jamief replied to the topic Chatter " hugs and winks" in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years, 11 months ago
Strawbs sometimes it helps to air your grivences on the boards.tbf I have seen some woman complane that he has hassled them in the room.However I do not believe anything that susan is saying.
jamief replied to the topic Chatter " hugs and winks" in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years, 11 months ago
jamief replied to the topic Chatter " hugs and winks" in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years, 11 months ago
Good on you mizzy,he has his bad points we all do.Suze,iv not had that much to do with her.She did come in f3 once and ripped in to me with all the impudence she could muster, out of the blue lol
Hugs might like to keep away from lady’s and Martin for a while, he would do himself the world of good.
jamief replied to the topic Ladies Make Your Choice , Fat or Thin. in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years, 11 months ago
Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000247 EndHTML:000037981 StartFragment:000037723 EndFragment:000037852 StartSelection:000037723 EndSelection:000037852 SourceURL:https://www.justchat.co.uk/boards/topic/ladies-make-your-choice-fat-or-thin/page/15/ Ladies Make Your Choice , Fat or Thin. – Just Chat message boards <script…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Ladies Make Your Choice , Fat or Thin. in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years, 11 months ago
Joker and Buster are like you two nasty little men,Mario and I are the best of friends.Na I’m not telling fibs,i wouldent take that sort of stuff out of the blue,you told lies about me and talked degrading filth about me in the chat room.Perhaps Mooosy is not making excuses for me, perhaps she knows me and likes me. I do have very nice friends, as…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Ladies Make Your Choice , Fat or Thin. in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years, 11 months ago
Ok lovely.I could have sufferd the fibs and the filth throwing in the room na,i rememberd that lol x
jamief replied to the topic Ladies Make Your Choice , Fat or Thin. in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years, 11 months ago
Sorry there mooosy, i felt like saying it. Iv needed to say it for a while now, but if you’d rather I didn’t post, just sat. Funny and nice posts are all very well, but its what I was thinking. I am no diplomat but I say it as it is.
jamief replied to the topic Ladies Make Your Choice , Fat or Thin. in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years, 11 months ago
Ge iv been reading your posts, honestly ,who the hell do you think you are? You are actually one of the nastiest people iv came across on line.
If you happen to have a point of vew, that you don’t agree with,you turn on a sixpence.Blaming others for turning on you like a rabid dog.I was flumixed when you first started telling lies about me.Saying…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic RIP to the great mind and atheist Stephen Hawkings in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 11 months ago
I don’t know if there is a god, other dimension or what ever. No one does. Cant stand bashers, bashing bible, bashers. People can believe what they like.Before anyone one says it, dont ram it down my throat, no ones ramming anything down anyone’s throat. Sick of that old chestnut.
jamief replied to the topic RIP to the great mind and atheist Stephen Hawkings in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 11 months ago
Yeah I bet when ever you’ve been in a bind the first thing you say is god help me.
jamief replied to the topic Ladies Make Your Choice , Fat or Thin. in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years, 11 months ago
I really don’t care what people look like. Its what’s in the head, someone who can make you laugh and can stimulate your mind, someone who is kind and strong.
jamief replied to the topic blackmail in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 11 months ago
Hang on somer, that’s not fare. Just because a person drinks ,it doesn’t mean they cant get upset by people who are nasty to them. Obviously it hart hurt or upset her before she posted. I would just like to know who the arshole is.
jamief replied to the topic blackmail in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 11 months ago
Yes he does tend to get a bit attached to ladys. Iv seen it in the room,eg-loony tune and bornfree.He has a problem with barriers.He has to learn when to back off.
jamief replied to the topic blackmail in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 11 months ago
Mizz,no one has the right to be bribing you with silly pics they have taken when you were in private chat.We all look ugly when were full of alcohol, a complete mess. Just because you drink and like most can make a fool out of yourself drunk, doesn’t give anyone the right to take advantage of that. Your not the cock here, remember that. I really…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic blackmail in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 11 months ago
So did I kenty, but I’m looking at it from hugses point of vew.
jamief replied to the topic blackmail in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 11 months ago
I can kinda understand where hugs is coming from.Not every one knows hugs and looking at the post where his mane is mentioned, you might think having just a glance that somehow he is involved. That is a bit unfair in my book,simply because the person who was actually taking screenshots, and putting pressure on mizzy, wasn’t mentioned. Somehow…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic blackmail in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 11 months ago
Sorry to hear that Mizzy.So glad to hear you wont be blackmailed though. I have been in that situation, I had to learn the hard way.Like you I would not be blackmailed. I thought well all I can do is tell the chatting community the truth, the woman will back me at least. Unfortunately, some of them were vile about it all,throwing it in my face at…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Jane McDonald ? Really ? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 11 months ago
Best thread in ages…….
Not much I like on telly these days. I watch Documentary’s,and a lot of stuff on you tube.
I have no heart for, what I call unkind tv.The booing of contestants coming from the big brother house or the ridiculing of people on Jeremy Kyle. I don’t like that program on Itv called, Take me out. So embarrassing for a…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic M.I.A………… in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
jamief changed their profile picture 7 years, 1 month ago
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