I actually kind of liked that post of yours Rose.Because it was honest, and true and how I would Imagine a guide would look at things.
I was not littered with words,frases or anything of any sort directed at certain people who you have fell out with in the past, that would hurt, inflame an argument, or embarrass anyone.I have no elusions about you or NS anymore.I myself have been embarressed,and very hurt by your actions on so many occasions.NS I have no clue about before the last cupel of years.I don’t think the woman has ever had a nice word to say to me or about me.there have been some other chatters treated in the same way.
Everyone knows I’m the numpty Alcoholic that Trolls the room. Evryone knows that I’m the numpty alcoholic that started chatting to Mario,who was upset by him and fights with him in the room. Evryone knows I have been banned and gagged many times.I can say the bans mostly have been fair, because the guides and hosts have had no other choice.However when I came back after staying away for well over four months, the goading and grief I got when I went in the room was so bad that the favourites of the room were just intolerable,not just to me but to others.People have been kindly talking to me in pm consoling and helping me along the way.People who never say a bad word about you NS or anyone els.The other guides that I have seen in the room have been fair and nice.
I have no idea how you cope with what you do.I do know this though that buy talking in a room as the host of the room about certain chaters,egging other chatters on to pick on people talk about them, take their name through the mud.Jus can not be right.Im not talking about chatters like thin ice or Jocker.Im talking about other Women, that you don’t like so then the nasty favourites slag people off., tell lies about them and harass them.Even in their own homes, by phoning them.You know very well how peoples lives are going.You are very much in the loop.I know this because I’m not the cleverest person in the world but have watched how people get demoralised and hurt, by the bullying of you and NS.
Numpty drinker alky anything you want to call me, because you have,I don’t care.I do care though about the nice people.The people that have understood what a kind word or some understanding means.What it can achieve.I honestly hope that things change.I have came in to jc for more than seven years.I really thought in my silly head when I came back ,you would see how id changed my life and how I was coping you would have had the balls to turn to the favourites and say give her a chance.Nothing was further away.
I absolutely love coming in when the room is good so always nice to hear people say hi Jamie,and have a laugh.Oh I will be changing my name and ip, and I will come in the room.I wont let on who I am.I have lost respect for you.
Lol. SHR,s love storey reminds me, on me and my hubby.We lived across the road from each other.We were always peeking through the curtains watching one another.I would write things on the window with spray polish,lol, poof and wanker back to front, and he would give me the v sign.I was 14 he was 16.Here we are 36 yrs later.And they called it puppy love.
Last thing I want to do is kill jc off.Im still tickled that I can log in and talk to some nice folk.Im a bit like blossy when it comes to the vile bullying.Iv seen lot of regs and new comers leaving.When someone puts my name number where I live through the room its just not fair.I don’t go rooting about in peoples face books ect for information on folk, but the ones who do seem to be Abel to run the room and treat people as they see fit.
I know NS has a heliva job on her hands with people bullying, but it seems that kinda people get to do as they please.I know you don’t think it rose petal but I do respect the guides and hosts,
All I want to do is come in and have a nice chat.I am very stubborn when its comes to nasty bullying in that way,I wont leave and I wont be shut up.I have my problems, but I wish no one in there any herm the bullies included.