jamief replied to the topic It's great…. in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
slong as there fair and just who cares,
jamief replied to the topic It's great…. in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
Oh I have Dixie,many times mostley fighting the shyte I was getting.Iv payed for it tho and I don’t get others to sort my messes out for me. Shes not daft she knows what she’s doing.
jamief replied to the topic It's great…. in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
Many times iv been a bore and nasty born,but I payed for it banned, gagged, and booted for anything iv done.I own everything iv done. You take advantage of your friends, thinking that they will protect you no matter what you say or do .Your a pure shytehose born and a huge lier.Half the time I actually think you believe your own lies.
jamief replied to the topic It's great…. in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
No you vile evil toe rag, you grow up. You have did nothing but jump on people for weeks calling them unfair names and telling lies about them. You and mo. About time you shut your vile gob. And don’t be starting the alky shyte with me again, you were an alcoholic yourself ya silly bint.
jamief replied to the topic It's great…. in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
lol Not taken sides ,i was told I was jumping on band wagons today, that I have to mind my own business. Has she had mo demanding her to go to her house for a fight again, has she had mo in her pm demanding that I come out and fight in the room , then when these tactics didn’t work she goes in your pm telling lies about us and when that di…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic A Sign of Things to Come?? in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
Hope to see you back soon linda xxx I will miss you and I’m sorry your feeling like that x
jamief replied to the topic What a shame…. in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
I wouldn’t put it past her, she was looking for trouble and a chance to show off, right reason or non. She honestly thinks that no one can see through her lies and games lol
jamief replied to the topic Weemo the liar in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
you hit the nail on the head there Dixie,except I only shot back at mo for her nasty lies.A friend that takes advantage of you when your down is a complete an utter ass hole.
jamief replied to the topic Weemo the liar in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
I know what your saying moose but unless you’ve had the shit you don’t understand.The only time iv really seen Rose post is if someone she doesn’t like has posted and god forbid there right. Why should mo,s behaviour, be swept under the carpet and be made in to a joke. I know it just isn’t funny, yes a lot of it is past but it still goes on.They…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Weemo the liar in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
Absolutely but your obsession with Kenty because she used to go out with thin ice is wrong. Covering up for others is wrong too. Why not just call a spade a spade. We all have feelings, even us drunks.
jamief replied to the topic Weemo the liar in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
Hay hang on there Rose. Its not like you to get involved with the boards at all. So why have a go at Kenty. She,s got to sit in the room while they giggle and laugh at her saying she’s has threesomes with people she hasn’t met. Thats not fair and should have been stopped a long time ago but because its someone you don’t like,its ok for them to…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Weemo the liar in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
I am more vile than you? How exactly do you work that out. Just because I drink, it doesn’t make me more vile than you .Your the one caught out PMing blatant lies, not me.You have caused much trouble with your lies and spinning storeys, not that you didn’t have ears ready to listen to them tho. I have had to many times had to stand my corner and…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Weemo the liar in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
No your not lmfao.I have many times done it lol put stuff through the room too that’s ment for pm but that was a beaut lol
jamief replied to the topic Weemo the liar in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
Tottaly understand your position mizz.Sorry but she has been one nasty woman where iv been concerned.
I hope this doesn’t affect our friendship. best keeping out of it. She’s big enough to slag people off and tell fibs about them she’s big enough to take the flack for it.
jamief replied to the topic stalkers in justchat in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
make yourself clear then cozy.
jamief replied to the topic Weemo the liar in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
Well I’m not sure about that,your always buzzing about tring to stir up trouble.Then acting the angel,not meee.Piss off
jamief replied to the topic stalkers in justchat in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
I wish youd shut up sometimes cosy.Born is not my friend at all.I just have saw winks getting close to wimen and not backing off when they want him to.Now buzz off.
jamief replied to the topic Weemo the liar in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
Now you know what I mean, she does that all the time. Blatant lies, constantly. That how these people survive. They actually believe there own lies.
jamief replied to the topic stalkers in justchat in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
oh boy!
jamief replied to the topic stalkers in justchat in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 4 months ago
I’m not getting the posts muddled at all.Its not about who your stalking. Its about who you have stalked. Infact I wouldn’t even call you a stalker, you just have to learn to back off. Because for sure if anyone says anything to you or make you feel uncomfortable in the room, you run right for a guide.
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