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  • #468160

    not a film but is this allowed:


    so stop w*nking to


    ohhh i like the sound of that – wheres the form to apply for it 8)


    Ok Ok that one made me giggle but only due to “all the single ladies” anytime i hear that i think of the fat bloke in the black outfit on utube dancing to it – will put up link if i remember later.

    through gritted teeth – yeah that chapter was funny !!!


    skin the camel you’ll get lots of fur for a plush coat hanger :wink:


    @animal wrote:

    Very cute but wrong thread :wink:


    ^^^^^^ Jealous ^^^^^^ :lol:


    @tom wrote:

    It’s true.

    Look at today’s women. No morals or values, couldn’t give a toss about family life, they bring their kids up to be troublemaking chavs while banging anything that moves.

    Women used to be the more respected sex in society, they used to be the sensible ones, they used to set the standards and the examples that we should all follow, especially children.

    Now look at the example they’re setting to children. “Get pregnant at 12, shoot heroin at 14, dress like a chav and you can become just like me!” what kind of sick example is that to set to our youth?

    Women have never been so thoughtless and heartless, but, that’s probably what the Illimunati wants. Now they’ve wiped out the more better thinkers of society, they can destroy us and enslave us at their will.

    Except for me, obviously. I think I’m the only person in the world left with morals, values, and of course chivalry.

    Hmm where are all theses Immaculate Conceptions happening, all these women popping out future chavs – wheres the fathers, dont men have a role to play for their actions too!!!


    hmm think i cybered with him last night

    Least i hope it was him and not some random :lol:


    nuns dressed like penguins

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