Chameleon replied to the topic REAL MEN in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 3 months ago
@Gill_Cambs wrote:
Rules that real men should aspire to:
1. Always treat your woman like a lady.
2. Respect her as a person.
3. Be caring and affectionate.
4. Remember special days.
5. Never take her for granted.
6. Don’t lie (you will always be found it).
7. Learn to apologise.
8. Tell her you love her (and often).
9 D… -
Welsh fem 1 replied to the topic REAL MEN in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 3 months ago
@Gill_Cambs wrote:
Rules that real men should aspire to:
1. Always treat your woman like a lady.
2. Respect her as a person.
3. Be caring and affectionate.
4. Remember special days.
5. Never take her for granted.
6. Don’t lie (you will always be found it).
7. Learn to apologise.
8. Tell her you love her (and often).
9 D… -
jen_jen replied to the topic Word of the day? in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 3 months ago
thin ice replied to the topic WHO IS THE FORUM 3 KING OF UNDERHAND SNIDEY REMARKS in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 3 months ago
@Gill_Cambs wrote:
Dont you need to add yourself to the vote options :shock:
i did but a guide must have deleted it
and for the record i say it as it is nought snidey about me :wink: