Sairs73 replied to the topic The Short Slide Into Totalitarianism in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Yes I am aware of that ducky x
And I WASN’T being sarcastic
Sairs73 replied to the topic The Short Slide Into Totalitarianism in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Yes I am aware of that ducky x
I wasn’t being sarcastic :)
Sairs73 replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
yes but which one is worse?
Sex with someones grandpa or having a vodka and coke?
Sairs73 replied to the topic The Short Slide Into Totalitarianism in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
YES, I am glad we are on the same page.
All peados should have exploding heads.
You may jest but I am totally serious.
But then I would be perfectly safe since I have never had DISGUSTING thoughts about a 15 year old child.
I am not a peado.
Sairs73 replied to the topic The Short Slide Into Totalitarianism in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
YES, I am glad we are on the same page.
All peados should have exploding heads.
You may jest but I am totally serious.
Sairs73 replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Kids under 16 can go anywhere in a licensed venue, that doesnt have age-restricted entertainment, as long as they are supervised by an adult – but they cannot have any alcoholic drinks.
Not sure it is legal for under 16s to drink.
So tell me then, what is worse?
A 14 year old having a few vodka and cokes or a 14 year old having sex with…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Kids under 16 can go anywhere in a licensed venue, that doesnt have age-restricted entertainment, as long as they are supervised by an adult – but they cannot have any alcoholic drinks.
Not sure it is legal for under 16s to drink.
So tell me then, what is worse?
A 14 year old having a few vodka and cokes or a 14 year old having sex with…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
<section class=”sun-container__article-section”>
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Kids under 16 can go anywhere in a licensed venue, that doesnt have age-restricted entertainment, as long as they are supervised by an adult – but they cannot have any alcoholic drinks.
Not sure it is legal for under 16s to drink.
So tell me then, what is…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic The Short Slide Into Totalitarianism in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Execute them anyway for being total sickos.
As for them ‘not knowing the child’s age’ yeah right LOL
So they find out first? They investigate?
No they don’t do that!! They don’t want to admit they are underage, they just want to do it anyway.
Shame we cannot brain scan them all so we can see what grotty nasties are in their heads then push…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
One thing we do agree on.
Sairs73 replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Awwww. Should have gone to specsavers lol x
Sairs73 replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
I didn’t let my kids play out after 7pm at that age.
Used to get in my car and drive around looking for them.
I was very popular – NOT
Sairs73 replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
At fourteen years old I’d not have trusted my kids to remember to lock the back door let alone put a condom on.
Sairs73 replied to the topic The Short Slide Into Totalitarianism in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
In my opinion there is no cure for peadophiles and they should bring back the death penalty for them. As people they serve no purpose other than to damage others.
I have no pitty for such people and I do believe if I had a gun and if I could shoot them without having to go to prison I could do it and just walk away.
I wouldn’t even look…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic The Short Slide Into Totalitarianism in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
In my opinion there is no cure for peadophiles and they should bring back the death penalty for them. As people they serve no purpose other than to damage others.
I have no pitty for such people and I do believe if I had a gun and if I could shoot them without having to go to prison I could do it and just walk away.
I wouldn’t even look…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic Software…….. in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
They think they are making things more ‘user friendly’ they are not. They are making things more complicated.
Spent over 22 years working in offices but they’ve messed about with mail merge and tables and other things that I used to use on a daily basis. I only use office 2007 now and I wont make the mistake of upgrading again.
When s…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic Software…….. in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
They think they are making things more ‘user friendly’ they are not. They are making things more complicated.
Spent over 22 years working in offices but they’ve messed about with mail merge and tables and other things that I used to use on a daily basis. I only use office 2007 now and I wont make the mistake of upgrading again.
When s…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
It is missing Linda because so many people these days seem to only think with their private parts.
It is so easy now to just meet and have sex with people and have no feelings towards them.
It has become a shallow world where people have no care for others and are only focussing on sexual gratification, manipulation and as long as they get what…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic The Short Slide Into Totalitarianism in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Not sure a 14 year old child is actually in a position to ‘agree’ to being raped but there you go. A child may say yes to things like yes to more chocolate even though they may have had loads already and end up being very sick. A child may say yes to things not realising exactly what they are saying yes to – such is the nature of being a C…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic The Short Slide Into Totalitarianism in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Not sure a 14 year old child is actually in a position to ‘agree’ to being raped but there you go.
The 16 year old boy is still very young and immature and should get some understanding for that fact although it is still wrong of him to have relations with an underage girl.
The 60 year old should know better as he is old enough to be her…[Read more]
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