sceptical guy replied to the topic A Day In The Life Of ……………. in the board Chat forum three boards 10 years ago
@Ironduke wrote:
Ive no idea who coathanger is but i love his/her posts. they are enjoyable and bring a smile to my face. i dont frequent chat anymore but i like catching up via theses threads, nothing changes i suppose, all i wish to say is keep it going coathanger . i would however ask just one request, use your superb repoitoire on the whole of…
tinks replied to the topic The London Jewel Heist in the forum Jokes & Humourous Links 10 years ago
@Ironduke wrote:
So thieves have stolen millions in opening over 70 boxes in a raid, they would have got a lot more but after every third box, Noel Edmonds rang them with an offer from the Banker
sceptical guy replied to the topic RIP Nelson Mandela in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years ago
@Ironduke wrote:
Look a bit deeper people, Mandela was a murderer and a terrorist, thousands died at his command before he became a political leader. Do you think he was imprisoned for no reason at all? Good riddance to bad blood, Martin Luther king and Malcolm X were similar, one did it legitamately and one didnt, learn your history
well, that’s…[Read more]
rusty trawler replied to the topic RIP Nelson Mandela in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years ago
@Ironduke wrote:
Look a bit deeper people, Mandela was a murderer and a terrorist, thousands died at his command before he became a political leader. Do you think he was imprisoned for no reason at all? Good riddance to bad blood, Martin Luther king and Malcolm X were similar, one did it legitamately and one didnt, learn your history
There are…[Read more]
panda12 replied to the topic Relationships in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years ago
@Ironduke wrote:
@panda12 wrote:
Well, the ex ex has now finally left after 9.5 years.
The ex – it was easy to get rid of him as he didn’t live here.
So, finally, I’m youngish, free and single.
And I fully intend to stay that way for a long, long time.
The ex ex was bad but not as bad as the ex who was a nasty control freak. I’m well shot of…
momentaryloss replied to the topic Relationships in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years ago
@sceptical guy wrote:
@panda12 wrote:
@Ironduke wrote:
pands, can i eat you before you die? :wink: :shock: lol
Lol. Sorry but I’m off the menu for any form of human consumption.
panda, I’m so pleased that you have a clean and decent, Christian mind…
as otherwise the implications are quite disturbing :shock:
I get where you are coming…[Read more]
panda12 replied to the topic Relationships in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years ago
@Ironduke wrote:
pands, can i eat you before you die? :wink: :shock: lol
Lol. Sorry but I’m off the menu for any form of human consumption.
eve replied to the topic JC’s got talent in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years ago
jen_jen replied to the topic Family Fortune Questions in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years ago
Mrs_Teapot replied to the topic 100% cert chat up line in the board Jokes and humourous links 14 years ago
@Ironduke wrote:
I have a new chat up line that works every time! It doesn’t matter how gorgeous or out of my league a woman might be, this line is a winner and I always end up in bed with them. Here’s how it goes ‘Excuse me love, could I ask your opinion? Does this damp cloth smell like chloroform to you?’
:D shouldn’t laugh… but I did :D
Rosepetal replied to the topic Of Course I hugged it…… in the board Chat forum three boards 15 years ago
@Ironduke wrote:
somethings touch everybodys hearts at times rose, the thing is you dont forget and you think of the good times. Plant another tree for generations ahead…give the future memories like you have now x
I wish we could plant another but I fear the ground is going to be made into a car park :(
bon bon replied to the topic Cryptic Crossword 3 in the board Off topic chat 16 years ago
@Ironduke wrote:
strand of hair :roll:
well done iron
Enthusiast set out inside to get a fix (6)
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