Laine replied to the topic The Slagging Off Thread. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
think id agree kenty, they hand her a loaded gun, she fires it, problem is she then blames me when shes banned for spouting the total and utter shyte she types about me, ive seen people type in the room AFTER ive got her on ignore “for gods sake moon leave laine alone”
and for the record moonshyte, you’re an alcoholic who cannot handle herself…[Read more]
Laine replied to the topic The Slagging Off Thread. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
i keep being accused of poking at Moon, if anyone is in the room when i am can someone put her straight, i have no idea why she is obsessed with my name, i dont mention her, dont speak to her and put her on ignore as soon as i notice her.
its bordering on paranoia now isnt it? to think everytime a person chats theyre chatting about you?, sorry…[Read more] -
Laine replied to the topic The Incident Of The Dead Dog in Pats in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
not looking for any kind of anything, yes its devastating to lose a loved pet, but.. because i said i was a widow joker decides its ok in a chatroom to say i killed my husband. that in my opinion is low.
so i think it is just in some peoples nature to show who and what they really are and not actually about the person its being said about
Laine replied to the topic The all new Rainbow thread … in the board Chat Rooms – Forum Three Boards 9 years, 7 months ago
Bungle Report made me giggle especially considering bungle wanted to play with his friends balls lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Laine replied to the topic something dear to my heart in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
Did you mean this?
Laine replied to the topic Off the Cuff (not word prosessed or copied from anywhere) in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 8 months ago
cant be goaded by low tone unhappy people
i have a life and im living it
type away its what you do best, proving to all and sundry how sad you are
making me such an important part of your life im really not worth your efforts honeyexpects more acrid vitriol but i wont be here to read it why? because your opinion of me is of no importance to…[Read more]
Laine replied to the topic Off the Cuff (not word prosessed or copied from anywhere) in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 8 months ago
Think someone has perspective “issues”, my original post wasn’t “nasty” if was pure fact. its what “has” happened, not hearsay, not made up, not a figment of anyone’s imagination.
just thought i’d point that out, now i’ll leave the hijackers to it
Laine replied to the topic Off the Cuff (not word prosessed or copied from anywhere) in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 8 months ago
how many Rogue?????
blimey, do you mind if i decline lol xxx
you do make me laugh yknow hugs
Laine replied to the topic Off the Cuff (not word prosessed or copied from anywhere) in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 8 months ago
Probably not Rogue its a country song.
loved the others though i didn’t half giggle!
i don’t watch much tv, i always have the radio on. i love music all genres from classical and opera to heavy metal (not thrash).
some move me to tears. i remember making a right t!t of myself at the first opera i went to see, there i was all dressed up. sobbing…[Read more] -
Laine replied to the topic Off the Cuff (not word prosessed or copied from anywhere) in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 8 months ago
Bemused, i won’t let that happen if i am in there, i always stand in someones corner, someone was being ripped to sh!t other day and they weren’t even in the room, and i did defend. because alhough i don’t know the person in reality, i have no problem with him, and he has always been polite to me. result? i was accused to sleeping with him.…[Read more]
Laine replied to the topic Off the Cuff (not word prosessed or copied from anywhere) in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 8 months ago
Oh I know its words on a screen Bemused, but its relentless, and my thoughts are not of it affecting me but disruption in the room. maybe i didnt make myself as clear as i thought i had, i apologise.
Trapper is right 4 am -6am is the nicest time to chat (i am an early riser bad habit) save for a couple of names i wont mention who have decided…[Read more]
Laine replied to the topic Word of the day? in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 8 months ago
Laine replied to the topic Music Thread in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 8 months ago
and a saying that could quite easily fit with this song -)
Cant text me, I understand. cant call me, I understand. cant make time for me, I understand. but when you see me with someone that truly makes me happy, I hope you understand.
Laine replied to the topic can anybody on here in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 8 months ago
now that my dear friend made me truly laugh out loud! x
Laine replied to the topic can anybody on here in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 8 months ago
It sure is……… what is that again exactly? lol
a few of my favourites
Laine replied to the topic Whose in chat f3 now in the board Chat Rooms – Forum Three Boards 9 years, 8 months ago
Laine replied to the topic can anybody on here in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 8 months ago
hope this is the one you mean
im from a musical family (im afraid) i play flute, daughter plays trumpet, son plays piano and keybords, eldest grand daughter plays sax grandson plays guitar
gotta agree though the sax on that track (1975) is sublime, as are some of candy dulfer’s tunes
but my favourite?
Baker’s…[Read more]
Laine replied to the topic How Often……. in the board Chat Rooms – Forum Three Boards 9 years, 8 months ago
of course it should be a bank holiday …… everyone else has one on their national day so why not us? not fair is it?
and i always wear a red rose on that day, i know many dont now.
just had a thought….. wonder if there is a rose bush called St George?? if so i might get one for my garden.
Thank you for the compliments rogue (steady) not…[Read more]
Laine replied to the topic How Often……. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 8 months ago
Hope youre not my sister or nephew Rogue, that is their birthdays too and…………
no wonder youre so good with writing it is also our Bards day. and St Georges day no less!!!!
I’m a Scorpio 29th October (cant get much closer to All Hallows Eve eh?
To Be. or not to be, that is the question, for whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the…[Read more]
Laine replied to the topic UPDATE ON USERS PICS in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 8 months ago
Made me giggle too honey lol
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