Irish_Lucy replied to the topic UPDATE ON USERS PICS in the board Chat forum three boards 10 years, 4 months ago
@Clive_not_in wrote:
`Seen this as a question on The chase – What is Andy Capps real name?
Bradley Walsh fell around the place when the answers were read out.
Welcome to the boards Clive 8)
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic this is 9 balls future house plan. this is my world in the board Chat forum one boards 10 years, 4 months ago
Thank you for the blue prints of your house, now if you would be so kind to leave your house keys under the flower pot beside the front door.
Also, to save me waking you up, would you could be so kind to leave your bank card and pin number on your desk.
Your sincerely
Lucy Dublin -
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Let’s talk about Islam in the board Chat forum three boards 10 years, 4 months ago
All religions can be dangerous when taken to the extreme.
The ISIS is a small group of extremist Muslims, they do not represent the whole Muslim community just like the Irish Catholics who hide behind the IRA are not a true representation to all Irish.
BB, the next time you start a thread you’d probably be better off having all your info ready…[Read more]
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic My attempt at writing a poem. in the board Art, Poetry, Music & Film 10 years, 4 months ago
only seeing it now, but i liked it too.
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Who am I? in the board Tests, quizzes and games 10 years, 4 months ago
Dara O’Briain or Stephen Fry??
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Famous ppl you would like to snog? in the board Off Topic Chat 10 years, 4 months ago
when Rogue Trader see’s you posting his pic, he may not be happy.
Then again he may pucker up :shock:
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic The last person to post on this thread is the best! in the board Off topic chat 10 years, 4 months ago
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Where are they now? in the board Chat Rooms – Forum Two Boards 10 years, 4 months ago
@LucyLocket wrote:
, I was ill for about 8 months but now my reason is being very much in love & happily engaged, hence im too busy with my real life……….
This engagement.
Wonder who the lucky person is?
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Famous ppl you would like to snog? in the board Off Topic Chat 10 years, 4 months ago
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Where are they now? in the board Chat Rooms – Forum Two Boards 10 years, 4 months ago
@LucyLocket wrote:
Sarah & Desmondy
do they still come in jc?
Although I drifted off to forum3 I don’t come in very much anymore, I was ill for about 8 months but now my reason is being very much in love & happily engaged, hence im too busy with my real life………..I was just avin a nosey at the boards and reading some old post, I miss people…
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Complete offer to stay?! in the board Chat forum one boards 10 years, 4 months ago
@Lauren_9_Lego_Crimes wrote:
1) Yes it is true, a mistake is a mistake, so I shall take that as your apology as jumping down my neck with your misunderstanding [-X2) so….. an eye roll icon cause YOU offence enough to comment on it and feel the need to bring to my attention? (which I may add with no knowledge as to what the eye roll was…
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Complete offer to stay?! in the board Chat forum one boards 10 years, 4 months ago
a mistake is a mistake and everyone makes them.
Its the roll eyes you do when you don’t agree with someone else or take offence when someone questions you, that im picking you up on.
Does it bother you that not everyone thinks your opinions are the correct one?
As it was Blossom who asked who Michael was and Bully who pointed out its Martin who…[Read more]
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Name-changers and Sociopaths in the board Chat forum three boards 10 years, 4 months ago
how did i miss this thread first time around, i have no idea.
What was i looking for when i came across this – have long forgotten :oops:
11 pages of a bloody good read though.
I really miss EVE.
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Complete offer to stay?! in the board Chat forum one boards 10 years, 4 months ago
it was a mistake so i re posted it, but you decided to over look the more recent one.
How you fecked up:
Taking the Pi..
Taking the Michael
Are the same (even you pointed this out), yet felt the need to put BOTH in the same sentence.
Was that a mistake or did you do it intentionally?
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Complete offer to stay?! in the board Chat forum one boards 10 years, 4 months ago
@Irish_Lucy wrote:
why are you rolling your eyes? your the one who fecked up.
we know what taking the p1ss means also taking the michael means.Only you put BOTH in the same sentence which meant you said it twice, then when asked about it rolled your eyes.
:roll: indeed.
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Complete offer to stay?! in the board Chat forum one boards 10 years, 4 months ago
why are you rolling your eyes? your the one who fecked up.
Over here where the language was invented we know what taking the p1ss means also taking the michael means.
Only you put BOTH in the same sentence which meant you said it twice, then when asked about it rolled your eyes.
:roll: indeed.
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic 9 ball and his rough look – still amazingly good looking u c in the board Chat forum one boards 10 years, 4 months ago
everyone else thinks only morons do it @ Lauren
Looking good 9ball.
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic FAQ’s in the board Chat forum three boards 10 years, 5 months ago
@rogue trader wrote:
when you say any further questions,do you mean about anything in life if so,why don’t you start an agony aunt kinda thing
dear host
my girlfriends nicked my telly,i cant get it back because I have a restraining order not go go within a mile
idont mind that as such
but she keeps ringing me up taunting me putting the telly on… -
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic The last person to post on this thread is the best! in the board Off topic chat 10 years, 5 months ago
well well well, Look who comes out with the sun, its summer down under while we get out are winter coats
Heya CP xxx
Hope all is well with you and yours.
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Tommo in the board Chat forum one boards 10 years, 5 months ago
CP xxx
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