@gg Not recently active ActivityProfileFriends 0Forums Topics StartedReplies CreatedFavourites Forum Replies Created Viewing 10 posts - 661 through 670 (of 801 total) ← 1 … 66 67 68 … 81 → Author Posts 19 September, 2005 at 6:51 pm #138682 GG Bóllox Kate :lol: However don`t dare confuse designer with the crap they can`t get rid off on that website. :wink: 19 September, 2005 at 6:42 pm #126836 GG They were playing a mickey mouse team ffs. :roll: 19 September, 2005 at 6:41 pm #138877 GG Perseverance is the key to success Marty. :roll: :wink: 19 September, 2005 at 6:38 pm #116278 GG Pml mg :lol: You weren`t saying that, infact you were howling like an alsation in heat. :lol: 19 September, 2005 at 6:33 pm #116274 GG OMG i forgot about that night :shock: In second thoughts… =; 8-[ 19 September, 2005 at 6:32 pm #116272 GG I new that eventually you would choke to death on my dick. :P :twisted: :lol: 19 September, 2005 at 6:29 pm #116270 GG You love me really mg. :twisted: :twisted: :lol: 19 September, 2005 at 6:27 pm #116268 GG No i use a concoction of xtrovert plastic elastic and one night wonder wax. :roll: :wink: 19 September, 2005 at 6:22 pm #116266 GG No the straighteners just don`t do the trick for those special nights on the tiles apparently, but what would i know? :lol: 19 September, 2005 at 6:19 pm #76137 GG Yeah right!!! :lol: So you don`t know the difference between a baton and a brush shaft??? :lol: Well i`ll be damned. :lol: :lol: :wink: Author Posts Viewing 10 posts - 661 through 670 (of 801 total) ← 1 … 66 67 68 … 81 →