jamief replied to the topic Should trangender people be regarded as women? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 3 months ago
Im not talking plumbers nuses or drs.Im talking about factoery work ,labering jobs.Not evryone can be a plumber,a nurse ect.You just cant get that kinda work anymore.When i left school,i went right in to factory work.The pay was damd good the work hard.Thats what people did then.Lots of people,you wanted to go to uni,you were lucky enough to get…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Britain is not the EU's equal in strength, and boy, does it show in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 3 months ago
I did say i worried for younger people,because i do.I just cant see away out for young people.I mean its not as if things were working.Look what about young people,who have no chance of work,there is no work for them.What if there disabled,mental health problems,just not clever enough to get any qualifications?What do they do?Dont say they dont…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Britain is not the EU's equal in strength, and boy, does it show in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 3 months ago
You can look at as much stats as you like,stats just are not telling the whole storey.I have eyes in my head i see whats happening and how things are.Perhaps he will see the wisdom in a few years time,In the mean time,i for one am not selling my soul to the devil for a easy finanicial time off it for a few years.I want my familey,my kids and grand…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Should trangender people be regarded as women? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 3 months ago
Sceptical guy has never pmd me,i really dident expect him too.I dont think he takes me seriosly enough to pm me.Thats cool because i dont pm anyways and i wont click on links.He,s never been nasty to me and hes never in anyways made me feel lesser by pointing out spelling grammer or spelling mistakes ect.So when he asked if he had pmd me yet i was…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Britain is not the EU's equal in strength, and boy, does it show in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 3 months ago
Dident know that much about Rees-Mogg.So went and had a speed read.
What i found was, He has lived a very privliged life.He wouldent have a clue how the common man on the street thinks or feels about living in todays Britan.He seems to come from a diffrent era.Very educated and very ritch,and takes for granted that he would know more how to run…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Britain is not the EU's equal in strength, and boy, does it show in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 3 months ago
Exactley Linda,we just want the best for them.I just couldent see anyother way,thats why i voted to leave.The way things look just now though we all wasted our time voting,we dont seem to have been listend too.The first thing may did was sell the fishermen down the river again.The papers were saying today stand up to the eu bullys.Looks like were…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Britain is not the EU's equal in strength, and boy, does it show in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 3 months ago
Well at least you can see where im comming from.
jamief replied to the topic Britain is not the EU's equal in strength, and boy, does it show in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 3 months ago
To hell with ukip.The kinda people drawn to that party are people that think Megan marcle will contaminate the royal famileys blood.You actually get that kinda people,its unthinkable to me but you do.
jamief replied to the topic Britain is not the EU's equal in strength, and boy, does it show in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 3 months ago
Apology to Rudeboy.I ment to say Sceptical guy.I think Britan can fix Britan,EU sure as hell dosent want to.
jamief replied to the topic Britain is not the EU's equal in strength, and boy, does it show in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 3 months ago
Hang on there Rudeboy.
Everything is changing now. We’re moving into a very different world than the one in 2016 where people blithely voted to leave under the illusion that we’ll all be int eh money and the NHS will be saved.
Thats not right at all.Can one you really think people voted to leave the EU blithely?People understood that things wou…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic post what is on your mind this very moment in the forum Chat forum one boards 6 years, 3 months ago
Hope all is well Linda,miss you on the boards.
jamief replied to the topic Britain is not the EU's equal in strength, and boy, does it show in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 3 months ago
I dont like the way he says things,have to agree with a lot he says tho.
jamief replied to the topic Britain is not the EU's equal in strength, and boy, does it show in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 3 months ago
I see what rudeboy is saying here.
jamief replied to the topic Should trangender people be regarded as women? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 3 months ago
Lol having a learning difficultie,dosent make you thick or weak.I have a problem with spelling,no big deal.As for getting upset whith what people say sometimes,happens to us all.Im sure i could hold my own in an argument with you or anyone for that matter.I am just wanting to see the boards busy again.Busy with interesting,and funny posts i…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Should trangender people be regarded as women? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 3 months ago
Rudeboy,when i put a pick of myself up with my glasses on,some people to upset me sed, i looked like Rose west.I have no idea who you are.I suspect you know me tho and that your referral to Rose west in your post is a sly dig at me.
(probably defend anything female with a pulse unless it was Rose West)
Deny it all you like,its obvious to…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Should trangender people be regarded as women? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 3 months ago
Rudeboy,what a nonsensical post.I could read that post from right to left,from bottom to top and it would make more sense.
The concept of, it takes all sorts people to make a world,just dosent resonate with you.The boards are made up of all kinds of people whith,different abilities.Your ability with the English language might be a little better…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic For Cosy only. in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years, 3 months ago
Lol@blow steam outta your ars for attention.You shoulda put that in funnies lol
jamief replied to the topic For Cosy only. in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years, 3 months ago
When i sed carry on your rant,you went for li like dodger.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
jamief replied to the topic Funnies………. in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years, 3 months ago
PMSL Linda.
jamief replied to the topic Funnies………. in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years, 3 months ago
I was watiching a program about the queen,what she did in a day.
She was conversing with this very nice and posh man.pmsl.She was explaning that she kept a diary,The man sed very good your majisty,and do you write it in your own hand.The queen looked at him absolutley stunned and sed.Well i just cant do it any othere way,you see.
I got such a…[Read more]
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