Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Can’t They Leave Alone? in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 9 months ago
3 bags full?
Lol yep knew you to be a sheep, now run along with the rest if your flock, seeking valadation from strangers on the net :wink:
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Can’t They Leave Alone? in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 9 months ago
Have things changed or is it just memorys letting us down?
Theres a robin williams film where they take memorys and play them at funurels, theres a bit where a woman goes mad over a colour of a car, she remembered it green but in fact it was blue, from childhood to adults memory changes, thats why in real life even the police say an eye witness…[Read more]
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic WHAT IS IT WITH THIS MOI NONSENSE? in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 9 months ago
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner Words, im grand thank you, and hope all is well in your world.
As for cosy – this is what he said:
@cosy,m wrote:
winding just chat up with my moi thread lol
their not all biting yet
but they willi can already see the pigs edging…
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic EVERYBODY KNOWS in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 9 months ago
Lol AT cosy, how bored are you that your repeating crap threads from across the road, i havent read all post from the other site,,,,,
are you slagging off JC posters again for biting on this one since your other thread about moi backfired?
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic BLAH in the board Chat forum one boards 11 years, 9 months ago
@bullshiddy shidkins wrote:
yes she is rogue trader. thankyou Michelle for your concern and empathy, it really means alot. As an update to the current situation i have decided to buy a ring from argos on saturday.
If its the same blah myself and rogue know, sorry but shes taken.
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic SOMETIMES,JUST SOMETIMES in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 10 months ago
If it was out of charater for him id agree but hes always at it, the post that annoyed me was him implyıng people pm to bad mouth jen.
He pretends to hate people until he sees hes the one in a bad light and makes such a uturn its behond a joke.
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic SOMETIMES,JUST SOMETIMES in the board Chat forum three boards 11 years, 10 months ago
Thats one of your problems cosy you say you know how to play the “boards game” but when you want attention you act like a spoilt child until someone speaks to you
Getting drunk and ranting online is not a windup no matter how you look at it.As for people not liking jen, speak for yourself as i for one out of many really like her.
Hope all is ok…[Read more]
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic The last person to post on this thread is the best! in the board Off topic chat 11 years, 11 months ago
Howdy xx now feck off im the best and im watching you Rainny :wink:
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Cooooeeeeeeeee in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years ago
Im in and out but mostly shaken it all about :wink:
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic thought for the day in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years ago
So Danny your thought is what doctors have been saying for years and your advise is something doctors have been giving out for years, there has even been ads on telly for the past couple of years saying the same thing, so this is your thought – what others have been saying for years?
Welcome to the 21st century you dumbass.
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Who’s with Who or wants Who in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years ago
I hope you made enough for everyone [-(
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Bucket list in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years ago
a bucket list are things you wanna do before you die.
I think the most popular one is swimming with dolphins.
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Why I pity Forum 3 in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years ago
calm down Batty, cant you see irony when you read it?
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Hi Everyone – Capster here… in the board Chat Rooms – Forum Two Boards 12 years ago
Heya caps x yeah now i remember ya, welcome back.
Nice chatting to you yesterday in chat, hopefully chat soon.
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Be my cyber Valentine. There’s chocolate and jiggy involved in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years ago
sigh. might as well sell the pills, seen as your mind is made up
Taffygirl is the only one without Cons.
I would have given you time to warm up, preferably helped you along.
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Welcome to the boards Money Penny :) in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years ago
Heya MP xxxx
Happy posting
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Mellows Birthday in the board Chat forum two boards 12 years ago
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Happy Birthday Rusty Trawler in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years, 1 month ago
Happy Birthday Trawler, hope you have a good one xx :wink:
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic A to Z of Animals in the board Tests, Quizzes & Games 12 years, 1 month ago
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic A to Z of Animals in the board Tests, Quizzes & Games 12 years, 1 month ago
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