Sairs73 replied to the topic Unban Kingaling!!!! in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Martin, will you now ban sairs73?
ive asked for at least three months to change my name to mizzy.
you refuse to change my name
so I will cancel my subscription
you don’t even care
Sairs73 replied to the topic Unban Kingaling!!!! in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Sairs73 replied to the topic Unban Kingaling!!!! in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
ok more popular than you, fridge magnet cowabunga
why wont he ban me?
no information on that one
youre stupid lame and boring – my fault?
no I’m good looking and only 4treason why I’m not banned? I bring in the men as I’m pretty
martin says no other reason.
he says its all about my looks and I’m…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic To Martin about misterq's posts on the boards in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
with all due respect linda
Sairs73 replied to the topic To Martin about misterq's posts on the boards in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Gosh, is everything always about you?
Do you not think he needed a real friend? he was a good friend to you as was I. we were the first people in here on your side defending you and your incoherent babbling.
you betrayed us both.
I will look after misterq, no romantic attachments, how dare you even speak on this thread about being his friend…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic To Martin about misterq's posts on the boards in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
sometimes people who have gone through so much trauma and bad things happen to them and have losses they try to laugh it off and deflect with laughter.
they still keep trying to cope with life and try to make people laugh when they feel so bad they don’t even want to function
bereavement strife heartache
they force themselves to get on with it…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic To martin, about the number of people writing to Martin in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
as against you, you are so obsessed with hugs.
you are a man who jumps on bandwagons, a weak pathetic individual who never speaks up without backup.
you are the weakest type of man and I say man very loosely you’re not a man.
so you shacked up with a young vulnerable stupid probably not great looking woman just cos she was 20 years…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic To Martin about misterq's posts on the boards in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Anymore shit directed at misterq and I will verbally kick your teeth in.
You don’t know him.
I do
leave him the fuck alone
Sairs73 replied to the topic To Martin about misterq's posts on the boards in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Misterq has gone through the biggest most traumatic agonising pain that anyone in their lives could ever go through.
yet he comes in here and makes jokes.
he is trying to be strong and make people laugh even though he has literally been ruined by bereavement all and all kinds of heartache.
I’m sorry for saying this misterq but I cant let them…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic To Martin about misterq's posts on the boards in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
sorry xx
I didn’t meant to betray you, I’m just sick of you getting so much crap
Sairs73 replied to the topic To Martin about misterq's posts on the boards in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
He is actually just a nice guy who works 60 hours a week and comes in here for just a chat and for some conversation.
hes never tried to engage me in cyber or ever been anything but a gentleman to me.
he does lol a lot but you know sometimes when life is hard you need to laugh it off.
sometimes life is painful and you don’t any of you know what…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic Unban Kingaling!!!! in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
why don’t you all do a hugs and report me and call me a troll and try to get me banned?
then slag off hugs for doing exactly what you do lol
I did swear words and I was rude and direct.
maybe I am a troll?
how would any of you ever stop me and get rid of me?
I bet so many of you have reported me for my behaviour
Sairs73 replied to the topic Unban Kingaling!!!! in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Somer you have no balls, you only contribute to threads when they are slagging me off or someone else.
youre a weak pathetic piece of shit.
you only ever bitch about other people
you are a scum piece of crap.
youre not a man
I bet you are really shit in bed
Sairs73 replied to the topic Unban Kingaling!!!! in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Why are you such a total cock on every thread I go on?
So you think I’m a total pisshead idiot who has a forehead like a klinglon?
So yeah youre right I’m an ugly piece stupid piece of crap.
you don’t need to hate and punish all the people who like me just for liking me.
what the fuck is actually wrong with you.
and don’t say ‘oh…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic Unban Kingaling!!!! in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
people need a person to hate, a person to love, a person to troll, a person to get to fancy, a person to fixate on, a person to focus on.
Sairs73 replied to the topic Unban Kingaling!!!! in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
With so many people leaving JC and dropping like flies it wouldn’t be good to lose all the interesting controversial witty people would it?
What on earth would you be left with?
Is ‘quirky’ not fun and entertaining? or amusing?
Without the lunatics running the asylum what do you have?
Knitting patterns, doggy coats, pictures of cats doing…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic Unban Kingaling!!!! in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
No I think he just said something inappropriate on someones thread.
He has always been very harmless and when he drinks just tells everyone he loves them.
When you think of what others do for example his banning is actually totally out of order.
Sairs73 replied to the topic Unban Kingaling!!!! in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
Not trying to be funny Martin :) and with all due respect as you are in deed the chat God we all love xxxxxxxxxxxxx
When will you unban King Strongbow?
You know I just love JC and I am always in here posting on the boards and going into the chatrooms cos everyone loves me so much.
So many nasties here in JC but Kingaling is one of the good ones…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic To martin have you seen superman 2? in the forum Chat forum three boards 6 years, 10 months ago
Martin is superman, at least that was what he said was his excuse for wearing his knickie nooos over his tights.
I thought he looked rather dashing in his pink frillies.
Sairs73 replied to the topic To Martin about Wise Oracle in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 10 months ago
I like them vulnerable and unable to move very fast so they can’t get away.
Call it a fetish if you will.
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