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  • #238168

    @poshy wrote:

    Aww thanks Giggley girl :D xxx – hope you are ok?

    I just feel horribly sorry for myself right now :oops:

    I’m cool thanks for asking posh one :0)

    Try gargling with boiled salt water, as hot as you can stand…it may help (hope it does)


    sorry to hear about that Dawny… I hope you are both ok xxx


    soz… tried to post a funny face to help cheer you up with that horrible toothache but this pc wont let me grrr * looks for the frustrated smiley*


    Congratulations and well done Tad xxx


    @poshy wrote:

    Ahem :)

    Actually, I’m more of an old irregular :lol:

    I heard prunes help


    It’s all very sad yeah but highlights the fact that we should follow Hollands lead and install baby drop off points at hospitals, that’s asuming the baby was alive when abandoned. I know many people who would give their right arm for a baby and this way would reduce the chances of healthy babies dying needlessly because the mother was too scared to come forward.


    Who are we to say how people should be sent off? I’m sure this would work for some people, just not your grandma is all……

    well maybe not :wink:


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    that’s the trial size surely? :wink:


    Eeeeeezamanaaaaaa! :lol:


    only just read this post matty….glad everything is ok :D

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