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  • #1021382

    Kenty its getting worse.Your not the onley one she is doing to.She does it to some of the other woman as well.The lies she is saying about folk is incredible.She is doing it on loop over and over again.What she is doing is advertising herself, because she’s looking for a bloke.She thinks by putting other women down and begging herself up she’s making herself look good.She isn’t she’s making herself look ridicules .Shes getting booted, but comes back in doing the same thing over and over.Shes actually got a problem with other wimen and her so called friends and she chooses them because they don’t know how to do anything but lol at her are as bad.Among them are people complaining of having heart attack and strokes, yet wind themselves up, tring to wind others up.Im really worried that someone could harm themselves.Your left feeling that you have no option but take the abuse.




    Theres only two people allowed to call me Moonster lol you and kloppy.I hope he does post more.Yes I know what you mean about the name changers and the childishness.There are enough nice interesting folkeys in there to keep me going back.I could boot myself sometimes for biting.Always good to see you on the boards x


    Mee pissed me off! :wacko:


    People know what she’s like tho, she is showing it very day with the vile she there for only a few little jealous want to bees pay attention.So after all who cares what they spew, what they think they know or indeed what little snippets they do know.They are all surples to requirements in my world.The fact of the matter is, they will be delt with by admin when they go to far.


    Sorry you wont be coming in Clive.You have never sed anything nasty to me and your chats are very interesting.Thanx for the maths lesson you gave me and some others one time.I do feel a bit guilty, because I know I should shut my gob sometimes.It is good of you to let people know that your leaving because I for one know when I don’t see someone for ages’ I think I hope there ok.Anyways what ever you are doings know your having a good time, your Just an upbeat person.Good luck.x


    Most sense iv heard for ages.No they just don’t care how they affect people.

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    Yes bloss lets have a good old doors fest.Havent had one in ages.

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    Sigh,i :unsure: just wouldn’t know where to begin.


    <iframe id=”fitvid0″ src=”” width=”300″ height=”150″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen” data-mce-fragment=”1″></iframe>

    I love that songso forgot about that. :good:

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