@drivel wrote:
@giggles wrote:
It’s all very sad yeah but highlights the fact that we should follow Hollands lead and install baby drop off points at hospitals, that’s asuming the baby was alive when abandoned. I know many people who would give their right arm for a baby and this way would reduce the chances of healthy babies dying needlessly because the mother was too scared to come forward.
Why hospitals ????/ Why not you local Asda or tesco ffs
We bend over backward to help people these days – ffs baby drop off points – what next – free copulation point beds – next to a free 24 hour abortion service
Jeeez peoples attitiudes these days – does no one take any responsibility any more !!!!!
there was me thinking this was a debating forum for objective users to discuss topics lol!
I was merely reiterating a point that had been made several months ago by another jc user. Somehow I don’t think the approach you have will come to any sensible answers. A little bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted eh?
The point about the hospitals was so that people can leave babies there in the knowledge that they will be safe. This scenario isn’t that exclusive and therefore the necessity for such provisions is proven. I’m sure if this option was present there wouldn’t be nearly as many babies that die from hyperthermia etc.
I agree with Lamby on this one. My heart goes out to the baby but no amount of stamping feet will bring the poor little thing back.