Holisticjo replied to the topic TEACHER AXED FOR KEEPING HER VEIL ON in the board Getting serious 18 years, 4 months ago
BAN RELIGION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holisticjo replied to the topic Tories in discrimination row in the board Getting serious 18 years, 4 months ago
isnt everyone on the autistic spectrum?
Holisticjo replied to the topic high or low?… (over 18’s only) lol in the board Getting serious 18 years, 4 months ago
Men stray because thats nature, very few species mate for life or have just one mate, in heards there are normally several females to a male, its his job to pass on his genetics!! We just think too much about life and forget that we arent the greater being we are just another species!!
Holisticjo replied to the topic TAX THE FAT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
@token_male wrote:
@sharongooner wrote:
@token_male wrote:
cath do not be silly about this it is a forum words on a screen, if you eat to comfort yourself then that is fine
out of order and if you dont know it then you are sad, way sad!!
that is not an opinion, purely an insult and a personal one at that.
i hope you take it back, and get off…
Holisticjo replied to the topic Too many white people reporting the news…. in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
What a load of tosh, just because someone is black doesnt mean they’d have a clue about african culture, what if they were born in the uk and raised with uk culture? Same for anyone. That is judgemental and racist.
Holisticjo replied to the topic R.S.P.C.A Animal abuse on the up in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
Dont be too sad although 6 weeks old is too young to leave mum really they’ll be ok if there fed. And she’ll soon be ok too. Hang em thats what I say
Holisticjo replied to the topic WE are god! in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
Mother nature is god!!
Holisticjo replied to the topic TAX THE FAT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
@jay wrote:
yep :D
if peeps spent more time being less judgemental about others
and looked at theirselves more closely and ironed out their own cracks….
then mayb yes they could spout such crapHow is taxing the fat judgemental?
Holisticjo replied to the topic TAX THE ARROGANT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
@And wrote:
@Holisticjo wrote:
@And wrote:
If they concentrated taxing the arrogant, and people who have nothing better to do than jibe at other people because of their size or shape, then they would make a few quid off this message board. Whatever next ? lets attack people with disabilities ? No difference! Were all afflicted by something or maybe…
Holisticjo replied to the topic TAX THE ARROGANT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
@And wrote:
If they concentrated taxing the arrogant, and people who have nothing better to do than jibe at other people because of their size or shape, then they would make a few quid off this message board. Whatever next ? lets attack people with disabilities ? No difference! Were all afflicted by something or maybe some people are just perfect ?…
Holisticjo replied to the topic TAX THE FAT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
@Becky wrote:
I heard on the radio when this “Tax the fat” came out. What about rugby players? They are overweight but fit healthy? No one on the radio could answer it and a health minister or whatever i cant remember now said they would have to be taxed if it came out as they are overweight!?!?! Now to me its stupid full stop but rugby players are…
Holisticjo replied to the topic TAX THE FAT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
@Gyps wrote:
Ok, I’ve tried really hard to ignore this thread (sorry Rubes….) but I cant.
My beautiful 16 year old daughter has suffered with Anorexia since she was 13. She has had many ups, and believe me, many, many lows. No one can pinpoint the exact reason for the onset of an eating disorder, but she will tell you that part of her wants so…
Holisticjo replied to the topic TAX THE FAT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
@Tory Girl wrote:
Tax the ignorant, Brown’s budget would be bursting at the seams! :roll: :lol:
Why do you swerve around the post, yes tax everyone for every bad habbit but at least offer us something to the post?
Holisticjo replied to the topic TAX THE FAT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
@rubyred wrote:
och im a wee fat lassie….i was beautiful all my life..i can sing and dance,,..i remember when life was nice,,and the folks that know me KNOW i have a really unique lymph gland killer,,im in the lancet,,im a wee beautiful blonde,,and i got a weird steroid killing disease..
idiot !
One of my horses has that disease is it called…[Read more]
Holisticjo replied to the topic TAX THE FAT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
@AbitofMary_J wrote:
tax the yankers whom start threads like this…. never read soo much pish in me life….
how about starting a thread like….. fair tax….. ie…. footballers with vulgar amounts of wages paying f anny adams tax…. and Joe Soap with 2 point 4 kids…. plus 2 out of wedlock…. gets hammered left rite and centre….!!!
Holisticjo replied to the topic TAX THE FAT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
@Lambrini Girl wrote:
I must be living in a parallel universe …. I have yet to find the signals which say fat is good!
We are bombarded with information nowadays, regarding what we should/should not eat, what percentages of saturated fats/salt/E numbers/calcium/vitamins/proteins are good/bad for us …. We are more aware nowadays of what we put…
Holisticjo replied to the topic TAX THE FAT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
@cath 55 wrote:
@Holisticjo wrote:
Why is it that society finds fat people accetable? If a person in magazines or on TV is slim we moan about creating a bad image for young girls, but when fat people appear in public, we congratulate them and tell them how good the are, so we condone fatness, making young people think that being fat is right. Double…
Holisticjo replied to the topic TAX THE FAT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
@Becky wrote:
This has been covered many times. Fat to me is as bad as thin. If you are too thin you are felt sorry for and put into a clinic to “recover” but if you are fat then you are disgraceful! Fact is tax the fat tax the skinny!!!! Both can kill and both cost tax payers money so look at it from both angles before you judge!
I always do!! Over…[Read more]
Holisticjo replied to the topic TAX THE FAT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
@TADpole wrote:
@Holisticjo wrote:
Why is it that society finds fat people accetable? If a person in magazines or on TV is slim we moan about creating a bad image for young girls, but when fat people appear in public, we congratulate them and tell them how good the are, so we condone fatness, making young people think that being fat is right. Double…
Holisticjo replied to the topic An example of prudes going to far? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
@Tommy ToXen wrote:
How does ‘stfu’ sound?
My morals & values are superior to all.
I never said breastfeeding is sick, so stop being a French ba stard twisting my words.
I said having it on the front page of a magazine where pervo’s, sicko’s, paedo’s and innocent young children get an eyeful of it.
So what do we do? lock kids away and never…[Read more]
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