np sceptical guy
I find it sad to see the people who go into chat to say nasty things about others – they are fat, they drink, they sleep around, etc. These are just throw away attacks by keyboard warriors who have nothing better to do in life than attack others with lies.
I find it sad that some people post personal details of other chatters in the chat room
I find it sad that people who in the past might have had a relationship with others in the chatroom have the need to post the info all over the room
I find it sad that people have to attack chat guides who only try to do as good a job as possible
I find it sad that people name change and can’t stand up for who they are but still attack others views
I find it sad the number of sad nasty people who just attack others because of their views
But my views are my own and if you don’t argee with them then that is your choice – I am happy to welcome you to the group of sad people