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  • #261501

    @emmalush wrote:

    I can only give my personal opinion to the above questions. I and the following answers are NOT representative of any political belief system. Some answers are not 100% yes or no, but i can only answer yes or no :D

    1. yes.
    2. no.
    3. no.
    4. no.
    5. yes.
    6. no.

    Be interesting to read the BNP’s answers of the above, though i doubt you’d get 6 yes or no answers.

    Other posters, try it, its fun. What would your answers be genie?

    Thank you Emma, so from this you no longer wish an end to multiculturalism, simply an end to immigration into England from any other country. So, multiculturalism is no longer part of our debate.
    By proxy, All other countries as a result should end English migration into their country, we must be fair after all.
    I could not answer them, because i embrace multiculturalism and welcome it.

    I have just realised, these answers mean an American man with an English wife couldn’t emmigrate to England, the political ramifications could be devastating…hmmm, interesting.


    @emmalush wrote:

    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    Here is the full 71 page report, read it for yourself. This report far from being specifically concerned with immigration, is actually specifically concerned with migration and mobility.

    Having trouble loading it up.

    I suggest reading it Emma, because the report in its entirety also includes white English people moving from one city to another and the drain on London resources when looking at the mobility from within the UK.

    Isnt the point though, that the BNP are saying that we dont need mass immigration, so we dont need this problem, regardless and especially because of problems we create ourselves?

    It also concerns itself with outward migration of the English moving abroad, factors somewhat overlooked by your pasted article.

    What is wrong with English people moving abroad?

    Again, these findings of the actual report cited, don’t quite match your article, do they?
    I could go on, but would be wasting my time, by the way, your link wasn’t to the report itself, please try better.

    It isnt my article. I said quite clearly that it was the BNP’s, and instead of telling everyone that i agreed with it, i asked you for your thoughts without input myself…i am neither with you or the BNP so far, i havn’t made my mind up.
    The link is theirs at the end of what THEY were saying.

    To access the full report, simply type the title “Population Mobility and Service Provision” into google, hope that helps.
    The BNP is saying “we don’t need mass immigration”, that report isn’t though.
    I don’t think there is a problem with English people moving abroad, but i don’t think their is a problem with people from abroad moving to England.
    “It isnt my article. I said quite clearly that it was the BNP’s, and instead of telling everyone that i agreed with it”, this may be true however you did call this thread “genie, explain why this is wrong?”, which i think i have done. I apologise for criticising your link, i should have said something along the lines of “Trust the BNP, to try and hide linking to the actual report”.


    @emmalush wrote:

    Without saying owt meself, i’m copy pasting from the BNP website, now you tell us whats wrong with it?

    “London School of Economics has revealed the true costs of immigration into the UK and how it impacts on council tax payers. The report entitled ‘Population Mobility and Service Provision’ is a damning indictment of the present lunatic immigration system.

    The report states that immigrants are costing council tax payers at least £200 million a year. Costs for personal translators for immigrants are costing council tax payers at least a £1,000 per year per immigrant. In London with an estimated official growth of 100,000 immigrants per year this equates to costs of tens of millions per year out of council taxes just to teach them how to speak English.

    Council tax payers are also paying millions of pounds per year in ’destitution payments’ to illegal immigrants who have just arrived in the country and who are unable to claim benefits because of government rules that require them to follow the legal asylum process.

    The report details that schooling for the indigenous children of the UK is suffering and impacting adversely on the education of British children, that unbearable strain is being put on the housing and health systems, that social cohesion is being damaged by the influx of immigrants into the UK, that the council housing systems are in total crisis and that council taxes will have to rise vastly in coming years to cover the costs of the immigration crisis.

    The report also reveals that in ten London boroughs, over a third of the population were born overseas with Brent a staggering 46.6%.

    Brent – 46.6 %
    Kensington and Chelsea – 44.6 %
    Westminster – 44.5 %
    Newham – 38.2 %
    Ealing – 37.3 %
    Haringey – 37.1 %
    Camden – 36.8 %
    Tower Hamlets – 34.7 %
    Hackney – 34.5 %
    Hammersmith and Fulham – 33.6 %

    This report is political dynamite. It reveals that even we in the BNP have been conservative in our estimates of the costs of immigration to the UK. This report only provides one portion of the true picture as it reveals only the costs of immigration as burdened by local councils and not central government. The true costs of immigration to this nation are enormous and unsustainable.

    This report is the smoking gun on immigration, and because it comes from the LSE which is well known as being a liberal-left institution means the report and its conclusions cannot be smeared as somehow ’racist’ or having an ’agenda’.

    The report is based on official government figures as regards the estimates of numbers of immigrants entering the UK. As we all know the Labour government lies out of its back teeth about the real figures of immigrants entering the country. When the Labour government said only 30,000 Eastern European immigrants would enter the country the real figure they later revealed as nearer 300,000. Only last week the Polish Prime Minister revealed that the actual figure of Polish citizens alone who have entered the country in the last two years is nearer 600,000.

    The actual numbers of immigrants in this report does not include the estimated 2-3 million illegal immigrants also in the country.

    This report is a watershed moment for the UK and a wake up call to all British people.

    The British people must sit up and take notice and stop believing the lies peddled to them by the media and the government and vote for the British National Party or else within a generation we will become strangers in our land.”

    LSE Report.

    The reason this pasted article is incorrect, is because it selectively cites the LSE report.
    Here is the full 71 page report, read it for yourself. This report far from being specifically concerned with immigration, is actually specifically concerned with migration and mobility.

    I suggest reading it Emma, because the report in its entirety also includes white English people moving from one city to another and the drain on London resources when looking at the mobility from within the UK. It also concerns itself with outward migration of the English moving abroad, factors somewhat overlooked by your pasted article.

    Lets just look at the executive summary of the entire report:
    “This project has examined, and sought to measure, a number of the impacts of
    population mobility and transience on London boroughs. It has done this by
    examining (i) the scale of recent migration and other mobility affecting the capital;
    (ii) existing sources of research into the costs and consequences of population
    mobility; (iii) boroughs’ own experiences of mobility and the impacts this generates;
    (iv) estimates of some of the costs of mobility for boroughs; (v) a description of some
    of the service consequences of population movement, eg, for housing; (vi) the
    implications of mobility for local government finance and (vii) evidence about the
    relationship between transience and social cohesion.”

    Not quite the summary, the BNP article concluded, is it? I for one, cannot see the word “immigration” in that entire summary. It is also concerned with London Boroughs and not England.

    Now lets look at the key findings of the report:
    Extent of mobility
    􀂃 There has been a substantial increase in international migration to
    London within the past decade. There is now a net increase in the
    overseas-born population of about 100,000 per year. However, the
    turnover of people moving in and out of the city (excluding within-
    London moves) is – officially – approaching 250,000 per annum.
    Unofficial (and uncounted) mobility will almost certainly add to this
    􀂃 London has higher levels of inter-regional mobility than most other
    regions. This has long been true, though there has been some
    increase in outward mobility to surrounding regions in recent years.
    􀂃 London has some boroughs where population mobility is greater than
    35% per annum, and where the private rented sector is the largest
    tenure. This has also been true for many years. What has changed is
    the nature of the population that is moving, In particular, many arrive
    in the capital with significant needs for public service support. There
    is powerful evidence that a number of boroughs act as an ‘escalator’
    for people, investing heavily in them when they first arrive (for
    example with language skills and housing) before those individuals
    move on and are then replaced by new ones who require councils to
    start afresh in building them into the city’s economic and social life.

    Again, these findings of the actual report cited, don’t quite match your article, do they?

    I could go on, but would be wasting my time, by the way, your link wasn’t to the report itself, please try better.


    By the way, i thought it was obvious, but i am male.


    @emmalush wrote:

    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    I see why people have stopped responding to you now because its a fruitless exercies, i however enjoy it.

    exer what?


    This is in reply to…?

    I have already answered your next question.

    Which question?

    Its strange that until now i havent seen an emoticon

    Whats emoticon?

    on anyreply

    Why no space inbetween “anyreply”?

    to me, now its being used after a mildly witty response, in an effort to imply your unaffected by the revelation your whole being is riddled with hypocrisy and contradcition

    Contradcition…do you mean contradiction?

    How “YOU are responsible for your posts and if you are unable to accurately reflect what you are trying to say, which seems to be the case, then you should refrain from posting.” reflects any yearnings at wanting to be a dictator i will never know and Emmalush simply saying so doesn’t make it so.

    Should. Non dictator wanabe’s say could, maybe, perhaps etc.

    I am an advocate of freedom of speach

    Speach, or speech? Has someone poured petrol on the lighter you used to spark spelling flames against me?

    Assuming i don’t have a job is stupid with no knowledge of me at all, I am actually self-employed and pay my taxes like anybody else, more than most.

    Now i know.

    As is so often the case on these kind of boards, people try and attack others with the things they are embarrassed about themselves.

    Are you embarrassed about your poor spelling?

    You have already stated on a post you feel a failure or rather not successful and attributed this to the state.

    I said i was a failure??

    Prior to this post, your responses were at least to the point and showed you were thinking albeit, only a little, about the discussion points, but in this post, you are simply ranting hysterically.

    A great wanabe dictator not far from you has an opinion that suits his/her philosophy.

    What a surprise, anyone that doesn’t agree with Emma or the BNP is a far left extremist.

    Now turn that on its head, makes sense then hey…

    Your diatribe here does nothing but show you up for what you are, a far right extremist

    That statement explains how you think, im a far right extremist because i also believe in far left extremist policy…

    a racist and a fascist.

    You are both too, were all racists and fascists. You said it yourself, you are intolerant.

    You want to silence anyone who disagrees and you attempt to do this by labelling them as a left wing marxist blah blah blah.

    Thats what your mob, blair brown and cameron do.

    You are the only person dictating a point of view, i am merely showing you up to be what you are, a manipulated, confused, muddled person, unable to debate issues rationally.

    Most of your opinions mean nothing.

    I think the above clearly shows what you assumed my sexual orientation was.

    I assumed correctly, thats the point.

    Nick Griffin does know and that frightens me…you don’t.

    Damn, im no threat to your political ideology of liberalised world peace.
    I must try harder, I must try harder, I must try harder, I must try harder…

    The bulk of this relates to spelling and typo’s and as i have conceded it was low to attack yours, i now realise you cannot answer the points, you may have noticed i no longer attack your mistakes. Strangely some of the corrections you have made were correct in the first place, but hey, you can try can’t you. I will ensure i proof read from now on.


    @emmalush wrote:

    @token_male wrote:

    @emmalush wrote:

    Im ZERO percent british.

    yet you support a british party? a party for britain?
    unless the B in BNP stands for something else?

    British NATIONAL(s) (English) Party…

    Would the mass hysteria that surrounds those who dont know what the BNP stand for, be much more calmer if they attendid class more.

    So you consider yourself English (ie A British National) but not British???


    @token_male wrote:

    @emmalush wrote:

    Im ZERO percent british.

    yet you support a british party? a party for britain?
    unless the B in BNP stands for something else?

    Good observation.


    @emmalush wrote:

    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    You have now, to an extent, conceded you are not 100% British

    Im ZERO percent british.

    the very notion of multiculturalism that you reject out of hand, might actually be part of your very existence.

    You are clever to most viewing this with your twist ability.
    I am part of the pre second WW multicultural planet of humanity. The ideology of multiculturalising my country since the war, i am technically part of, but distance myself from it because of the harm it causes. I want it 99.9% abolished. I actually dont mind 0.1% of England being mass multicultural.

    This proves my point, by saying “When did i say i wasn’t 100% English point proved??

    No, point twisted to suit your view and need.

    now whilst i concede, it is unlikely that a true original thought can occur, i contest that by simply recycling others opinions which then become your opinions, you demonstrate how easily you are influenced and how open you are to being manipulated by the likes of Nick Griffin

    No, you’re twisting again, do you like rock n roll…
    Do you ever believe in anothers opinion? I’d say you do, thats not being manipulated by some ideology that makes you doomed for life or something. I believe in some lib dem policy, am i far left and far right? Am i manipulated by Menzies cambell…

    He is actually telling you himself, he is sanitising his message to make it saleable (inferring that the message in itself is unsaleable) to people, he continues that even though the saleable message isn’t white supremacy, that is in fact the truth of the matter.

    In your opinion.
    The current mob want a communistic anti-English nightmare.

    A communistic nightmare, white supremacy, or England for the English? I choose the latter, but i cant get it with your funders, the BNP is currently my only hope.

    BUT, the EIP and the EFP, watchout for them and others like them, we are a growing political bunch us English.

    If you are English, patriotic and proud of England, start campaigning my friends, there are many people think like you.

    all you do by saying “The initial opinions of others i post here, then become my opinions too” is admitting that fact.

    You’re full of spin. You know FULL well i don’t copy paste of others white supremacy opinions. Just because i agree with some Lib dem policy, doesn’t make me wana tear up England and turn it into a marxist nightmare.

    Play the game fair genie.

    If, as you have stated “i choose the BNP on policy”, then surely through your own choice, the BNP is your party.

    As stated previously, i choose lib dem policy too. I am also a floating voter if another set of policies come my way.

    You tell me, do you have a limited attention span and pervert what you listen/read to suit you needs or are you simply a liar?

    None of us are perfect like you genie. We all wake up and we can all make mistakes, we are human beings.

    Its strange how you infer the scientist could now be wrong concerning the DNA, but no mention of this was made when you tried to use it to refute my point?

    Is it a court of law…

    To some extent i agree with you regading “banks and military run my country”, although, ironically, that could actually be perceived as a Marxist point of view.

    Could, could not.

    I have already stated in a different thread, “You decide, the puppet on the left hand or the puppet on the right, all the same to me”, which accurately reflect my views on this matter, which you now seem to agree with.

    Nick Griffin, George Galloway, Gordon Brown, Dave Cameron, all the same to you.

    You have no personal ownership rights to any country (in my opinion)

    Never said i did.

    There are people who live near me, who i would prefer didn’t live on the same street as me, but what right do i have dictating to them?

    None, but you do act like a dictator.

    Are you designating a statute of limitations on the length of ones ancestral heritage actually being born on this land denotes ones right to call it home….ridiculous.

    It is also ridiculous genie my friend, to put a mass load of nationalities, cultures etc in eachothers faces and say, you must now get along. Even you with your marxist glasses on can see this has major failings, murder etc.

    Im saying, right, weve tried the mass cultural experiment, lets try something we know was more workable. It used to be genie my friend, that you could leave your milk money on the doorstep, leave your door unlocked, open even, that was liberalism, now we are so scared of those who are different from us, weve become more cautious, because this government, the liberal extremists dont like punishing bad people.

    The literal definition of intolerance denotes a refusal to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own, we are all intolerant of something by definition.

    Does intolerance also describe a fascist view?

    I have nothing to gain personally from these discussions and i can’t really see your point in that statement.

    Why take part in something you think you’ll gain nothing from?

    Do you have anything to gain from pasting BNP material on these boards when they are not your party?

    Of course genie, thats why i do it.

    Do you have anything to gain from answering my posts?

    That depends if you educate me, and also i like to talk with someone who will atleast challenge me, unlike most on here.

    It seems the only reason i can see from you asking this is and then trying to infer i have a personal reason for them is your desire that i leave you to post views i disagree with unchallenged?

    Your opposite view does give me the chance to explain how i want my life to improve. Maybe you will atleast understand that just because you despise what i say here, it is a fully deserved right, and something that should be allowed. The people i assume you work with/for often behave like fascists in trying to stop my point of view.

    I disagree with you and and the opinions you paste onto this site and as such, like you have stated in this post, if i disagree with something, i will say so.

    I look forward to the next disagreement from my new friend.

    I will amend the previous post from “100% British”, to “100% English”.

    “I am part of the pre second WW multicultural planet of humanity. The ideology of multiculturalising my country since the war, i am technically part of, but distance myself from it because of the harm it causes. I want it 99.9% abolished. I actually dont mind 0.1% of England being mass multicultural.”

    As long as the 0.01% is of White, European ancestry, i take it, now that is an assumption i am making, in order to clarify. What you seem unable to accept, is, whether you agree or not, we now live in a multicultural society. The reality of changing this is impossible, so we can disagree as to the fundamental reasons of whether its good or bad thing,as we do, but thats how it is. I prefer to look forward and embrace other cultures as i believe i grow as a person as a result. Looking to the past only perpetuates difference rather than rewarding simularity.

    You may feel i twist what you say to suit myself, but, if this were true, it shows i have read and understood what you have tried to say and having done so, have been able to find fault with it, enabling me to twist it. You simply ignore some things, lie about others or misquote showing a complete ignorance of what i have said.

    “Do you ever believe in anothers opinion? I’d say you do, thats not being manipulated by some ideology that makes you doomed for life or something. I believe in some lib dem policy, am i far left and far right? Am i manipulated by Menzies cambell… “

    Of course, i may agree with things others have said, but i don’t read something and take it upon face value as fact. This is evident from the fact, i looked into the programme you initially brought up. I investigate, correlate and assess. Your claim to have some belief in Lib. Dem policy is acknowledged, however prior to this post, on any of your posts, i find no evidence whatsoever. In fact, the more posts i read, the more contradiction i find. The reason for this, is when you have pasted certain articles in the past, you have not known, that 2 seperate articles could come into play to reveal contradiction at a later date. The sheer amount of your pasted posts enable anyone who actually reads them to pick them to pieces. Off the top of my head, you have posted to the effect, that Kevin Hughes was convicted of a violent offence unfairly, yet here you say “Criminals should be locked up proper”, a criminal is someone convicted of a criminal offence, as he was. This isn’t me twisting things, its me correlating 2 of your posts and showing the contradiction.

    “He is actually telling you himself, he is sanitising his message to make it saleable (inferring that the message in itself is unsaleable) to people, he continues that even though the saleable message isn’t white supremacy, that is in fact the truth of the matter.

    “In your opinion”, this wasn’t my opinion, it was taken directly from a speach he made, i reworded it to emphasise my point, but the original was quoted verbatum and here it is again.

    “So, what are we now doing with the British National Party? Well we tried to simplify its message in some ways and to make it a saleable message. So it’s not white supremacy or racial civil war or anything like that, which is what we know in fact is going on”.
    – Nick Griffin, April 2001.

    How Blair and New Labour (“the current mob”) could remotely be construed as Communistic is beyond me, as my criticism would be the opposite, but thats a seperate debate. The fact i have clearly demonstrated time and time again, that a person of African/Asian/Middle Eastern/Irish etc ancestry but was born in England, who holds a British passport, who has never been to the country of his/her acestry is in fact English by birth. You are not supporting “England for the English”, you are supporting a white England for the white English.

    “If you are English, patriotic and proud of England, start campaigning my friends, there are many people think like you.”
    No Emma, the above is spin.

    “Play the game fair”.
    Emma, i can only confront the posts you put before me, accusing me of not playing fair, because you have no answer and then claiming your words are being twisted and spun out of context is preposterous. I am actually doing the reverse and putting your words in context.

    A floating voter would not open 31 of the last 50 threads in this forum only representing 1 parties point of view, the majority of which are pasted from the site of said party. Emma, that is not a floating voter, thats an extremist.

    “None of us are perfect like you genie.”
    I know.

    “Is it a court of law…”, apparently, things only need to proved when you dispute them, but not when they dispute you. You have quoted what i have said before and asked for “evidence?”, unlike you, i then provided evidence. When this happens to you, you respond with this kind of statement. Are we playing by different rules, play the game fair, Emma.

    “Could, could not.” and yet were i to have made the statement this referred to, i would be called by you, a left wing extremist. Funny how this contradiction in you rears its head again isn’t it.

    You have no personal ownership rights to any country (in my opinion)
    “Never said i did”
    Yes you did, “people in my country”. can any other readers spot the MY in that sentence.

    “None, but you do act like a dictator.”

    dictator Show phonetics
    noun [C]
    1 MAINLY DISAPPROVING a leader who has complete power in a country and has not been elected by the people
    2 HUMOROUS OR DISAPPROVING a person who gives orders and behaves as if they have complete power.

    I am not the one bombarding these boards with my message and dictating that others agree with my opinion, i am merely revealing the ever growing flaws in your belief system.

    “It is also ridiculous genie my friend, to put a mass load of nationalities, cultures etc in eachothers faces and say, you must now get along. Even you with your marxist glasses on can see this has major failings, murder etc.”
    The one and only ‘failing’ you mention is murder??? which as a concept has existed since the dawn of humanity. All multiculturalism allows is that it gives people with unethical beliefs and morality a dubious reason to ‘murder”. It doesn’t cause murder.

    “Im saying, right, weve tried the mass cultural experiment, lets try something we know was more workable. It used to be genie my friend, that you could leave your milk money on the doorstep, leave your door unlocked, open even, that was liberalism, now we are so scared of those who are different from us, weve become more cautious, because this government, the liberal extremists dont like punishing bad people. “
    Let me highlight a line from this i would urge you to think about carefully, Emma –
    “now we are so scared of those who are different from us, weve become more cautious”.
    Your the one thats scared of difference, not me, and you seek to lay blame for your fear at different things. Many things cause crime to occur, to lay the blame squarely at the feet of multiculturalism is extremely naive.

    “Does intolerance also describe a fascist view?”
    The passage you have quoted answers this question, i suggest reading what you quote.

    “Why take part in something you think you’ll gain nothing from? “
    Simple, i am bored and passing time, i might read “The Communist Manifesto” later on, or possibly “Mein Kamph”, i havent decided.

    “Your opposite view does give me the chance to explain how i want my life to improve. Maybe you will atleast understand that just because you despise what i say here, it is a fully deserved right, and something that should be allowed. The people i assume you work with/for often behave like fascists in trying to stop my point of view. “
    We all want our lives to improve and i am sure we can all see failings in the way we live, but seeking answers from ANY political party before you have resolved the answers for yourself is futile. You, honestly Emma, have a tendency to pass the buck and blame others, be they Marxist or African, Liberal or Asian for what you see as the failings in your life. You alone can do something about that, because i can assure neither Nick Griffin or Josef Stalin would give 2 f**ks about you. If your not happy with your life, then change it and stop blaming others.
    I don’t despise what you say on here, i have just, increasingly found flaws in your arguments. You are allowed to voice any opinion you wish, but you must also be prepared for the consequences of doing so. I am not trying to stop your point of view, i am challenging it, and without meaning to be bigheaded, am doing so very easily because you have so many flaws in your argument.
    Until you stated “The BNP is NOT my party”, i at least respected your dedication as blind as i perceived it to be, now you are genuinely just coming across, to me at least, more and more confused.


    @smokey wrote:

    Can I propose that Richard and Judy run the country? (or are they closet nazis?)

    I suggest Ant & Dec are far more viable candidates.


    @emmalush wrote:

    @genie_in_a_butthole wrote:

    i was actually, as result of you saying “I meant”, referring to the fact that when you write a message yourself, it seems you say things you don’t mean and you then blame the reader.

    It is not my fault if you dont know what i mean. To just assume wrongly without asking what i mean…

    You said, “I didn’t make up anything to do with anyone’s life, i very clearly invented a story about a persons “death””

    Instead of wrongly assuming what you meant, i then said, “I cant make out what you mean here, did you make something up, or didn’t you…”

    This has happened countless times and you keep making excuses or blaming someone else.

    If i didn’t, you’d be lost in translation :D

    YOU are responsible for your posts and if you are unable to accurately reflect what you are trying to say, which seems to be the case, then you should refrain from posting.

    I knew it, you DO wana be a dictator. Blair finishes soon, see if you get get him alone for an hour.

    When you wrote “Nick Griffin, defender of decency”, you specifically stated that the person mentioned was maintaining an argument for the recognized standards of decent or proper behavior. Yet, now you say, what i meant to say was that Nick Griffin is maintaining an argument for people who believe in the recognized standards of decent or proper behavior.

    Nick Griffin, defender of decency.

    If you cannot see the difference, then you never will and debating the issue with you is pointless.

    Is that your searchlight/stopthebnp childish ranting stance in trying to say you’ve lost the plot? Why dont you get a job and stop sponging of new labour, the bbc and the tax paying hard working decency that Nick Griffin defends?

    Emma, i have not preeched any political point of view in any post, are you saying that anyone who doesnt support the BNP is a far left extremist?

    Not quite, but most of them bar the nf, EIP and EFP. Its all far too easy to describe the BNP as “extremist”, well lets call those who attack them the same, thats fair. I dont see you being nf, EIP or EFP, so you must be left wing?

    The name i have used in here is “Genie_in_a_BUTTHOLE”, but how anyone would perceive that as an effeminate name, is beyond me.

    Thats spelt incorrectly.
    What does effeminate mean?
    I said it could be male. Was that part lost in translation from you reading it to replying :wink:

    I am not trying to make you look bad Emma, you are doing way to good a job of that yourself

    I just knew you were going to say that :D

    please, i have debated many issues, with many people over my time.

    Do you like mass debating then :wink:

    Your constant grammatical and spelling mistakes were highlighted by me to point out that the weight of your posts is clearly pasted from other places

    So there not my spelling mistakes, but someone else’s?

    i shall refrain from personalising it as stupidity.

    Admitting you were wrong is a step forward for you.

    After reading these boards recently, it seems a common theme is paranoia that everyone is in fact someone else, i can assure you Emma, you may have known me under a different name, a few years ago, as a few people on here know, but i have very rarely posted on these boards and never to debate issues, so you are wrong and i suggest sticking to the points at hand rather than starting to make ASSUMPTIONS regarding who you think i might be.

    You seem unecessarily huffed about this. I was only equiring. Seems odd that you feel so defensive so to explain yourself in such detail. I smell assumption smoke :wink:

    I shall quote a line from the film “Cool Hand Luke” –
    “What we have here is a failure to communicate”.

    When you fail to actually write what you mean as i have demonstrated here time and time again, then it is your fault. Its like going to a sweetshop and asking for some bubblegum, getting some hubba bubba and then saying, no i wanted a kit kat, didn’t you get what i meant. I see why people have stopped responding to you now because its a fruitless exercies, i however enjoy it.
    I have already answered your next question.
    Its strange that until now i havent seen an emoticon on anyreply to me, now its being used after a mildly witty response, in an effort to imply your unaffected by the revelation your whole being is riddled with hypocrisy and contradcition as i have demonstrated time and time again and will continue to do so.
    How “YOU are responsible for your posts and if you are unable to accurately reflect what you are trying to say, which seems to be the case, then you should refrain from posting.” reflects any yearnings at wanting to be a dictator i will never know and Emmalush simply saying so doesn’t make it so.

    No answer to what you have quoted now, so time for some good old repetition.

    I am an advocate of freedom of speach and have no direct desire to “stop” the BNP as the party has the right to voice their opinions and i would defend that right. Assuming i don’t have a job is stupid with no knowledge of me at all, I am actually self-employed and pay my taxes like anybody else, more than most. As is so often the case on these kind of boards, people try and attack others with the things they are embarrassed about themselves. You have already stated on a post you feel a failure or rather not successful and attributed this to the state.
    Prior to this post, your responses were at least to the point and showed you were thinking albeit, only a little, about the discussion points, but in this post, you are simply ranting hysterically.
    What a surprise, anyone that doesn’t agree with Emma or the BNP is a far left extremist. Your diatribe here does nothing but show you up for what you are, a far right extremist, a racist, and a fascist. You want to silence anyone who disagrees and you attempt to do this by labelling them as a left wing marxist blah blah blah. You are the only person dictating a point of view, i am merely showing you up to be what you are, a manipulated, confused, muddled person, unable to debate issues rationally.

    effeminate Show phonetics
    adjective DISAPPROVING
    describes a man who behaves or looks similar to a woman.

    “SO, genie wrongly assumed that i meant. She’s making a regular habbit of it.
    genie is a marxist, left wing extremist, she will say anything, do anything, blag you in anyway she can to make what i say “look” bad.”

    I think the above clearly shows what you assumed my sexual orientation was. Your next few posts actually say nothing as you were unable i take it to respond objectively.

    Your constant grammatical and spelling mistakes were highlighted by me to point out that the weight of your posts is clearly pasted from other places.

    So there not my spelling mistakes, but someone else’s?

    This was said to show the difference, your posts, when not pasted are riddled with grammatical irregularities and spelling mistakes. When compared to your pasted posts, the difference speaks volumes and for itself.

    By capitalising the word ASSUMPTIONS, in no way expresses anything to do with my being ‘huffed’, it merely reflected emphasis, which by selectively missing when you quote, you intentionally overlook because you have no response. I have heard the phrase people being blinkered, or seeing only what they want to see, but you must be living in a coma to not be able to actually read and understand the point of all this debate. The point being you don’t actually know what your talking about and pasting. Nick Griffin does know and that frightens me…you don’t.

Viewing 10 posts - 81 through 90 (of 131 total)