on my own.I mean i gave a lot of stuff but i also took a lot.
I came back and i did not expect to be popular but i did not expect for the barrage of abuse form certen quarters,plus certen guieds.Noe one can onley eat so much drirt.
I will not be held responsable for evry little thing that happens in a chat room.I can not be held responsable for silly middle aged woman who go at me call me rat thick and anything els they like because they caused a problem and havent the balls to see there own parts they play in the problems.
I sat and took what was given,because i knew i had a part in creating the problem.Then it becaume too much,i was getting no help from certen guieds because they hadent the balls to stand firm with certen people.Im very stubern and i know that.Now i actually think there at the point of having to deal with it so certen chatters in the room are playing it for all its worth.That men of a certen age you describe so well are using there influance to get things there own way.
I do not care a fig who anyone one els talks to.I have no right to go at anyone for talking to someone i dont like.I just dont do that.However i have been blasted in the room for talking to a certen person.This person i have never really liked because of there behaviour to woman in the past,but he has never done anything to me and i was very glad at times when down at the bullying he stuck up for me,he dosent pm me hes never came on to me and he understood how bad i felt.
Now iv changed,i have taken a long look at myself and made changes in me,some of the people in there really need to look at themselvs,guieds an all.
On saying all that,most have been very nice to me on my return.Have seen the changes,and have been nothing but nice to me.Bless them for that.
There is no way i will leave f3,i can take the lies and the bullying and the insinuations.Im not a lier im not a terrorist i wouldent like to see anyone hurt and i care.
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