ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
a foursome :shock:
need to get some more instruments then :lol:
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
evenin rossy, bb and ugo :D
ItsAndy replied to the topic SPAMMERS!!! GRRRRRRRR in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years ago
yeah, tis fekin hilarious :lol:
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
lol…think i need a shower too :lol:
nite m8 xxx
take care xxx
ItsAndy replied to the topic SPAMMERS!!! GRRRRRRRR in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years ago
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
hehe…..think i need a massage to relieve the stiffness :shock:
are u holdin it close to ur pink and fluffy :shock: dressing gown :lol:
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
lol…ur gettin sidetracked m8…..we’re on ‘s’ :lol:
hehe….am getting all stiff now :shock: from sittin down too long :lol:
u still playin with that vibrating thing m8 :shock: ur phone i mean :lol:
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
u also need to mover fingers up and down at the same time that ur blowin :shock: to get a tune out of it :lol:
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
hehe….u have to give it a good blow to get anythin out of it :shock: a tune out the trumpet i mean :lol:
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
hehe…am sure i’d enjoy playin with them whatever their size :shock: ur bongos i mean :lol:
it’s only fair then that if u let me play with ur bongos, i’ll let you blow me :shock: trumpet :lol:
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
hehe…..nice of you to get them out for me :D are they big bongos m8? :shock:
hi bb :D
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
think that’s bongos m8 :lol: can i have a bang on urs? ur bongos i mean :lol:
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
right, u need to bash that thing that is now between ur legs :shock: the snare drum that is :lol:
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
before u can start bangin m8….first u need to lower urself down on to me :shock: drumstool :lol: once ur sat on it :shock: (the stool) .. u can get a nice rhythm going :shock: playin the drums i mean :lol:
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
thought u might…..of course it would involve having ur legs apart …. again :lol:
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
how about having a good bang :shock: on me drumkit :lol:
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
u’ve had this big thing between ur legs for a while now…..aren’t u gettin tired yet :shock:
hehe…..it’s starting to rise up again :shock: me post count i mean :lol:
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
it’s all in the wrist action m8 :shock: take a firm grip and move it backwards and forwards :shock: the bow of course :lol:
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
bet u get really wet too m8 :shock: sweatin from all that cello playin :lol:
hi ugo … ya peepin tom :lol:
ItsAndy replied to the topic Name game in the board Tests, quizzes and games 18 years ago
hehe…..so eventually there’ll be some high pitched squeelin :shock: when u hit the high notes i mean :lol:
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