Catmanblue replied to the topic Thanks! in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years, 7 months ago
@ugo wrote:
@Catmanblue wrote:
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
@compo wrote:
im amazed he can spell charisma because he doesnt seem to have a great deal of intelligence silly boy
Yes, you are right, compo, I’m as thick as sh/it. Sad c00nt.
Typical idiots, giving me grief when I’m being so nice to others!
What’s the matter? Are you gutted I never mentioned you… -
ugo replied to the topic Thanks! in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years, 7 months ago
@Catmanblue wrote:
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
@compo wrote:
im amazed he can spell charisma because he doesnt seem to have a great deal of intelligence silly boy
Yes, you are right, compo, I’m as thick as sh/it. Sad c00nt.
Typical idiots, giving me grief when I’m being so nice to others!
What’s the matter? Are you gutted I never mentioned you on my… -
Catmanblue replied to the topic Thanks! in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years, 7 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
@compo wrote:
im amazed he can spell charisma because he doesnt seem to have a great deal of intelligence silly boy
Yes, you are right, compo, I’m as thick as sh/it. Sad c00nt.
Typical idiots, giving me grief when I’m being so nice to others!
What’s the matter? Are you gutted I never mentioned you on my post? And you call me… -
Bat replied to the topic Thanks! in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years, 7 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
This is my 1000th post and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all you lovely people who frequent in JC. I have had such a laugh in 40’s since I began coming here and I would like to thank everyone in there!
I also would like to mention a few names……Thanks to Druid and Temptress for creating siggys for me and…
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Should we stop fatties from eating in public? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 7 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
How the f00k do you get access to the internet living in a mud hut ffs? How do you generate the electricity you need for it? *Smileys Goat springs to mind* :lol:
My freind Mr German you are most correct in what you say but our Chief he have a big connection with the Yobi State and he allow us to use his electric which he…[Read more]
kentlass19 replied to the topic Unusual Tattoos in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 7 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
@AbitofMary_J wrote:
@kentlass19 wrote:
@ForumHostPB wrote:
Looks like it’s you Kenty.
oh well then thanks you two, i really appreciate the comments
i think your lookin FAB Kenty xxx ur look amazin the lenght of your effin LEGS id look a rite short ar5e nxt to u lol
I’d shag it! :shock: :D :lol: :lol:
you’d shag anything!
ForumHostPB replied to the topic newcastle meet in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years, 7 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
Although, at least I don’t look like a barrel of monkey spunk, like you do!
I wouldn’t be so sure about that if I were you Hermann !!! ( :wink: )
HermanGRRRman replied to the topic newcastle meet in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years, 7 months ago
@PATS wrote:
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
I’ve seen some pics from earlier meets. :shock:
I requested them because I wanted to see what people looked like who I chat to and have a laugh with in F3. :lol:
After all, it’s nice to put a face to a name innit? After I saw them, I posted a pic of myself on these boards. :D
I dunno what the fuss is about!… -
PATS replied to the topic newcastle meet in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years, 7 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
I’ve seen some pics from earlier meets. :shock:
I requested them because I wanted to see what people looked like who I chat to and have a laugh with in F3. :lol:
After all, it’s nice to put a face to a name innit? After I saw them, I posted a pic of myself on these boards. :D
I dunno what the fuss is about! :roll:yeh…[Read more]
talon replied to the topic Should the House of Commons celebrate Muhamad’s birthday? in the board Polls 17 years, 7 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
That Jesus bloke was an arab!
Which accounts for precisely jack sh*t these days! Strange to think how the Christian church likes to portray Jesus as a long-haired, hippy white guy with a bit of a tan; heaven forbid that they should have some arab ‘darkie’ at the centre of their faith, no sir, that will just not do!!
Maybe…[Read more]
Slayer replied to the topic Race relations in the UK today. in the board Getting serious 17 years, 8 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
@talon wrote:
I recently overheard an Indian girl say the following:
“F**king Pakkis!!”
I kid you not this time.
So much for race relations today. A wonderful example of harmonious integration between the different cultures and how multiculturalism is the only way forward (according to our politicians, that is).
If i was…
AbitofMary_J replied to the topic TENNIS in the board The locker room 17 years, 8 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
@AbitofMary_J wrote:
I like the ole tennis…. even sweeter now a Scotmans has won a title…. and credit to the commentators they didnt say it was a British winner…. a Scottish winner…. for a change but its all good for the tennis world some of our British talent breaking thru….
the mens final was brillaint 5…
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Plenty of money for all my friends in JustChat in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 8 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
Adeboje Mwambi why don’t you speak to a chatter called emmalush?
She has a passion for Africans and I’m sure she will be happy to become your 15th wife.Dear Mr Hermann (you a German man yes?), thank you for your most kind informations. This Emma you speak of much highly, I hope that she is fat and likes Nigerian men.
Many…[Read more]
Druid replied to the topic Add/Remove Programs in the board Technical Q&A 17 years, 8 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
When I go to add/remove programs in my control panel, I have loads of these:
Windows 2000 Hotfix – KB then random 6 digits.
Anyone know what they are? And whether I can get rid? :oops:
Don’t want to that Herman m8, those are the patches that we all get from good old Billy Gates to protect our humble desktops from going…[Read more]
stang1 replied to the topic Young women and clothes in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 8 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
Seen that twice today…..
First time in Next, some slapper short skirted, short topped thought shed attempt to try match up clothes to her tits, she bent over, nearly seen her bits (obviously i was looking lol), but she looked a silly sausage! And she was pretty hot!
Then, in Boots, some fat old slapperage aged approximately… -
Oss replied to the topic newcastle meet a big thank u in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years, 8 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
dont u wanna meet new peeps, change the city, hermy will come, get the regular party to go elsewhere! whats wrong with the northwest FFS?
:evil:Well the north west says it all doesn’t it :lol: :lol:
Druid replied to the topic Playing videos in the board Technical Q&A 17 years, 8 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
@Druid wrote:
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
Done that a few days bk Drid, no effect! GRRRRRR
I did delete firefox browser though cos it was mega slow, could it be that?
The browser I use is ancient (according to a mate) but its ok for most things :DPossible, with Firefox you need to install plugins that IE 7 come already equipped…
Chess replied to the topic Any Doctors in? in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 8 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
WTF is wrong with me?
My right nostril is totally blocked, I cant sniffle up at all, and it runs like crazy.
Not only that, the back of my right eye has started to hurt like feck, especially when i move it.Your one and only brain cell has found a mate and theres just not enough room in yer brain so the pressure is…[Read more]
Bat replied to the topic Any Doctors in? in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 8 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
Doctors?????? On a Sunday?????? Noooooooo, thats my day for waking up in a tent and being a lazy bstard! :lol:
Well if you wont go and see someone and find out what,s wrong, don,t come on ere and effin whinge about it then ffs. Twassack. :roll: :lol:
Bat replied to the topic Any Doctors in? in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 8 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
WTF is wrong with me?
My right nostril is totally blocked, I cant sniffle up at all, and it runs like crazy.
Not only that, the back of my right eye has started to hurt like feck, especially when i move it.
Well apart from the glaringly obvious Max, :wink: it sounds like it could be sinusitis. Why don,t you go to…[Read more] - Load More