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  • #76116

    Would you not sneak a perv at that too given half a chance Ant? :lol:


    Hey Lucky i thought you were giving it to fastcars or mysteryman or whatever his name was? :lol:


    And i bet they weren`t dry dreams Soulie :lol:

    Yeah i remember Ritzy alright =P~
    I would have give her one. :lol: :wink:


    Slam a set of 19in RS4s on it Super, without tyres…a steal at £415.
    Alternatively 18in RS4s w/o tyres £299 or £495 with tyres.
    So cheap you can afford both sets. :lol:


    Hi angel

    Yes Super was a star indeed and my good mate, she was also the life and soul of the message boards and i wish she would come back again someday soon. :(



    GG out. 8)


    Well helloooooooo there BB you are a bit of a stranger and a welcome one at that. =P~ :lol: :wink:
    Hope all is well in your life hunni and you`re keeping very well indeed. xxxx


    @robyn wrote:

    I give up trying to post..its just not meant to my photo scanner is fooking up :evil:

    Awwwwwwww Robz still not get the grasp of posting pics? :(
    Forget about scanning for a moment, go to google images for example, pull up any image cut the link and paste it directly onto the message boards without having to go through a hosting site.
    Give that a go and get back to me, i am going to crack this before long. :twisted:


    Hmmmmmmm??? :-k

    Now you posting a couple of fab pics Joolz could mean absolutely anything and leaves it wide open to the world ffs!!! :roll: :twisted:


    So i take it that`s a yes then??? :wink:

Viewing 10 posts - 701 through 710 (of 801 total)