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  • #485205

    @barbie_girl wrote:

    I work in the NHS, im a staff nurse in a busy medical ward. Now as someone on the frontline, i have seen both good care and bad care. I’ve also seen how the media slates the NHS and nurses. But have you ever stopped to think about it from the other side?

    Staffing and money is the biggest problem within the NHS and that is what affects the care provided. I have noticed a big difference since qualifing in 2003 when i had a pick of jobs, then i saw the numbers of jobs reducing and the number of expected duties increase. All we hear is that we have budget cuts so can’t afford the staff needed.

    I work in a ward that has 48 patients divided into 4 areas of 12. Now back when i started a full quota of staff per area was 2 staff nurses and 1 care assistant. Now for the whole 48 patients it is 8 staff nurses, 3 support workers in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. Now as we are also expected to put out the meals as well as feed patients and we have to do this within a 30 minute period. So yes, its not an ideal situation and we do the best we can. And yes, if it means that a patient gets their meal while its hot because there isnt 48 staff members we ask family to help out if they are willing.

    Now, you all see a nurse on the ward, do you acutally know what her job entails? I have drug rounds to do, patients to wash, bloods to take, physio therapy to provide, doctors rounds to go on, intravenous medication to administer, social work referals to do, OT referals to do. All of this actually takes me away from providing the basic nursing care some people need.

    So don’t go blaming the nhs for the problems that the govenment have put there, we can only provide as much as our budget allows. So next time you are on a ward visiting someone, why not actually take a look around at the number of staff they actually have on the ward, its most likely understaffed.

    Earlier in this thread I said ‘The massive majority of people on the caring side of the NHS treat what they do as a vocation and not just a job and go that mile further in trying to help others.

    You and all those like you have my respect


    A very valid point Lucy

    Most inspection services are just a box ticking exercise. When inspections take place a big show is put on to make sure the right boxes are ticked and then things revert back afterwards.

    Continuing education, training and support are far more important, especially if we expect people to do jobs they have not initially been trained to do.


    @thin ice wrote:

    @thin ice wrote:

    if only it was as simple as the nhs was there for the working class
    the trouble with the nhs and
    the benitfit system
    is that this country has an under class
    they dont work
    their parents dont work
    and most likely neither did their grant parents
    malingerers and scroungers
    they dont work
    they dont pay tax
    they just rape the benifit system
    and thats why the nhs is starved of cash resulting in cra p service
    not enough paying in
    too many taking out
    its a very simple to equation :roll:

    yes actually j mine was
    what i said is a statement of fact
    unfortunatley thats how many people really are
    but to bring hitler in to the disscussion is plain stupid

    so you will be able to give us sources for these facts?

    The creation of the NHS and what it represents for the people of Britain is very interesting beginning with the National Insurance Act of 1946 which created the structure of the welfare state and the National Health Service Act of 1948 which provided free healthcare to the people of Britain


    me neither Words but would rather be that way


    @Wordsworth50 wrote:

    @thin ice wrote:

    ive missed the gossip for once
    what happened with sin :?:

    Nothing at all, he probably had something in his real life that took up his time.


    lol Words – you could have kept him being desperate to know for a bit longer :wink:


    @thin ice wrote:

    @j_in_france wrote:

    @thin ice wrote:

    if only it was as simple as the nhs was there for the working class
    the trouble with the nhs and
    the benitfit system
    is that this country has an under class
    they dont work
    their parents dont work
    and most likely neither did their grant parents
    malingerers and scroungers
    they dont work
    they dont pay tax
    they just rape the benifit system
    and thats why the nhs is starved of cash resulting in cra p service
    not enough paying in
    too many taking out
    its a very simple to equation :roll:

    So what is your solution to this ‘problem’?

    Create extermination camps like Adolf Hitler did to rid his society of the type of people you describe?

    Send kids out to work at 10 years old and raise the retirement age to 75?


    thats a very imature reply j

    as really was yours thin but hey pot kettle black


    @jen_jen wrote:

    Awww love ya too Rubes…and Cosy, you missed the whole point of where to post my next post but there you go :wink:

    congrats on the 5 figures Jen – hehe


    @thin ice wrote:

    if only it was as simple as the nhs was there for the working class
    the trouble with the nhs and
    the benitfit system
    is that this country has an under class
    they dont work
    their parents dont work
    and most likely neither did their grant parents
    malingerers and scroungers
    they dont work
    they dont pay tax
    they just rape the benifit system
    and thats why the nhs is starved of cash resulting in cra p service
    not enough paying in
    too many taking out
    its a very simple to equation :roll:

    So what is your solution to this ‘problem’?

    Create extermination camps like Adolf Hitler did to rid his society of the type of people you describe?

    Send kids out to work at 10 years old and raise the retirement age to 75?



    Ruby, although we live in France we are British, but from south of the border to you. All my comments were about the British NHS of which we have a lot and continuing experience of.


    The NHS is always a topic that will draw differing opinions from all sides. The negative aspects will often be highlighted far more than the positive ones.

    I have had both good and bad experiences of the NHS, and of a surgeon restricted by targets from performing an operation who did the operation privately for which he never sent an invoice. The massive majority of people on the caring side of the NHS treat what they do as a vocation and not just a job and go that mile further in trying to help others.

    The management side of the NHS probably needs a major overhaul and if the NHS is to be expected to treat people outside their remit then training needs to be given. I saw an interesting comment today that care homes have been closing when the owners found they could get more to house homeless immigrants – whether that is true or not I have no idea.

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