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  • #267048

    Jeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz… i just about remember my first day here, near on 6 yrs ago when i used the name tiggy still calls me by…Heaven (but NOT 72!), n Fay( who was mel then), Chas ( who was femmy @ the time) totally took me under their wing right then and there, When forum 4 and the Regulars room was the placee to be…They introduced me to Merc, awww….and Tiggy, that was when Poppet was still using this place, PML!And Delilah…Jeez, see, now ya gots me reminiscing! I can remember ALL the old regs…(from the Regs room, and as soon as Regs room went, and we stole the 40s room, I became *The old Reg, Inny* im still the oldest youngster in the room pml!




    LOL……….. i never even thought of that! well done…..another to add to me list of *get rid of unwanted party guests* ideas pml :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @sunny wrote:

    Sick to the back f00king teeth

    Thats , like, SIX words, suns…………

    Mine is Sarkyb1tch :lol: :lol:


    @femme 58 wrote:


    :lol: :lol: :lol: LMAO, you nutjob! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Mty brand *SPANKING* new MP3/MP4 player that looks the spittin image of an ipod….but it isnt an ipod! lol, me fella is spoilin me…. wonder why! :oops: :P


    @oss wrote:

    Thats lovely, Gizmo was a ponger even after a bath. I used to take him in the sghower with me daily lol. No one else would use the showers weirdly enough when i was in there. Might have something to do with Giz going mental in there and he played chicken with the water pml.

    LOL! I wish my ferrest were that scared! they see bathtime as *Time to get the owner soaked by splashing as much as poss* time…. they love it… I’m not so sure about having them in the shower with me though…. to many fleshy bits to be nibbled if ya get me drift! lol………i meant me toes! tut! But they are so soppy, me girls ( and neighbours kids) all walk them home from school, they are so used to all the school kids stroking them n picking them up, they expect every stranger to cuddle them now, it gets embarrassing when i take them to the park, or down town, considering most people are scared s**tless of them and think im crazy fer kissing their noses! lol


    Lol, ta lancsywancsy :?


    Awww Oss, i didnt see ya reply! No i havent had their glands removed as i think its wrong, its only an option for the people who want them as a status symbol, mine are part of my family, i cant stop me fella farting, so i use them to get him bk! pml! They live outside in the warm weather, and indoors of a winter, but i bath them twice a week, so they dont pong, they are so soppy, i walk them up the school when i get my girls, they love it.
    Awww Mary! heh heh joint celebrations! ya wana share a sleep over? pml


    :lol: :lol: :lol: Hikarious!


    Kwank………… ask CherryB :lol: :lol: :lol:

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