I watched this film for the first time over the weekend and really enjoyed it takes a completely different approach to the usual rom com genre. I found it funny, emotional and thought provoking all at the same time.
Made me rethink about the way I have approached things recently. I always made the assumption that someone still loved me and that’s just not the case. I do know that given time they would fall in love with me again but as to whether I’ll ever be fortunate enough to be afforded that chance I really don’t know.
Neither of our teams won I was cheering Australia on as well I tell you what though Tim Cahill has still got it. One of the best players i have ever seen at winning and scoring headers.
I hope you still cheer on the Villa if you ever get the chance not that there is much to cheer for our team at the moment :(
Ouuuu Harley Quinn that appeals to my geeky side on so many levels I would LOVE to go as Heath Ledgers Joker that would be brilliant.
You could pull of the look easy your body is crazy hot it would be wasted in a potatoe sack lol
P.S. I don’t like football I don’t even know why you would think I like it lol :( :( :( :(
Oh oh oh I would also like to go as a power ranger preferably the red one. All I seem to wear nowadays is red clothes so its almost like its meant to be.
Are you sure it was fancy dress… because no one else is in costume…
Haha we had left the fancy dress party and gone up town I’m not sure where my mates were I was too busy getting asked for pictures although it doesn’t look like it in that first picture lol
Who would you dress up as if you was going to a fancy dress party?
Beens England play tonight in the World Cup I thought I would link three lions it is impossible to listen to this as an English football fan without feeling PUMPED