jamief replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
I agree with what ge is saying there.
jamief replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
I know how you operate, not the first time you have picked on a woman to get attention from men on here. However that aside was willing to debate with you on the boards.Get a grip.
jamief replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
I see you treated me with the respect that that you think I deserve there ge.As always.
jamief replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Young people are bonking all over the UK, this backward attitude to sex in the UK in general is ensuring young people are NOT practicing safe sex and has led to one of the highest levels of teenage pregnancies and STIs in Western Europe.
I think the backward attitude to sex has came from people like yourself, trying to brow…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
<article id=”post-1093868″ class=”post-1093868 topic type-topic status-publish hentry”>
Young people are bonking all over the UK, this backward attitude to sex in the UK in general is ensuring young people are NOT practicing safe sex and has led to one of the highest levels of teenage pregnancies and STIs in Western Europe.
jamief replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
I was the moral guide for them and the law supported me. I was right and you are wrong. It seems very fashionable these days for parents to say my daughter or my son are my best friend.That’ rubbish! I would never want my children to think of me as there best friend. I am not,I’m there mother. Im not there to be there buddy, I am there for…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
I did educate my children to the moral, emotional, and lawful consequences of having sex at a very young age.I was very glad of the stance of the law in this situation because 14 and 16 year olds are in no way mature enough to able to handle any of the consequence’s.
I do agree with making children of that age aware of what can happen and and…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Draculena do you think that a fourteen year old is mature enough to be a mother or a father because that’s what happens when fourteen and sixteen year olds have sex.
jamief replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Look at what’s happening in the us just now with Warren Jeffs. He is in prison just now for life for paedophilia and polygamy. He because, he is the profit of the breakaway group of the, Mormon church, Fundamentalists church of Jesus Christ of the latter-day saints.Started by Joseph Smith. They believe warren jeffs, is the prophet of god and…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Children and young teens are very vulnerable and need protecting not just in the uk but everywhere in my vew.I don’t listen to and wont listen to the cultural argument, sorry.In my vew 16 at least should be the age of consent.
Actually no I’m not sorry. Through Experian’s its what I know! Why should I apologise for myse…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
<article id=”post-1093868″ class=”post-1093868 topic type-topic status-publish hentry”>
Children and young teens are very vulnerable and need protecting not just in the uk but everywhere in my vew.I don’t listen to and wont listen to the cultural argument, sorry.In my vew 16 at least should be the age of consent.
Actually no I…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
I for one am glad that there is no tolerance of paedophiles in this country up to the age of 16 , and I think it should be the same in every country.
I was attacked by a filthy old man when I was 14.He didn’t penetrate me,he had a good time to himself though.Although I had been warned by my parents not to trust strange people,I was 14 thinking I…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Rubyred in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
She did make me laugh.
jamief started the topic R.I.P. Ruby Red. in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years, 10 months ago
Yesterday we were told about the passing of Ruby Red.RIP Ruby you will be missed by many on JC.You really made me laugh, You were witty, clever and funny and I used to hang on to every word when you were chatting ,enjoyed your company in chat so much. Bless you Ruby and your lovely family. I know you will be watching over your wee man.x
jamief replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Perhaps it was fred west that came under rose wests control. That is what its all about control. There’s no excuse for killing people. What happens is that people usually come to the end of there tether before things get out of control, and someone is seriously hurt.
Unfortunately I was reading about a young lad, his girlfriend is doing big time…[Read more]
jamief changed their profile picture 6 years, 10 months ago
jamief replied to the topic Bombs Away?? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
You know what Ge, i was enjoying reading and learning from this thread. So interesting. I was enjoying reading yours and everyone’s vews.
Google is one of my best friends, i use it every day, that’s what its there for.Alfie knows his stuff,he’s interested in the subject. May be a different view to yours but just as interesting. Who are you to be…[Read more]
jamief replied to the topic Bombs Away?? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Back we go to the cold war then.
jamief replied to the topic Bombs Away?? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Well, Putin says there will be consequences. So we are waiting to see what Putin is going to do. Looks like there will be cyber attacks.
Fears for public transport, Gas stations,banks ect,waiting to see how they can destabilise the uk.As Ge says, don,t poke the Russian Bear. However did we have any choice in the matter of taking part in the bombings?
jamief replied to the topic Bombs Away?? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Well, Putin says there will be consequences. So we are waiting to see what Putin is going to do. Looks like there will be cyber attacks.
<article class=”articlecontent loaded” tabindex=”0″ data-aop=”article”><section class=”articlebody ” data-aop=”articlebody”>
<p class=”mol-para-with-font”>It is feared vital transport systems, water supplies,…[Read more] - Load More