Sairs73 changed their profile picture 7 years ago
Sairs73 replied to the topic Cats are funny…… in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
Sairs73 replied to the topic Cats are funny…… in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
Nawty squirrel steals aeroplane
Sairs73 replied to the topic Cats are funny…… in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
watch this one lol
Sairs73 replied to the topic Cats are funny…… in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
Very good Misterq
Sairs73 replied to the topic DISGUSTED in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
You went off accusing me of ‘making it up’ to get ‘attention’.
So I said I was ‘venting’
Anyway I will stick to the ‘truce’ even if you wont.
I have other things on my mind that to bother answering your flobbablob weeeees
Sairs73 replied to the topic DISGUSTED in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
I requested it was removed.
I was very grateful for the kind support including from you moosey x but having a certain person make out its some ‘game’ pissed me off no end.
I am certainly not laughing.
Sairs73 replied to the topic DISGUSTED in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
I requested it was removed.
I was very grateful for the kind support including from you moosey x but having a certain person make out its some ‘game’ pissed me off no end.
Sairs73 replied to the topic Animal Farm……… in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 7 years ago
Its another book that explains complex things to children.
Sairs73 replied to the topic Word of the day! in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years ago
Sairs73 replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
Thank you mister as always x
Sairs73 replied to the topic The demise of mizzy in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
No one ‘rejected’ anyone.
Truth is, once I realised that pictures were taken of me, every time I had a drink I coated him off and was a real nasty piece of work.
It never sat well with me.
For someone to take pics of me at my very worst looking disgusting is not what a friend does.
If I was that much of an arsehole he would have deleted and…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic The demise of mizzy in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
Gosh, in trouble now then.
Sairs73 replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
(copywrite mizzmorg)
Sairs73 replied to the topic Girlfriends of EVIL men in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
I’m still waiting patiently for the bar charts and information showing why people become alcoholics.
Why do people become alcoholics or have drug issues?
how much of it can be contributed to childhood abuse?
its all very well to manipulate information to suit yourself but can we see the ‘truth’
If you are telling me that being sexually abused…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic The demise of mizzy in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
I was always your equal.
More fool you for being too stupid and up your own arse to realise that.
And more fool you for ever thinking id be scared of you.
By the way even if you spam the rooms with my phone number and home address everyone will know its you doing it.
And all the women you have been ‘grooming’ will be told what you are up…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic The demise of mizzy in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
its all just words on a screen x
am I still immune?
told you all along I was a much better friend than enemy and all you have ever done is think about how ‘badarse’ you are.
My vanity means nothing. Go nuts x
Sairs73 replied to the topic The demise of mizzy in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
you kept harping on about how ‘unstable’ I am
So why did you ever believe I wouldn’t rat you out
‘unstable’ women can NEVER be trusted can we?
you class me as a ‘full time alcoholic’ so even when I don’t drink I am still an ‘arsehole’
I have pictures of you, pictures of your private parts
You were VERY stupid to ever threaten me.
I am not…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic The demise of mizzy in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
your ‘soulmate’
is fighting back
I told you from the start to NEVER underestimate me.
I told everyone.
I even wrote a poem about it.
its a north London thing
bring it on
I will get you back
watch me
Sairs73 replied to the topic The demise of mizzy in the forum Getting serious 7 years ago
truth is he has blackmailed me
drunk me was not lying
he has sent me pics ugly drunk pics of me I didn’t even know he had take of me and told me to behave or he would share them
and I couldn’t save them cos he deleted them so quickly
he took screen shots of me looking ugly on cam and he wants me to kill myself over them
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