Irish_Lucy replied to the topic The last person to post on this thread is the best! in the board Off topic chat 9 years, 11 months ago
i only know the Muffin Man from Sherk :oops:
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic The last person to post on this thread is the best! in the board Off topic chat 9 years, 11 months ago
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Has Forum 3 become boring? (aka The War Zone) in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 12 months ago
feck off im no traveller. V
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic F1 chatters……….post yer grids
in the board Chat forum one boards 9 years, 12 months ago
@TheMaster wrote:
Aye, I’m baaack.
For now.
Looking good, keep meaning to txt you. Hope your well xxxxxxxxxx
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic F1 chatters……….post yer grids
in the board Chat Rooms – Forum One Boards 10 years ago
@bcheekychick wrote:
I rarely drink, im a Sagittarius and im a very happy drunk.
If anything the Taurus is more me when i drink.
A bit too happy :oops:
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic The last person to post on this thread is the best! in the board Off topic chat 10 years ago
lol @ specky 4 eyes, haven’t heard that in years.
when my eyesight starts to go, im getting glasses – no way could i use contacts, the thought of putting something in or on my eye freaks me out.
:oops: only AFTER reading Jens post did i see the spelling mistakes in Sceps post – maybe i need glasses now :shock:
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic F1 chatters……….post yer grids
in the board Chat Rooms – Forum One Boards 10 years ago
nice pics, but beautiful dogs (the black one looks like a wolf)
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic BLAH in the board Chat forum one boards 10 years ago
@bullshiddy shidkins wrote:
Fakes, liars, single mums. Predators, ‘princesses’, dole dossing scum.
Trolls, goaders, unintelligible jocks. Alchi’s, druggies, c0cks in frocks.
Pasters, lurkers, circle jerkers, whiners, co-signers, birds in burka’s.
identity stealers, wheeler dealers.. fat yanks, dumb yanks.. chatguide squealers.
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Does anyone know in the board Chat forum three boards 10 years ago
If people are still posting its hardly dead, may not be as popular as it was but i see your point.
So my answer to you would be:
APPARENTLY some where a bit too sensitive and took a message board to heart, they got offended to others having a laugh, had them banned and now most of the people from the old days are “across the road”
We are all…[Read more]
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic The last person to post on this thread is the best! in the board Off topic chat 10 years ago
no deserters here :shock:
I was just playing hide and seek (but no one came seeking
:-({|= play the smallest one just for me.
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic A bit of light reading for you. in the board Chat forum three boards 10 years ago
@Moon wrote:
You can call them pets,my dog was my constant companion. I miss him so much.My heart is broken,i donr have a friend in this world now.
Shame you weren’t friends with Minnie last August.
So what is your position in the room Moon?
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic A bit of light reading for you. in the board Chat forum three boards 10 years ago
First you have a position in a room – lmfao
Then you can’t reply, Minnie does it for you.
Now your saying I need back up?? your the one letting Minnie answer for you.Did you not tell Minnie of you posting in Pats recently about your dog Jake and how you were more then happy to chat us all then.
Minnie i stopped smoking weed a long time…[Read more]
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic A bit of light reading for you. in the board Chat forum three boards 10 years ago
@minnie mouse wrote:
im a bit shocked i forgive u for being thick irish lucy ( pun so intended) but i and moon are good mates so im sure moon can talk for herself my dear what s name of uyr employer lucy that pays u sh it wage thAT u cant afford the internet in yr house :shock:
do you even know what a pun is??
guessed not, here you…[Read more]
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic A bit of light reading for you. in the board Chat forum three boards 10 years ago
@minnie mouse wrote:
im a bit shocked i forgive u for being thick irish lucy ( pun so intended) but i and moon are good mates so im sure moon can talk for herself my dear what s name of uyr employer lucy that pays u sh it wage thAT u cant afford the internet in yr house :shock:
maybe if you had an education you would be employed but with…[Read more]
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic A bit of light reading for you. in the board Chat forum three boards 10 years ago
@Irish_Lucy wrote:
@Moonshadow wrote:
Line – Liane really did surprise me.
When she arrived she latched right on to me seeing my position in the room. Seeing that there were people I didn’t get on with. She because very friendly with me, talked a good talk of how I was right about everything, they were the ones in the wrong and needed more help… -
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic A bit of light reading for you. in the board Chat forum three boards 10 years ago
@Moonshadow wrote:
Line – Liane really did surprise me.
When she arrived she latched right on to me seeing my position in the room. Seeing that there were people I didn’t get on with. She because very friendly with me, talked a good talk of how I was right about everything, they were the ones in the wrong and needed more help that me. I was… -
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic l,e in the board Chat forum three boards 10 years ago
the bit that made me laugh was he doesn’t care about post counts but then points out how many he has (including on other sites)
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic l,e in the board Chat forum three boards 10 years ago
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic Anything You Like in the board Chat forum three boards 10 years ago
your hair is lovely in that pic Blossom.
Very nice pic indeed.
PS: I fecking love trifle.
Irish_Lucy replied to the topic UPDATE ON USERS PICS in the board Chat forum three boards 10 years ago
no it isn’t you even admitted it was you, and its the exact pic your telling Kenty about.
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