Forum Replies Created
28 April, 2012 at 4:20 pm #494734
Oh dear!
Bit late but password tip is to pick four or five words and a number memorable to you. Come up with a way to jumble them about for various sites. Then you dont have so much to guess when trying to remember
e.g cat dog rabbit hampster* 12
you can then use catdog12 dogcat12 12dogcat etc……..
* for those old enough on the net to know that there is a p in hampster. Free cuppa tea and internet bus pass to those that know the original reference.
28 April, 2012 at 4:06 pm #494514My favourite one of these is
Mr and Mrs Brown have 7 children -If exactly half of them are girls what sex are the others?
28 April, 2012 at 3:53 pm #494511Unfortunatley this problem cant be solved from the information given. There are variious answers on the internet but they all fail without the knowledge that there is a mixture of colours on the folks heads.
The basic logic is
“If either of the two sighted can see two reds then they know their hat is green.
So by deduction there is either – two green hats and one red – OR – all the hats are green.
The Internet answers go –
Start with prisoner A. They don’t know which hat they have on. If B and C were both wearing red they would know their hat was green . That must mean either B or C is wearing a red hat or they are both green. A could be wearing a red or green hat in this case, so A doesn’t know.
So, let’s go to B. B realising what A is thinking, B realises that either themselves and C is wearing a red hat. If B sees a green hat on on C, then B must be wearing a red hat. Since B does not know which hat they have on that means that B MUST see a red hat on C. So, that leaves them wondering if they have a green or a red hat on.
That leaves C (the blind dude). C realises that he must have a red hat, since neither A or B could deduce the colors of their own hats.
That’s the solution to the problem. There is no way that C could have a green hat and produce the same results. If B also had a green hat, student A would know he had a red hat. Or if B had a red hat, A would not know his own hat color, but B would know that since C had a green hat, B must have a red hat.”
Unfortunately the answer does not hold true for the three green hat scenario because there is the assumption for B that A is seeing two two different colours, and for C also that there are two different colours in play. Without them knowing that there are at least two different colours on the heads it is impossible to solve through logic.
The internet answers such as the one above are couched in such a way as to appear plausible but they rely upon the assumption of two different colours.
Probably one of those things lost in transcription from the original.
4 March, 2012 at 4:55 pm #490105Happy Bday (Belated) Pinky – Yer catching up on us. :D
2 December, 2011 at 6:30 pm #483990I totally disagree with drinking and driving and do believe that over the limit should be an almost instant and rapid ban (days later but not 90mins, we still need the right to get legal representation – that time limit smacks of a police state and technically you would still be intoxicated and unable to understand or challenge the charges ). However an “any alcohol at all” automatic ban is very draconian and unreasonable.
People are missing the point that many foods contain alcohol, espescially at the festive period – various christmas cakes – sherry trifle – brandy absorbed by pouring on Christmas pudding then set alight (but then blown out)- various things done in wine/port sauces. Some may say that these are “boiled off” in cooking but not all actually are. For those who have diligently avoided alcoholic drinks it would crushing to loose a licence because of a small amount in the bloodstream caused by eating.
By the way if you are eating alcohol prepared foods you should be aware of their impact, even if you dont have a drink. There are cases where people have lost their licences because of them. Home made are worst because of “heavy hands” on preparation and not enough cooking time to boil off the alcohol. Also I recall some years ago a publican was found to be just over limit from breathing the fumes in an pretty crowded bar with lots of spirits being ordered (he succesfully appealed but vowed to be more aware and careful).
So be careful what you eat! (and under no circumstances drink and drive).
If in doubt walk/get a taxi or crash out on a sofa. (sofa would be my option as you could party longer :twisted:)
27 November, 2011 at 8:13 pm #483506Ty Mrs Teapot, Jen -Jen. Boojangle n poli omg you are so girly ( understandable i know)! Ahh tinks sorry cant get them any more – sold out.
But thank you ladies for your comments
26 November, 2011 at 6:03 pm #483505@balloons wrote:
@ian52hants wrote:!
waves to bluey* xx
:D/ waves to pinky xx
25 August, 2011 at 3:44 pm #475463Aw Su,
When I saw this on the boards I had to register just to say thanks for all the chats and I for one will miss you :( . You take care